• We’ll be sending out a newsletter this week. We fell in love with it as we were drafting it, and we’re pretty sure you would, too.
• To get it, visit our website(link is on our bio) to subscribe to our weekly newsletters. You can also just dm your email address to this handle @MaraOD
• Thank you, and stay motivated throughout the day/night.
• We’ll be sending out a newsletter this week. We fell in love with it as we were drafting it, and we’re pretty sure you would, too.
• To get it, visit our website(link is on our bio) to subscribe to our weekly newsletters. You can also just dm your email address to this handle @MaraOD
• Thank you, and stay motivated throughout the day/night.
• Don't let societal influences control you. Allow yourself to go with the flow, but take things one step at a time.
- Hope In Quotes
• Don't let societal influences control you. Allow yourself to go with the flow, but take things one step at a time.
- Hope In Quotes
• We are giving 20 lucky people the opportunity of getting recognized by putting out a quote of theirs out there with their name. The rules are;
1. Get 2 people to follow us, and send us their handles. I’ll be checking.
2. Like and save our recent post and send us a screenshot.
3. Send your quote to me with a small explanation of how the quote came about. The quote must belong to you.
4. Send your real name and Instagram handle to us, and make sure you don’t change your handle within 30 days.
5. Wait for a notification from us that you’ve been featured on our timeline.
• We are giving 20 lucky people the opportunity of getting recognized by putting out a quote of theirs out there with their name. The rules are;
1. Get 2 people to follow us, and send us their handles. I’ll be checking.
2. Like and save our recent post and send us a screenshot.
3. Send your quote to me with a small explanation of how the quote came about. The quote must belong to you.
4. Send your real name and Instagram handle to us, and make sure you don’t change your handle within 30 days.
5. Wait for a notification from us that you’ve been featured on our timeline.
• We’ll be sending out a newsletter this week. We fell in love with it as we were drafting it, and we’re pretty sure you would, too.
• To get it, visit our website(link is on our bio) to subscribe to our weekly newsletters. You can also just dm your email address to this handle @MaraOD
• Thank you, and stay motivated throughout the day/night.
• We’ll be sending out a newsletter this week. We fell in love with it as we were drafting it, and we’re pretty sure you would, too.
• To get it, visit our website(link is on our bio) to subscribe to our weekly newsletters. You can also just dm your email address to this handle @MaraOD
• Thank you, and stay motivated throughout the day/night.
• When things go wrong, you don't always beat your head against the wall. Be kind and forgiving to yourself as well.
- Hope In Quotes
• When things go wrong, you don't always beat your head against the wall. Be kind and forgiving to yourself as well.
- Hope In Quotes
• We’ll be sending out a newsletter this week. We fell in love with it as we were drafting it, and we’re pretty sure you would, too.
• To get it, visit our website(link is on our bio) to subscribe to our weekly newsletters. You can also just dm your email address to this handle @MaraOD
• Thank you, and stay motivated throughout the day/night.
• We’ll be sending out a newsletter this week. We fell in love with it as we were drafting it, and we’re pretty sure you would, too.
• To get it, visit our website(link is on our bio) to subscribe to our weekly newsletters. You can also just dm your email address to this handle @MaraOD
• Thank you, and stay motivated throughout the day/night.
• It didn't work yesterday or today, but that doesn't imply it won't work tomorrow. This is how we overcome life: by faith.
- Hope In Quotes
• It didn't work yesterday or today, but that doesn't imply it won't work tomorrow. This is how we overcome life: by faith.
- Hope In Quotes
• We’ll be sending out a newsletter this week. We fell in love with it as we were drafting it, and we’re pretty sure you would, too.
• To get it, visit our website(link is on our bio) to subscribe to our weekly newsletters. You can also just dm your email address to this handle @MaraOD
• Thank you, and stay motivated throughout the day/night.
• We’ll be sending out a newsletter this week. We fell in love with it as we were drafting it, and we’re pretty sure you would, too.
• To get it, visit our website(link is on our bio) to subscribe to our weekly newsletters. You can also just dm your email address to this handle @MaraOD
• Thank you, and stay motivated throughout the day/night.
• Love will always be a beautiful for you if you learn to keep channeling it in a positive direction.
- Hope In Quotes
• Love will always be a beautiful for you if you learn to keep channeling it in a positive direction.
- Hope In Quotes
• We’ll be sending out a newsletter this week. We fell in love with it as we were drafting it, and we’re pretty sure you would, too.
• To get it, visit our website(link is on our bio) to subscribe to our weekly newsletters. You can also just dm your email address to this handle @MaraOD
• Thank you, and stay motivated throughout the day/night.
• We’ll be sending out a newsletter this week. We fell in love with it as we were drafting it, and we’re pretty sure you would, too.
• To get it, visit our website(link is on our bio) to subscribe to our weekly newsletters. You can also just dm your email address to this handle @MaraOD
• Thank you, and stay motivated throughout the day/night.
• The powers of some people extend beyond the four walls of educational institutions. Learn to respect it as you grow.
- Hope In Quotes
• The powers of some people extend beyond the four walls of educational institutions. Learn to respect it as you grow.
- Hope In Quotes
• I believe in you, and the rest of the world does as well. Right now, you need to believe in yourself as well.
- Hope In Quotes
What makes progress stagnant is the disbelief we have in ourselves. So before you blame society for your stagnation, access yourself first.
• I believe in you, and the rest of the world does as well. Right now, you need to believe in yourself as well.
- Hope In Quotes
What makes progress stagnant is the disbelief we have in ourselves. So before you blame society for your stagnation, access yourself first.
• Never put your self-worth in the hands of your failure to accomplish something.
This is the most dangerous thing to do because you’ll just end up degrading yourself. So don’t put your self-worth in the hands of people or anything that’s capable of diminishing it. If you weren’t that important or needed, you wouldn’t be here today.
• Never put your self-worth in the hands of your failure to accomplish something.
This is the most dangerous thing to do because you’ll just end up degrading yourself. So don’t put your self-worth in the hands of people or anything that’s capable of diminishing it. If you weren’t that important or needed, you wouldn’t be here today.
• Find a way to deal with situations. You’ll need it on a daily basis.
- Hope In Quotes
Maybe yours is to distant yourself from humans just to clear your head. Maybe yours is talking things through. Whatever it is, keep it because you’ll need it on a daily basis.
• Find a way to deal with situations. You’ll need it on a daily basis.
- Hope In Quotes
Maybe yours is to distant yourself from humans just to clear your head. Maybe yours is talking things through. Whatever it is, keep it because you’ll need it on a daily basis.
• Sometimes our emotions deceive us. That’s when intelligence comes in handy.
- Hope In Quotes
Your heart contains lots of emotions. Therefore, use your mind when you’re making life-changing decisions. Don’t 100% go with what you’re feeling. Go with that you 99% feel is right.
• Sometimes our emotions deceive us. That’s when intelligence comes in handy.
- Hope In Quotes
Your heart contains lots of emotions. Therefore, use your mind when you’re making life-changing decisions. Don’t 100% go with what you’re feeling. Go with that you 99% feel is right.
• Never doubt your capacity to provide a quality service. Our inner man is the source of our craftiness.
- Hope In Quotes
Each and everyone of us has a talent. It’s in our inner man. Locate it and use it to make money.
• Never doubt your capacity to provide a quality service. Our inner man is the source of our craftiness.
- Hope In Quotes
Each and everyone of us has a talent. It’s in our inner man. Locate it and use it to make money.
• With your unique perspective, you may still stand out in a world full of corrupted brains.
- Hope In Quotes
This is a fact, and don’t allow anybody else to make you feel anything less than this.
• With your unique perspective, you may still stand out in a world full of corrupted brains.
- Hope In Quotes
This is a fact, and don’t allow anybody else to make you feel anything less than this.
• Your ability to remain emotionally detached in difficult situations is a sure fire method to extend your life.
- Hope In Quotes
Our emotions don’t always favor us. That’s why it’s very harmful to live life based on emotions else you’d find yourself at the wrong side of life.
• Your ability to remain emotionally detached in difficult situations is a sure fire method to extend your life.
- Hope In Quotes
Our emotions don’t always favor us. That’s why it’s very harmful to live life based on emotions else you’d find yourself at the wrong side of life.
• Life has a weird way of flipping the tables on you. Respect the people around you.
- Hope In Quotes
Irrespective of how incapable the person is, so far as he or she is just a human being like you, respect the person. Life really has a funny way of turning things around.
• Life has a weird way of flipping the tables on you. Respect the people around you.
- Hope In Quotes
Irrespective of how incapable the person is, so far as he or she is just a human being like you, respect the person. Life really has a funny way of turning things around.
• Your lifestyle choices should only make sense to you, but not to others.
- Hope In Quotes
The human mind was designed to view life from an angle of different perspectives. That explains the differences in our races and religion. As such, it’ll really be a waste of time explaining your lifestyle choices to others.
• Your lifestyle choices should only make sense to you, but not to others.
- Hope In Quotes
The human mind was designed to view life from an angle of different perspectives. That explains the differences in our races and religion. As such, it’ll really be a waste of time explaining your lifestyle choices to others.