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🚨全球及香港網上參與門票已經開始接受登記‼️🔗 LINK IN BIO

🇬🇧 全球連線 📣 由自由六月走到理大全民覺醒
不論你身在何方 香港 英國 美國 歐洲
一同參與港人前路討論 共同實踐民主

👉🏻 Date 日期:11月24日(星期日)
👉🏻 Time 時間:
(In Person) GMT 1-4pm | (Online) GMT 2-4pm • HKT 10pm - 12nn • ET 9AM
👉🏻 Free Tickets:

We sincerely ask YOU, global Hongkongers and allies of Hongkongers and local Hongkongers to register and participate in this event, and also share this discussion session with your friends. By doing so we hope that the efforts of the hope, voices and truth ripples globally, in countering CCP’s crackdown.

🏴We the Hongkongers, will never never never give in to any ways of suppression from the autocracy. You can‘t kill us all.

🌏We, as global Hongkongers, remain commited to the people in Hong Kong. With the unyielding spirit of Hongkongers, this is a chance to shape the future, to rise in the era of global stratigic competition, to break through in the time of CCP oppression.

【香港勞權監察和Workers Against the CCP 連結英國工會成員
呼籲聲援「初選無罪 釋放香港政治犯」抗議集會】
Hong Kong Labour Rights Monitor and Workers Against CCP Rally with UK Trade Unionists
Join our demonstration to "Free Hong Kong Political Prisoners"




香港勞權監察和 Workers Against the CCP Against the CCP 連結英國工會及公民組織的成員,包括來自英國最大工會之一的 UNISON 、 PCS( Public and Commercial Services Union )、British Medical Association、Borderless Movement 無國界社運、Democracy for Hong Kong - D4HK等,將於11月30日(星期六)組織「釋放香港45人」抗議集會:

49 Portland Place, London W1B 1JL


#香港勞權監察 #HKLabourRights #47人案判刑 #47人案 #初選案 #香港


📌 其他城市及地區集會

Join Tibetans, Uyghurs, Hong Kongers, Southern Mongolians, Taiwanese, Chinese and other communities persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party in a protest for freedom.

At the 76th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we are demanding the UK Government take action to hold China accountable for its human rights abuses.

The protest will be starting at 6 PM outside the Chinese Embassy (49-51 Portland Pl, London W1B 1JL).
Global Action Protest! Stand in solidarity with Uyghur Detainees in Thailand.

This Friday, January 17th, join us for a powerful protest demanding justice and humanity. Together, we will urge the Thai government to stop the deportation of Uyghur refugees.

Location: Thai Embassy, 29-30 Queen's Gate, South Kensington, London SW7 5JB
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM

Your voice matters. Your presence makes a difference. Let’s stand in solidarity with those who need us most. Share this message and bring your friends.
Forwarded from 港援 Hong Kong Aid
【2月8日 我地要大家一齊逼爆倫敦條馬路!】



📅 日期: 2025年2月8日(星期六)
🕑 時間: 下午2點至4點
📍 地點: 倫敦舊皇家鑄幣廠外 EC3N 4AB


Prove Them Wrong!

The UK government thinks not enough people care to protest against the Chinese Embassy mega-development. This is one of the key reasons it might be permitted. Let’s show them they’re wrong. Join us to make our voices heard and show the world the power of solidarity.

📅 Date: Saturday, 8th February 2025
🕑 Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
📍 Location: Outside Royal Mint Court EC3N 4AB

The bigger the crowd, the stronger the message. Be there!
🇬🇧2月8日倫敦Royal Mint End Game集會

中國政府在倫敦Royal Mint(舊皇家鑄幣廠)設立新大使館的計劃自提出以來已歷時四年,期間多次遭遇阻力與討論。近期,英國政府已決定將此規劃申請由中央政府親自審視,並將事件提升至外交層面。

在最初的申請於2022年遭到倫敦Tower Hamlets地方政府否決後,中國大使館並未在法定期限內提出上訴。然而,2024年7月,大使館方面在新一屆工黨政府上台後,以原設計方案重新提交申請,並附上措辭強硬的申請函件。


該申請引發的主要關注點在於其對公共秩序與交通的潛在影響。由於新館址鄰近倫敦塔(Tower of London)及塔橋(Tower Bridge),示威活動可能導致交通受阻。英國警方此前曾表達擔憂,認為若超過百名示威者聚集,可能對周邊交通造成壓力。






英國規劃監察院(Planning Inspectorate) 已確定將於🔥2025年2月11日展開公聽會,為期六日,屆時包括中國大使館、Tower Hamlets市議會及其他相關團體將陳述各自立場。儘管此議題已被賦予外交與政治層面的意義,但公聽會仍需基於英國規劃法規與指引作出判斷。

作為公聽會前的民意表達活動,有團體號召民眾於🔥2月8日下午2時至4時,在Royal Mint外進行示威與人數測試,並呼籲參與者遵守秩序,僅在顧問報告所標示的範圍內集會,以避免影響交通或導致警方改變立場。



文章資料來源 英國建築師 專頁




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2025/02/26 11:24:11
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