@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
The Gateway Pundit
EXCLUSIVE: Arizona's Soros-Backed Sec. of State, Katie Hobbs, Has Glaring Conflicts of Interest With Senate's Maricopa Audit, She…
At a crisis moment in not only Maricopa County and Arizona, but for our country as a whole, the elected official who has the absolute power to defend our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic and who could champion election integrity, honesty…
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
The Gateway Pundit
BIG UPDATE: New Hampshire Officials Will Select Audit Team Next Week - Forensic Audit Will Be Completed in Next 45 Days | The Gateway…
There was big news from Windham, New Hampshire on Monday night following the board of selectman meeting to discuss the upcoming forensic audit of the Windham 2020 election ballots and voting machines.
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
Obama-Biden Admin Paid $2,000 Per Aborted Baby Part for Research, $12,000 for Box of Aborted Baby Parts -
American taxpayers are being forced to fund unethical scientific experiments using fingers, scalps, livers and other organs harvested from aborted babies. New details about the disturbing practice of harvesting aborted baby body parts for scientific research…
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
"Welcome To The Loopy Left Era of Joe Biden!" Sky News Scorches Adolescent "Post-Truth" Biden Climate Agenda
There was recently yet another climate summit by world leaders. At the summit, adolescent grand-standing by teenage activists was treated like a legitimate basis for multi-trillion dollar authoritarian globalist policies. These policies would completely…
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
The Epoch Times
Supreme Court Takes Up Major NRA-Backed Gun Rights Case
The Supreme Court has decided to take up a major, National Rifle Association (NRA)-backed lawsuit that challenges a ...
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
The Gateway Pundit
Gravity is Cancelled: Professors at Sheffield University Want Disclaimers on Isaac Newton's Theories for 'Eurocentric' and 'White…
Professors at Sheffield University want to put disclaimers on Isaac Newton’s theories because he benefited from “colonial-era activity,” and believe the physics curriculum should instead promote “inclusive design.” Leaked documents show that the professors…
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
@TrumpFor2024 🇺🇸
The Gateway Pundit
"The Mainstream Media Is Now Coming In for Their Bombing Runs" - Steve Bannon Warns of the Coming Media Attacks on the AZ Audit…
The Bannon War Room opened their show on Monday airing the latest panicked segments by the liberal media over the Arizona forensic audit.