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settle for someone who gives you enough assurance for you to avoid overthinking. find someone that boosts your confidence and won't let you feel insecure. someone that is willing to comfort and understand you when you're strugggling or don't have the energy to talk. we all deserve that someone..
كبرت وعرفت ان غدوة مش خير من اليوم، ومافيش سر يقعد بين زوز ، ومافيش حد بيكمل معاك للاخير غير اميمتك ، و كثر الضحك مش قلّة ادب لكن قلة راحة
'والي يعرف كيف يخوّفك ما يرحمكـش'
فقدان الشـغف 🥱🥱
_مزاجي هو مدير أعمالي في كل شيء.
-أملك أسفاً بحجم العالم لنفسي.
They say, "If it's meant to be, it'll happen."
But someone says, "Sometimes, you have to make it happen."
They say. "You should always be yourself." But someone says. "Sometimes, you have to adjust to make a relationship work.
They say, "Never go to bed angry." But someone says. "Sometimes, it's okay to sleep on it."
They say, "If they really loved you, they'd never hurt you." But someone says, "Love isn't perfect, it's messy and real.
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تحسب قلوب الناس عندك بضاعه!
تذكرني أتذكرك ، تنساني أنساك ،للوصل وصل و للقطاعه قطاعه
بديت نّبتسم للَـكلام الحِـلو لكنَ ما نصدقش فيه.
If you feel tired, just rest on my shoulder..
“Fan of not knowing how to explain my emotions.” 🖤
إن الذي يرتجي شيئاً بهمّتهِ .. يلقاهُ لو حاربَتْهُ الانسُ والجنُ .. فاقصد الى قمم الاشياءِ تدركها تجري الرياح كما رادت لها السفنُ
اللهُمَّ إنّي أستودعك دعواتي فبشرني بِها.
Even if you called 6 months later, at 3am
I'd still answer..
I'll always care
tbh nothing hurts more than trying your best and still not being good enough.
2025/03/13 10:23:54
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