ββ― don't forget to subs @offcmohay @offcpahay @aboutmohay @jandahelp && follow our insta
β―β minimum age 15+ for under that sorry not accepted
ββ― maximum joining squad 5 is included with mohay, more than that cannot be accepted
β―β only girl, all chara, and rprl system
ββ― must use the attributes that have been provided
β―β friendly && solid
ββ― must follow the event that will be given
β―β no cepu, two face, clone and most importantly don't exist cdc, dilarang cinlok sesama member mohay
ββ― can keep a good name mohay
β―β don't bring personal problems into the base
ββ― don't forget to subs @offcmohay @offcpahay @aboutmohay @jandahelp && follow our insta
β―β minimum age 15+ for under that sorry not accepted
ββ― maximum joining squad 5 is included with mohay, more than that cannot be accepted
β―β only girl, all chara, and rprl system
ββ― must use the attributes that have been provided
β―β friendly && solid
ββ― must follow the event that will be given
β―β no cepu, two face, clone and most importantly don't exist cdc, dilarang cinlok sesama member mohay
ββ― can keep a good name mohay
β―β don't bring personal problems into the base
want to join us?
β memahami rules utama
β menggunakan atribut calmem
β forward poster open member ke channel pribadi
β send format "
want to join us?
β memahami rules utama
β menggunakan atribut calmem
β forward poster open member ke channel pribadi
β send format "
siap menjadi janda @.usn + ch
want to join us?
β memahami rules utama
β menggunakan atribut calmem
β forward poster open link ke channel pribadi
want to join us?
β memahami rules utama
β menggunakan atribut calmem
β forward poster open link ke channel pribadi
kepada yth, all foi
nn +usn :
dengan hormat,
saya (nn) ingin izin rest/hiat/latb untuk beberapa hari yang belum pasti dengan alasan (alasan),
demikian surat yang kami sampaikan, kami harap all foi dapat memaklumi dan jika ada salah kata mohon untuk di maafkan sekian terimakasih.
n. pilih salah satu dibagian atas (rest/hiat/lepas atb)
send ke @MOHAYBOT
kepada yth, all foi
nn + usn :
dengan hormat,
sehubungan adanya event yang dibuat kami pihak @offcmohay ingin meminta izin untuk melepas seluruh atribute sq yang digunakan oleh para member.
demikian surat yang kami sampaikan, kami harap para foi dapat memaklumi dan jika ada salah kata mohon untuk dimaafkan sekian terimakasih.
all crew mohay
(tap auto copy)
pdn :
only pdn not pbio, atb ini khusus yg sudah resmi menjadi member mohay
/ mohay
/ the great
only pdn not pbio, atb ini khusus yg sudah resmi menjadi member mohay
β― memahami rules utama
β― forward poster hirmin ke channel pribadi
β― only girl all chara allowed ( selective for rpk ) PROBLEMATIC PERSON STRICTLY DO NOT INTERACT
β― niat dan minat
β― tidak two face, cepu, dan bukan akun clone
β― bisa bertanggung jawab
β― mudah berbaur dan tidak baperan
β― bisa mengedit logo dan poster (untuk divisi edit)
β― memahami rules utama
β― forward poster hirmin ke channel pribadi
β― only girl all chara allowed ( selective for rpk ) PROBLEMATIC PERSON STRICTLY DO NOT INTERACT
β― niat dan minat
β― tidak two face, cepu, dan bukan akun clone
β― bisa bertanggung jawab
β― mudah berbaur dan tidak baperan
β― bisa mengedit logo dan poster (untuk divisi edit)