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- الامر الأساسي هو أن لا تعتاد أيّ شيء .
The main thing is not to get used to anything.
The main thing is not to get used to anything.
- لستُ معتادًا على أن يفهمني أحد .
I'm not used to being understood by anyone.
I'm not used to being understood by anyone.
- ربما لم أتكيف مع العالم .
I may not have adapted to the world .abdalghni
I may not have adapted to the world .abdalghni
- قِيمة الإنسان بالمُحاولات لا بالإنتِصارات .
The value of a person is in attempts, not in victories.
The value of a person is in attempts, not in victories.
- ︎تظهر حقائق الحياة في خريف العمر بعد فوات الأوان .
The facts of life in the fall emerge too late .
The facts of life in the fall emerge too late .
- الأحداثُ تنتهي . . وتبقى الدُروسْ.
Events end... and lessons remain.
Events end... and lessons remain.
- حيثُ الاقليه لن تجدني في الزحام.
Where the minority , you won't find me in crowds.
Where the minority , you won't find me in crowds.
- أحمِل الكثير من الإعتذارات، جميعها لي.
I bring a lot of apologies all of them to me.
I bring a lot of apologies all of them to me.
- لقد إنتهت الرسائل لماذا لا ينتهي الشعور.
The messages are over why the feeling doesn't end.
The messages are over why the feeling doesn't end.
- نحن لا نتذكر الايام ، نحن نتذكر اللحظات.
We don't remember days, we remember moments.
We don't remember days, we remember moments.