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First of all, we want to answer the main question. Will the house be finished? We’re looking for an aspect between the Sun (parents) and Mars (their house). Any aspect will do, even an opposition, but without an applying aspect, there is no event. The Sun has just separated from Mars- there is likely no potential for that event to occur at this time.

Saturn (builder) is dignified in his own temple in an angular house. The builder has a lot of power here. Meanwhile, the Sun (parents) is in its detriment. This relationship with the builder is harmful to the parents. However, there is a question here in regards to whether or not the parents have some power to reclaim, given that Saturn is coming under the beams. You could interpret this and say “no, Saturn is in its own chariot and therefore protected from combustion”, but that rule isn’t always so hard and fast in horary.

Mercury (the parents’ money) is in Saturn’s sign- a picture of their wealth flowing into his pockets. The Sun and Mercury are both within the bounds of Venus, suggesting a certain level of influence the querent had over how the money was being spent on the house.

There is also an interesting contra-antiscion forming between Jupiter (builder’s money) and Neptune. This seems to reflect the suspected shadiness on the part of the builder. Once the parents pay him money, it becomes his money for purposes of the horary. What is this secret connection between all the money and an outer planet that is associated with deception? I inquired about a possible drug habit, another signification of Neptune, and the querent later found out that the builder was known to have quite an indulgent cocaine habit. Literally a picture of money being secretly funnelled into a substance abuse problem. But wait, there’s more! It turned out the builder had no realistic plan to finish the house and had been intending on stiffing the suppliers. He was totally out of money and seems to have significantly overcharged the parents for their house. Deception around money.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t really the answer the querent had hoped for, but that's how horary goes sometimes. Last I heard, the house still remained unfinished.
I have this hypothesis that people with day charts are more likely to be early birds and people with night charts are more likely to be night owls. What is your sect status and preferred sleep/wake schedule?
Anonymous Poll
Day chart, early bird
Day chart, night owl
Night chart, early bird
Night chart, night owl
Don’t know my sect status
Just a midday magpie
Forwarded from AstrologiCat
Sect is an important consideration when looking at your birth chart. Do you have a day chart or a night chart?

You can think of sect like two opposing political parties vying for power in your birth chart. Legislation (or a planet's agenda for your life in relation to a given topic) is a lot harder to pass if that planet is not a member of the ruling sect. It's ability to get it's agenda accomplished is compromised when that planet isn't in power. Sect tells us whether a planet has a baseline ability to accomplish what it wants or if it will have to compromise. If a planet isn't part of the sect in power, that doesn't mean it has no voice, just that the ones that are in power have a lot more emphasis in the chart.

In the daytime sect, we have the Sun (the sect light or the sect leader), Jupiter, and Saturn.
In the nighttime sect, we have the Moon (leader), Venus, and Mars.
Mercury has no sect, as he is the psychopomp that can go between realms.

Sect status is determined by whether the Sun is above or below the horizon when you were born. Basically, were you born during the day or during the night? If the Sun falls above the ascendent/descendent line (AC/DC), then you have a daytime chart. If below, you have a nighttime chart.

Planets are said to be in sect or out of sect based on whether or not they are in a day or night chart. If you have a day chart, the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn are all in sect, while the Moon, Venus, and Mars are out of sect, or vice versa if you have a night chart.

For example, if you have the Sun above the horizon in the 9th house, but below the horizon are Jupiter in the 2nd and Saturn in the 5th, these planets are all automatically IN SECT. Jupiter and Saturn do not also need to be above the horizon. The only placement that matters is where the Sun is. The Moon, Venus, and Mars would be automatically out of sect in this chart, regardless of where they fall.

On the contrary, if the Sun is below the horizon, then the Moon, Venus, and Mars are all automatically in sect no matter where they are placed in the chart, and the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn are all automatically out of sect.

Porphyry gave an astronomical explanation for why certain planets are assigned to certain sects. Jupiter and Saturn are diurnal because they have fewer visible phases and appear to be more like the Sun in that they have a fairly unchanging nature. Venus and Mars are nocturnal because they have a lot of visible phases and demonstrate changeability like the Moon.

Mercury is interesting because, as I have said, it does not have a sect. It does have many phases, so it shows that lunar-like changeability, BUT most of those phases are invisible to the naked eye so it APPEARS to have a more unchanging, solar nature. Isn't that fascinating?

What if you have a Sun very close to the horizon line, that is, conjunct to the AC or DC? In this case, it could be more questionable. If the Sun is in the 1st house and within 15 degrees of the AC, about to rise (that is about the number of degrees at which you can still see the Sun's light before it rises or sets), then place it as a daytime chart, as "power" is being handed over to the diurnal sect. If it is more than 15 degrees away from the AC but still in the 1st house, then you'll want to test this out in your life and see which sect has been more dominant for you. What malefics or benefics have had more influence in your life and is the Sun or Moon more prominent for you? But generally, when you can see the light rising, you're not really dealing with nighttime at that point. Likewise, if the sun is about to set, look to that 15 degree mark and examine the chart on an individual basis.
Do you guys use any astrology apps? Which ones do you use and what you like/dislike about them?
A few notes about eclipses:
1) they are considered a bit malefic because the light is being obscured
2) the condition of the host of the eclipse will tell you a lot about the themes and overall experience of the eclipse
3) they are most potent for people who can actually see the eclipse from their location
4) they are also potent for people when it occurs over their birth location
5) if you have planets being directly affected in the same sign or in a close aspectual configuration to the eclipse, it will be more significant for you
6) Nodal returns are usually extra impactful- if your natal nodes are in Aries and Libra, this means you!
7) the same way that a regular new moon sets the tone for the upcoming lunation cycle, a solar eclipse sets not only the tone for that lunation cycle, but also the entire eclipse cycle ( a lunar eclipse thus being the equivalent of a supercharged full moon)
8) the day of the eclipse may be rather uneventful, but a seed is planted around this time. Sometimes it can take up to 6 months (to the next set of eclipses, but in reverse) to see what that seed was.
April 19th/20th: a solar eclipse (new moon) in Aries, hosted by a fallen Mars in Cancer

This is our first eclipse in Aries in 9 years and is the beginning of a new 18 month cycle.

The eclipse occurred last night on the anaretic 29th degree of Aries, in a loose conjunction with Jupiter (who should be treated as combust at this stage).

While all eclipses include themes of transformation (and I suppose you could argue that just about every transit does, too), the anaretic degree intensifies this. This will probably not be an easy transformation, because its host, Mars, is in its fall in the sign of Cancer. But Aries is a youthful sign and Jupiter adds some rocket fuel to this. Aries is also a cardinal sign, so look for a fiery, youthful turning point around the house topics that Aries rules in your chart.

With Mars in Cancer, you might find that the themes that come up for you deal with the typical Cancerian topics of home, family, and living environment or generally lunar topics like mothers, women, and comfort. Because we are also looking for Mars-like themes, you might see conflict within the family, for example. Mars likes to fight, cut, sever, and burn. Be careful of burning bridges with people you care about.

Last night, I watched across the hilltops as someone's house burned down in a massive fire! Mars rules destructive fires, Cancer rules homes. I would love to know what the birth chart was for the owner of that house. Needless to say, having your entire property burn down would definitely "ignite" a turning point in your life, and not in a positive way. Hopefully your eclipse "gifts" won't be quite so terrible as that.
May 5: lunar eclipse (full moon) in Scorpio, hosted by a fallen Mars in Cancer

This is our last lunar eclipse in Scorpio for another 9 years.

This year, the nodes are in the process of changing signs and so we are getting a fairly rare set of eclipses where they are not occurring exactly in opposite signs. Only about 3% of eclipses happen like this.

We see Mars in its fall coming up again as the host. Two back-to-back Mars ruled eclipses while its in fall is not something you will see very often.

This eclipse is also toned by the Moon in its fall, opposing Uranus in Taurus, in the middle of a Mercury retrograde. Jupiter is about to enter Taurus where it will immediately square Pluto. Pretty potent and frankly, messy. We do at least have the Moon and Mars in mutual reception as a mitigating factor, but they are like two drunk people trying to hold each other up.

It's hard to say much good about this eclipse. We again bring in the Cancerian and lunar themes. You might be needing to look at heavy topics within your close relationships, like issues that have been left neglected or unspoken. This has the potential to be extremely volatile and explosive. Definitely be aware of the emotional fault lines in your relationships ahead of this and make a plan for how you will deal with things in the heat of the moment. If this is likely to be personally impactful in your chart, you are probably already aware of the ways in which this could manifest in your life. Because of the very personal and emotional nature of the Moon, this speaks loudest to me around feelings and relationships, but it could manifest in other ways, depending what you've got going on in your chart and what house topics those planets rule for you.

The one silver lining that I could point to is that there is also the potential for a cathartic and healing moment, where the pain of the experience prompts meaningful change. There may be a lot of crying and shouting that results in the ability to move forward now that everyone has put their cards on the table.

This is looking like one of the most emotionally intense transits of the year, so make sure you're practicing self-care while also being compassionate to others.

With the Moon in Scorpio (and with that Pluto square in the mix as well) you might find that you need to give some serious thought to what things are harder to hold onto than to let go of. This could be toxic relationships, childhood wounds, psychological habit patterns, etc- but again, look to the house topics in your chart for clues on this. Sometimes you can't feel better until you purge the nasty stuff and this eclipse might be rather emetic in that regard.
Each of the traditional aspects is related to the nature of a planet and this is essential to understanding and delineating a given aspect. The type of aspect will bring the planetary energy of that aspect into the combination of the two planets making an aspect.

The sextile is of the nature of Venus.
The square is of the nature of Mars
The trine is of the nature of Jupiter
The opposition is of the nature of Saturn
Conjunctions are not technically an aspect, but considered “bodily union”.

Thus, if we have a trine between Mars and Saturn, that Mars and Saturn relationship will be coloured by Jupiterian themes.

Personally, I do not use out of sign aspects because the relationship between element, modality, and gender are important in considering aspects.

The aspectual relationship between two planets tells us HOW they will get along (or not). Is the relationship harmonious and supportive or are they working against each other?

Let’s consider each aspect in turn, using Mars and Saturn as examples.
(Please note that these are just broad examples to help us understand aspects in a vacuum and a full interpretation would depend on the condition of each planet in a chart.)

Mars conjunct Saturn: Endurance. We have the strength of Mars combined with the discipline of Saturn, the action of Mars combined with the timelessness of Saturn. What do you get when you combine the significations of two planets?

Mars sextile Saturn: A good work ethic. Saturn disciplines Mars to be effective and directed in his energy. Or passive-aggressive, if poorly placed. Mars may want to lash out, but Saturn forces him to bottle it up so that he doesn’t constantly set off bombs in his life. The Venutian nature of the sextile helps them to get along with each other and helps the native get along with others.

Mars square Saturn: Determination. Mars overcomes Saturn’s doom and gloom and makes it persevere no matter the setback. Or a lack of confidence. Saturn’s self-doubt and judgment put the brakes on Mars’ ability to take action. The Martian nature of this will cause one planet to maltreat the other (usually the planet in the overcoming position, but striking with a ray may also come into play). This is a conflict, but one that produces a resolution.

Mars trine Saturn: Strategic, if Saturn can discipline Mars to play the long-game and stop being so reckless. Or cautious, where Mars wants to take action but needs to pull along a Saturn who is always looking for what might go wrong. The Jupiterian nature of the trine tends to bonify the relationship between the planets and brings a level of wisdom into the mix. Whereas the sextile is more about what is pleasant and nice, the trine is more about what’s wise and right.

Mars opposite Saturn: Unable to exert will, frustration, start vs stop, action vs contemplation, just do something vs just sit there. The Saturnian nature of the opposition does not allow these planets to cooperate on anything. There is a stalemate, a fundamental polarity and tension. Oppositions differ from squares in that squares tend to sever something that was once joined, but oppositions never allow them to meet at all.

In each of these examples, we can see how the planetary nature that relates to a given aspect changes the dynamic between the planets. I encourage you to look at the whole sign aspects in your birth chart and see how you might interpret them based on these principles.
A few things I've noticed that come up frequently in the astrological charts of right-wing men:

-Strong Sagittarius placements: Sagittarius needs a mission, a higher ideal to aim for. Many of these men really crave that, but when they don't have that, they are especially prone to hedonism and nihilism. The placement and condition of Jupiter is usually telling as to which way the person will naturally lean.

-Mars in Cancer: On the plus side, it speaks to a desire to protect home, family, and tribe. Among prominent activists, finding this in the 6th or 10th house is most common. On the negative side, Mars is in its fall here, frustrating its ability to act and can lead to a really unhealthy view of "winners and losers", victim mentalities, and passive-aggressiveness. Other aspects to Mars and the condition of the Moon will tell the rest of the story.

-Problems with Saturn: Saturn broadly represents our relationship to the word "should", and likes to judge what is right or wrong. In many charts of these young men, Saturn is either afflicted itself in some way or is maltreating another planet in a significant way. This results in a tendency of harsh judgments of others and a preoccupation with what they think others should be doing, as well as a very critical inner voice, or an inability to motivate themselves to live up to their own standards.
I want to give another example of a lost object horary. While I don’t share William Lilly’s fondness for them, occasionally you just need to find something! Today was such a day.

I had a choice in this case for the significator of the missing object between Mercury as the lord of the 2nd and the Moon as the natural ruler of lost objects.

Taking Mercury suggests it will be found in a 9th house place- my office, most likely, which also physically lines up with the layout of my house. It also indicates the item is unable to be seen (Mercury is combust). But I knew it was probably not even upstairs. I looked anyway, but it wasn’t there.

So I had to consider the Moon instead. Also “unseen” due to its eclipse. But on the IC and in a water sign, this pointed to downstairs and possibly somewhere comfy. (At least, I hoped it referred to a comfy place and not a wet place like the pool!) My reading sofa perhaps, which also lines up with the layout of my house?

I finally found it on the little table next to the sofa, somehow wedged underneath a stack of very 9th house type of books (mainly astrology and philosophy)!

Generally two significators for a lost object only add confusion and I don’t recommend it as a standard practice, but this was one of those occasions where both significators gave me a clue.
This was another odd horary I cast lately. The querent asked if she was pregnant. She is the Sun and the Moon, the baby would be Jupiter.

At first glance, this looked really positive. Jupiter cazimi! You couldn’t get a more perfect picture of the baby inside mom.

But wait… the aspect is still applying. For conception, we need to see a recently separating aspect. If it’s applying, conception hasn’t happened yet. And the perfected aspect is still a few minutes off.

Then you see that the Moon has just entered its exile in Capricorn. Not a great testimony for pregnancy. 👎

I told her I didn’t think she was pregnant.

And it turned out that she was not pregnant, BUT…!!!

Later that same day, she received an extremely Jupiterian business proposal that would leverage her creative skills, which she accepted, thus conceiving a different kind of “baby”.
A friend has set up a TikTok for me where she is clipping things of astrological interest that I’ve said in streams. I have no idea how to use TikTok at this point, but there’s a chance I might eventually make exclusive astrological content there- my friend is making a strong case for it- so give it a follow if you feel so inclined.
A number of people have inquired about the study groups and I want to let everyone know what’s happened with that.

My workload this year (not just from astrology, but all sources) has dramatically increased and I’ve not been able to make the time for the study groups.

When I began them, I had initially anticipated that it would be simply a study group- a place for astrologers (whether amateur, hobbyist, professional) to come together to discuss the craft or work on charts together. However, it quickly became clear that while there were many people interested in learning astrology, not enough people had a solid enough grasp of the basics to make a study group feasible as I had originally conceived of it. And so it turned into essentially teaching mini courses on the basics.

And don’t get me wrong because I really do love teaching and it was a lot of fun to do those sessions, but the time commitment this required became unsustainable. Rather than 2 hours on a Friday evening, it became a full day of preparing slides and finding suitable example charts.

As other areas of my life demanded more time and attention, it became nearly impossible to find a free day in the month to run the study group.

I’m hoping that this might change a little later in the year or by early next year, so it is still my desire to bring these study groups back, whether in the lecture format or as just a facilitated discussion of all things astrology.

And of course, since those began last year, everybody has been learning a lot and seems to have developed a better grasp of chart mechanics, so we have some flexibility that we didn’t have previously.

I’m curious to hear from you, if you were a study group attendee, if you’d be interested in bringing them back in a more casual format: you bring charts and put them up for discussion and we all pick through them as a group or you can bring questions about something you’re stuck on or whatever? Or do you prefer them to be lecture + chart demonstrations that we had been doing?
Forwarded from PhilosophiCat

New Substack article exploring the esoteric significance of the sign of Libra.

If you don't know anything about astrology, that's ok! This isn't a technical article on interpreting it in a natal chart, but rather a more meta discussion of what it has to tell us about the transcendent solar quest of man. Anyone interested in symbolism and myth can enjoy it.

Non-subscribers can still read it for free with a 7 day trial
Did you get to see the solar eclipse today?
Those of you who attended our study groups will remember Hiraeth, without whom they would not have been possible. Please consider helping her out if you are able.
Forwarded from PhilosophiCat
For those who have not yet heard the sad news, Jeff Winston, founder of White Art Collective, passed away under tragic circumstances, leaving behind his fiancée, Hiraeth, and their 3 month old baby.

She is now facing raising their infant daughter alone, her dreams for the future shattered, and her entire life has upended. Those who know Hiraeth know what an unfailingly kind person she is and she and Jeff deserved a better ending to what was a beautiful love story.

No amount of money can ever bring Jeff back, but it can help her rebuild her life and ease some of her financial stress while she goes through her grieving and rebuilding process.

I ask each of you to donate what you can. The link to the fundraiser is below. Please be as generous as your finances allow, as her need is great. If you are unable to donate, consider sharing this with others?
Some of you may be interested in this. Robert Hand is the last surviving of the 3 Roberts of Project Hindsight.
2024/06/26 02:14:07
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