3ta bir biriga oxshash matn yozish + intervyuga savol tuzish uchun odam kerak
Qiyin emas, reels uchun text. Demak 1 daqiqa video ham emas hatto
30 000 som
Portfolio yuboring
@odam olindi, rahmat
Qiyin emas, reels uchun text. Demak 1 daqiqa video ham emas hatto
30 000 som
Portfolio yuboring
@odam olindi, rahmat
Story writer kerak!
Kreativ inson, ajoyib maqolalarni tasirli tarzda yozib bera olishi kerak.
Tahminan 3-5 daqiqalik video uchun text yozishingiz kerak boladi.
Har bir video uchun 25 000 som beriladi.
TZ asosida ishlaysiz
Copywriter emas, aynan STORY writer kerak.
@gul_qayumova ga tajribalaringizni bolishib yozib yuboring!
Kreativ inson, ajoyib maqolalarni tasirli tarzda yozib bera olishi kerak.
Tahminan 3-5 daqiqalik video uchun text yozishingiz kerak boladi.
Har bir video uchun 25 000 som beriladi.
TZ asosida ishlaysiz
Copywriter emas, aynan STORY writer kerak.
@gul_qayumova ga tajribalaringizni bolishib yozib yuboring!
Ищем ребят для проведения семинара по поступлению в университеты.
Если вы:
- Участвовали в различных международных проектах,
- Выиграли гранты в университете,
- Стажировались в международных компаниях
- Получили гранты на конференции
Мы приглашаем вас провести семинар для школьников, которые собираются поступать в университеты. Ваша задача – объяснить им основные аспекты поступления и университетской жизни:
📘 Сущность университета и основные термины (Foundation year, специальность, факультет, GPA, Seminar, Syllabus).
💼 Возможности для стажировок в международных компаниях.
🎓 Подача на гранты, участие в конференциях и семинарах.
🚀 Полное раскрытие потенциала высшего образования.
🌈 Определение направления.
Работа оплачивается!
Давайте вместе вдохновим будущих студентов!
Нурулло Абдурахманов
Если вы:
- Участвовали в различных международных проектах,
- Выиграли гранты в университете,
- Стажировались в международных компаниях
- Получили гранты на конференции
Мы приглашаем вас провести семинар для школьников, которые собираются поступать в университеты. Ваша задача – объяснить им основные аспекты поступления и университетской жизни:
📘 Сущность университета и основные термины (Foundation year, специальность, факультет, GPA, Seminar, Syllabus).
💼 Возможности для стажировок в международных компаниях.
🎓 Подача на гранты, участие в конференциях и семинарах.
🚀 Полное раскрытие потенциала высшего образования.
🌈 Определение направления.
Работа оплачивается!
Давайте вместе вдохновим будущих студентов!
Нурулло Абдурахманов
Round Table "Disintegration in Central Asia: Preventive Diplomacy as the Foundation for Unity"
Google Docs
Round Table "Disintegration in Central Asia: Preventive Diplomacy as the Foundation for Unity"
Forwarded from Unique World | Khilolakhon Kayumova (Xilolaxon)
Ingliz tilini zor biladigan qizla kere
10:30 dan 6:30 gacha ish bor
Soatiga $4-$5, balki koproq 🌚
Oyiga $1000 atrofida boladi shunda
@gul_qayumova ga audio yozing ingliz tilida + CV
Studentla kerakmas 🥲
10:30 dan 6:30 gacha ish bor
Soatiga $4-$5, balki koproq 🌚
Oyiga $1000 atrofida boladi shunda
@gul_qayumova ga audio yozing ingliz tilida + CV
Studentla kerakmas 🥲
Videoga time stamp qoyish kerak!!!
Hozir vaqtiz bosa yozing
15000 -1 soat
Odam topildi
Hozir vaqtiz bosa yozing
15000 -1 soat
Odam topildi
Ovozi chiroyli va tarjima qiloladigan 1ta qiz kerak!
Televizorda uzatiladigan korsatuv uchun.
1 soatlik korsatuv bazi qismlarida gapirasiz efir ortida ertaga
100 000 tolov
Offis Buyuk Ipak yoli metro oldida
@tugadi ga tv shop boshlovchisidek audio yozing!
Televizorda uzatiladigan korsatuv uchun.
1 soatlik korsatuv bazi qismlarida gapirasiz efir ortida ertaga
100 000 tolov
Offis Buyuk Ipak yoli metro oldida
@tugadi ga tv shop boshlovchisidek audio yozing!
Forwarded from TEAM MUN
Delegate Application Form Now Unlocked by Team MUN 2024! 🔓⚡️
Ready to embark on a journey that transcends borders? Team MUN 2024 invites you to join a global community of changemakers, thought leaders, and diplomats-in-the-making.
💥 Immerse yourself in insightful discussions, advocate for impactful change, and forge connections that last a lifetime. This is your chance to be the voice of tomorrow's world. Apply now to be part of a movement that shapes the future of international discourse.
Key Details:
🗓️Registration Deadline: 30 April
🔗Registration Link: http://surl.li/rxcff
Ready to embark on a journey that transcends borders? Team MUN 2024 invites you to join a global community of changemakers, thought leaders, and diplomats-in-the-making.
💥 Immerse yourself in insightful discussions, advocate for impactful change, and forge connections that last a lifetime. This is your chance to be the voice of tomorrow's world. Apply now to be part of a movement that shapes the future of international discourse.
Key Details:
🗓️Registration Deadline: 30 April
🔗Registration Link: http://surl.li/rxcff
Forwarded from Unique World | Khilolakhon Kayumova (Hulkaroy Kayumova)
❇️ Tarjimon (Interpreter) qidirilmoqdq.
💵 Maosh: Birinchi oy $500, keyin ko'tariladi
Ish turi: Offlayn, chet elda. Viza xarajati, borish-kelish chiptasi, yotoqxona xarajatlari qoplanadi.
Kompaniya: Shinon Global India.
Xushmuomala, sabrli va chaqqon xodim olish maqsadida tarjimonlik bòyicha vakansiya e'lon qilmoqda.
Ish haqida: Hind shifoxonasida bemorlarga tarjimonlik qilish. Ish vaqti 9:00 dan 18:00 gacha. Haftada 6 kun ish.
21 yoshdan oshgan, ingliz tilini C1 darajada biladigan, stressga chidamli (bemorlar bilan ishlash uchun) nomzod kerak! Tibbiy atamalarni bilganlarga imtiyoz beriladi.
📨 Telegram orqali @ShinonMedKadr ga CV va audio orqali ingliz tilida nima uchun sizni tanlash kerakligi haqida xabar yuboring.
Kompaniya haqida ma'lumot: https://shinonglobal.com/
💵 Maosh: Birinchi oy $500, keyin ko'tariladi
Ish turi: Offlayn, chet elda. Viza xarajati, borish-kelish chiptasi, yotoqxona xarajatlari qoplanadi.
Kompaniya: Shinon Global India.
Xushmuomala, sabrli va chaqqon xodim olish maqsadida tarjimonlik bòyicha vakansiya e'lon qilmoqda.
Ish haqida: Hind shifoxonasida bemorlarga tarjimonlik qilish. Ish vaqti 9:00 dan 18:00 gacha. Haftada 6 kun ish.
21 yoshdan oshgan, ingliz tilini C1 darajada biladigan, stressga chidamli (bemorlar bilan ishlash uchun) nomzod kerak! Tibbiy atamalarni bilganlarga imtiyoz beriladi.
📨 Telegram orqali @ShinonMedKadr ga CV va audio orqali ingliz tilida nima uchun sizni tanlash kerakligi haqida xabar yuboring.
Kompaniya haqida ma'lumot: https://shinonglobal.com/
Shinon Global
Shinon Global | Leading Medical Assistance & Healthcare Consultancy
Shinon Global Healthcare, a renowned Medical Value Travel and Healthcare Consultancy, specializes in delivering top-notch, tailor-made healthcare solutions sourced from internationally accredited and globally recognized healthcare service providers to patients…
@shinonmeduzb ga yana 2 dona amaliyotchi olyapmiz. Bizda allaqachon 2ta amaliyotchi bor, ular bilan birga ishlash uchun yana odam qidiryapmiz!
Uydan ishlay oladigan
Haftada 1 marta Yunusobodda joylashgan offisga kela oladigan
Telefon va kompyuteri bor
Video montaj va grafik dizaynga qiziqadigan
Ingliz tilidan o'zbek tiliga sifatli tarjima qila oladigan
Universitet 3-4 kurs talabasi bo'lgan
ayol-qizlar kerak!
Avvalgi amaliyotchilar birinchi oyda bepul ishlashgan, ammo ushbu 2-3 oylik amaliyot dasturi ishtirokchilariga birinchi oyda 500 000 so'm rag'batlantiruvchi to'lov beriladi.
Keyingi oylar davomida oshishi mumkin*
Amaliyotdan sizga nima foyda?
-Ajoyib jamoa
-Uydan ishlash imkoniyati
@gul_qayumova ga nima uchun qizni tanlashimizni yozing. Qaysi jihatlaringiz uchun, qaysi qattiq/yumshoq ko'nikmalaringiz uchun aynan sizni olishimiz kerak???
Uydan ishlay oladigan
Haftada 1 marta Yunusobodda joylashgan offisga kela oladigan
Telefon va kompyuteri bor
Video montaj va grafik dizaynga qiziqadigan
Ingliz tilidan o'zbek tiliga sifatli tarjima qila oladigan
Universitet 3-4 kurs talabasi bo'lgan
ayol-qizlar kerak!
Avvalgi amaliyotchilar birinchi oyda bepul ishlashgan, ammo ushbu 2-3 oylik amaliyot dasturi ishtirokchilariga birinchi oyda 500 000 so'm rag'batlantiruvchi to'lov beriladi.
Keyingi oylar davomida oshishi mumkin*
Amaliyotdan sizga nima foyda?
-Ajoyib jamoa
-Uydan ishlash imkoniyati
@gul_qayumova ga nima uchun qizni tanlashimizni yozing. Qaysi jihatlaringiz uchun, qaysi qattiq/yumshoq ko'nikmalaringiz uchun aynan sizni olishimiz kerak???
Workshop: Eurasia in a Geopolitical Globalised World
Date: 25 – 27 July 2024
Venue: The OSCE Academy in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic (in person)
About the workshop
The end of the Cold War was heralded by many scholars and policy-makers as the beginning of a new international order, in which the logic of power politics and spheres of influence would give way to the shared interests generated by the increasingly intensive and extensive flows of ideas, capital, goods, and services in a globalised world. The need to control and extend influence over territory was a remnant of the nineteenth century and not consonant with a world where markets could deliver the same rewards with fewer costs and positive sum results for all. There is an increasing tension between wanting to be part of an open global economy and the desire to control territory that characterize today's international system, and no more so than Eurasia. International relations and policy-makers are trying to make sense of how to understand a world that has both extensive supply chains and increasing economic nationalism; one with transnational flows of capital, goods, ideas, and even people but also calls to close borders.
Eurasia has always been at the centre of discussions about what kind of international system we have. The aim of this workshop is to help participants understand international order in the face of this tension between globalization and geopolitics. It wants to explore different issues and challenges where this tension might be more evident. These range from climate change, energy security, food, water, and the managing of borders. The workshop will focus on the policy questions that are raised and some possible scenarios for what they may mean for.
The workshop will explore the different ways in which we can understand the rapidly changing international system. It will do this by looking at a range of cases in Eurasia, and more specifically Central Asia, as well as a range of topics. These can include the following topics:
1) Geopolitics of Energy and the Environment in a globalised geopolitical world
2) Geopolitics of Democracy and Human Rights in a globalised geopolitical world
3) The Geopolitics of Water
4) Geopolitics and Security Governance in a globalised geopolitical world
5) Regional integration and geopolitics
6) The Geopolitics of borders in a globalised geopolitical world
Medium of the workshop
Free of charge. Travel, accommodation, and meals are covered by the organizers.
• Be citizens of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Also citizens of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan but only those residing in Kyrgyzstan can apply.
• Completed BA or MA degree in Social Sciences or other related fields;
• Junior and mid-level professionals from international organization, international non-governmental (non-profit) organization, or governmental and public institutions;
• Researchers, activists, and experts are also eligible to apply;
• Be fluent in English
How to apply
Please submit the following documents in a single PDF document of no more than 4 pages, all in English, saved as Mr/Ms_Name_Surname_GGW:
• The most recent curriculum vitae of no more than two pages;
• A letter of motivation up to 500 words
Please send your documents by email to: [email protected] NO LATER than 5 June 2024 at midnight (Bishkek time). Please indicate “Geopolitical Globalised World” in the subject line of your email. An application that does not follow these instructions will not be reviewed.
>>>>>More information<<<<
Date: 25 – 27 July 2024
Venue: The OSCE Academy in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic (in person)
About the workshop
The end of the Cold War was heralded by many scholars and policy-makers as the beginning of a new international order, in which the logic of power politics and spheres of influence would give way to the shared interests generated by the increasingly intensive and extensive flows of ideas, capital, goods, and services in a globalised world. The need to control and extend influence over territory was a remnant of the nineteenth century and not consonant with a world where markets could deliver the same rewards with fewer costs and positive sum results for all. There is an increasing tension between wanting to be part of an open global economy and the desire to control territory that characterize today's international system, and no more so than Eurasia. International relations and policy-makers are trying to make sense of how to understand a world that has both extensive supply chains and increasing economic nationalism; one with transnational flows of capital, goods, ideas, and even people but also calls to close borders.
Eurasia has always been at the centre of discussions about what kind of international system we have. The aim of this workshop is to help participants understand international order in the face of this tension between globalization and geopolitics. It wants to explore different issues and challenges where this tension might be more evident. These range from climate change, energy security, food, water, and the managing of borders. The workshop will focus on the policy questions that are raised and some possible scenarios for what they may mean for.
The workshop will explore the different ways in which we can understand the rapidly changing international system. It will do this by looking at a range of cases in Eurasia, and more specifically Central Asia, as well as a range of topics. These can include the following topics:
1) Geopolitics of Energy and the Environment in a globalised geopolitical world
2) Geopolitics of Democracy and Human Rights in a globalised geopolitical world
3) The Geopolitics of Water
4) Geopolitics and Security Governance in a globalised geopolitical world
5) Regional integration and geopolitics
6) The Geopolitics of borders in a globalised geopolitical world
Medium of the workshop
Free of charge. Travel, accommodation, and meals are covered by the organizers.
• Be citizens of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Also citizens of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan but only those residing in Kyrgyzstan can apply.
• Completed BA or MA degree in Social Sciences or other related fields;
• Junior and mid-level professionals from international organization, international non-governmental (non-profit) organization, or governmental and public institutions;
• Researchers, activists, and experts are also eligible to apply;
• Be fluent in English
How to apply
Please submit the following documents in a single PDF document of no more than 4 pages, all in English, saved as Mr/Ms_Name_Surname_GGW:
• The most recent curriculum vitae of no more than two pages;
• A letter of motivation up to 500 words
Please send your documents by email to: [email protected] NO LATER than 5 June 2024 at midnight (Bishkek time). Please indicate “Geopolitical Globalised World” in the subject line of your email. An application that does not follow these instructions will not be reviewed.
>>>>>More information<<<<
Please open Telegram to view this post
Part-time job
Office manager for @shinonmeduzb
-understand English
-at least 19 years old
-be communicative and sociable
About the job:
-4 hours a day, from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m.
-Lunch from 12-1 p.m.
-5 days a week
2 000 000 million uzs (non negotiable)
This is not a summer job, we need someone long term.
Contact @shinonmedkadr
Office manager for @shinonmeduzb
-understand English
-at least 19 years old
-be communicative and sociable
About the job:
-4 hours a day, from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m.
-Lunch from 12-1 p.m.
-5 days a week
2 000 000 million uzs (non negotiable)
This is not a summer job, we need someone long term.
Contact @shinonmedkadr
Calling All Young Leaders and Activists from 🇰🇿 🇰🇬 🇹🇯 🇹🇲 🇺🇿! 🌟
Greetings from the OSCE HQ in Vienna!
We want YOUR ideas to shape our upcoming youth energy initiatives! This is your chance to make a real impact with the OSCE through our quick and easy Online Suggestion Box. ⏳ It only takes 5 minutes!
Why You Should Join In:
🌍 Help us create activities that truly meet your needs and ambitions. (if you need in-person workshops, scholarships, etc.)
📧 Leave your contact details to get exclusive updates and opportunities directly from OSCE.
Don't Miss Out!
Deadline: June 21
Link: https://bit.ly/TheSuggestionsBox
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Greetings from the OSCE HQ in Vienna!
We want YOUR ideas to shape our upcoming youth energy initiatives! This is your chance to make a real impact with the OSCE through our quick and easy Online Suggestion Box. ⏳ It only takes 5 minutes!
Why You Should Join In:
🌍 Help us create activities that truly meet your needs and ambitions. (if you need in-person workshops, scholarships, etc.)
📧 Leave your contact details to get exclusive updates and opportunities directly from OSCE.
Don't Miss Out!
Deadline: June 21
Link: https://bit.ly/TheSuggestionsBox
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Google Docs
Questions for the «Online Suggestion Box💡» / Онлайн Ящик для Предложений💡
Promoting youth participation in OSCE energy projects
The Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) addresses security-related economic and environmental issues. In order to ensure the participation of Central Asian…
The Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) addresses security-related economic and environmental issues. In order to ensure the participation of Central Asian…