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The political and security cabinet will meet tonight at 7:30 PM after many days of not meeting and after four postponements
Foreign reports: the Iranian Revolution Guards began to pour thousands of troops into Lebanon. From Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Iran.
Yes. Things are escalating in the north. Yes, we have political turmoil. Yes, my region of the world is chaotic. -
Report in "Financial Times":
Israel is pushing for the creation of a "security zone" within a range of five kilometers inside Lebanon
Heavy barrage on northern Israel. Dozens of interceptions!
Netanyahu warns: "Iran is on its way to conquering the Middle East, it's only a matter of time"
Report in Politico:
American intelligence estimates that a large-scale conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is expected to break out in the coming weeks - this is on the condition that Israel and Hamas do not reach a cease-fire agreement in Gaza. A senior official in the American administration emphasized that "the risk of war now is the highest in recent weeks"
The ICC has just postponed the warrant process against Israeli PM Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant, agreeing to hear UK's submission that the Court lacks jurisdiction, on the basis that the Palestinian Auth cannot have jurisdiction over Israeli nationals under the Oslo Accords, and so therefore it cannot transfer that jurisdiction over to the ICC to prosecute Israelis.

The Court has also permitted other countries to make submissions on this issue by 12 July, 2024.
Media is too big
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met today, at the Kirya in Tel Aviv, with a JINSA delegation of generals and admirals.
Media is too big
The hypocrisy of anti-semites who believe the church has replaced Israel. They attack Israel but then seek the blessings of the same people.

Watch this entire episode:
The Wall Street Journal: "Biden crashed in his first confrontation - and gave the performance many Democrats feared."

Politico: "Democrats are thinking about the unthinkable - it's time for Biden to go."

The New York Times: "Part of the Democratic Party is already talking about replacing Biden"
As I predicted
The end of Biden’s career
Now ask yourself if any world leader would want to sign any defense treaty with America right now. Saudi Arabia is definitely not interested!
This morning the elections for the presidency of Iran began in the place of Ebrahim Raisi who was killed about a month and a half ago. It appears that none of the four candidates, three conservative and one "reformist", will be able to achieve today the threshold of 50% of the votes necessary for victory - and the two candidates with the highest percentage of the vote will continue to a second round
The below opinion is what I read all across Israeli social media:

Last night’s debate could turn into a disaster for Trump: Biden's performance was so terrible that he will now be under heavy pressure to withdraw from the race, and if this happens it could cost Trump the election, because the Republicans could not ask for a weaker candidate against them.
2024/06/30 21:31:46
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