Telegram Web
I decided to invite all my friends and network to discuss things related to growth, both personally and professionally.

Fill short form and I will let you in.
Намагаюсь підтримувати людей в своїх починаннях, даю мікрофон моєму гарному знайомому:

«У дитинстві я мріяв бути архітектором. Але мій репетитор мені сказав, що я не маю здібностей до малюнка.
Я отримав топову професію в ІТ і ніколи не працював в ній. Я вирішив будувати бізнес як мій батько.

Я відкривав проекти один за одним. На даний момент аж 18. Частина з них злітали, частина ні. Але радості я не відчував.

16 років я мотався цим колом, крізь вигоряння і депресії, поки не зрозумів, що я тупо намагаюся жити життям іншої людини.

Я почав шукати, в чому мої таланти і до чого мене хилить. І з'ясував, що мені набагато гармонійніше працювати персонально з людьми, а не з процесами, цифрами та дедлайнами.

Я за все життя не відчував себе настільки наповненим та реалізованим, як зараз.

Якщо для вас також актуальне питання пошуку вашої надихаючої справи, приходьте до моєї группу з пошуку покликання.

Далі за посиланням: »
Take a look inside my wallet 👛

To improve something, firstly, you need to measure it

Without it, how will you measure it?

I have been tracking my finances for the last five years, which has helped me greatly.

Track spends the first time is the hardest one.

But then I optimized it.

When I started my entrepreneurial journey, I changed my system and created my profit and loss statement.

To make it funnier, I decided to share it.

Yes, I decided to share my income and spending sources with you.

I will do this once per month via email for followers.

Why do you need this?

1) It's interesting;

2) You can learn from my mistakes;

3) You can give feedback, and I could implement it;

Check my first P&L with learning:
The State of Growth 2022 _ GrowthHackers.pdf
25.3 MB
The State of Growth 2022 by GrowthHackers
Media is too big
Guys, I am presenting to you (with a certain degree of trepidation) my Humans in Growth podcast. I’ll talk with the cool experts about… Growth, yeah.

My first guest is Justyna Ciecierska, Head of Growth at Beducated, growth mentor and lecturer. We discussed how to push and speed up your team and what to do with the impostor syndrome.

That piece of the podcast is about feedback. There are times you’re not sure that criticism is fair. Also, sometimes feedback can be painful. We discussed this.

You can listen to the whole episode in Anchor or watch it on YouTube.
Collection of books + raffle

The first time you go to the gym, you shouldn’t do heavy exercise. The same with books.

I’ve prepared 25 books for specialists in product and marketing roles. The list is divided into literature for beginners and advanced. You will find a raffle at the end of the article.

Enjoy the article!
Media is too big
Hi there, this is the second episode of my Humans in Growth podcast.

My guest is Katya Sivkova, Founder of Boom & Bloom and a growth advisory. We discussed how did life change when becoming an entrepreneur, and gave some advice to people who want to change careers.

That piece of the podcast focuses on a portfolio career. We discussed how to combine different careers to keep from being bored.

Check out the full episode on the YouTube or Anchor.

More about Growth, marketing, and entrepreneurship is on my LinkedIn. Follow me!
Do you want to know what I spend my money on? 💳

Let me remind you what's going on. Since I started my entrepreneurial journey, I decided to change my system and create my P&L.

To make it funnier, I decided to share P&L, time allocation, and my thoughts on the blog.

Meet my second finances tracking for a month.
At 06:25 AM 25/09/2022, I understand that I am happy and have everything that I need 🥰

Wish you have the same great feelings 💌
Want to know a secret?

Well, it was a ploy, honestly. You probably know I have a Growth&Marketing Blog. Let me remind you about 3 valuable articles there:

Modeling and Optimization of Viral Loops: A Guide to Making Your Product Go Viral

Here you’ll learn the basics about a viral loop. At first, what goes into modeling viral loops. I also told you how to optimize a viral loop: how to increase the number of contacts users have with the invitation form, gamify the referral program and increase retention.

Viral Loop: Let Your Customer Advertise for You

How does something become viral? What are the benefits of using a viral loop? This article is about it. In the end, you’ll find a bonus block about common mistakes to avoid while building a viral loop.

3 Types of Viral Loops: Growing Your Customer Pool

Organic, casual, and incentivized viral loops. You’ll figure out what it is and look at examples of loops: Slack, Figma, DoorDash, etc. Also, you will know about the types of rewards.
I don't count how many books read anymore

To think in the strict category X books for Y weeks is useless, I suppose.

But now I want to read more and launch a cozy literature club! Purposes:
- help each other practice English
- learn new and grow

We can regulate the schedule, speed of reading, and frequency of meetings. To begin with, let’s meet in Discord next Thursday (3.11) at 17:00 pm in Lisbon, 19:00 in Kyiv.

The first book that we’ll discuss is The systems bible.

Entrance: $20. That’s a hard challenge. Not everyone will survive the finale. But who reaches the end I’ll return $10. Truants will lose their membership.

Text me if you’re interested @iambohdao
So, let me take the mystery out and show you all the contents of my wallet

Spoiler — business expenses increased. Plus, I start to monitor sleep quality and more carefully track time.

You can compare this month with previous ones and check did I follow the plan 100% or not.
Please unfollow me

If you don't want to read my content now, it's okay

If my content is among the others that you always skip, unfollow me

I don't want to have more followers

I want to have less

I'm looking for a part-time Content Writer

You will create articles, case studies, and lead magnets for MarTech and/or Crypto companies.

- Experience in planning and writing articles, case studies, and lead magnets
- High grasp of the Engish language (C1 or higher)
- Understanding MarTech and/or Crypto industries
- Understanding the principles of SEO

Compensation will be discussed personally.

If it seems interesting, send me your CV in a direct message @iambohdao.

Know anyone who might be interested?
A crisis of ideas?

A suitable community will take away your pain.

Enthusiasts from Humans in Growth gathered whole bunch of marketing communities and newsletters. I collected and systematized data and added a descriptions to each one in this article. Enjoy and share 🙂
Why do you need a mentor?

I met my first mentor during my first years in marketing; we worked together. In addition to guiding me, he helped realize how much I was worth. As a result, my salary increased by 2.5 times. It was a surprise for me!

He is one of the few people that I still listen to. The coolest part is that I also help him!

How a mentor can help:

- Understand what goes wrong in a career and how to fix it
- Evaluate weak and strong points to identify growth areas
- Plan ways to achieve goals: pay raise/promotion/job change
- Get rid of the illusions and go ahead as planned
- Avoid the mistakes that the mentor made once to speed up progress

I hope we'll get along and I can help to fulfill your dream. My current mentee was satisfied, at the least 😉

We'll match if you have about 2 years in marketing / you’re a founder.

The price is $300 for 2 one-hour-long meetings per month. The price will increase by 5% with each successive mentee.

Let's meet! Maybe I can help. A free 15-minute call.
I have something to celebrate, guys. After a long wait, it finally happened.

I updated the brand style of my blog So I’ve collected articles that you did not read probably:

How to get the most out of content loops

Content is a tool that allows you to attract users, increase profits, and grow your business. This article discusses different types of content loops, why you should use them, and a step-by-step guide to creating a content loop.

Experiments and Hypotheses: How to Systematically Grow Your Business

What does experimenting mean in business? Why and how does it work? Let’s dive in, step by step.

Why it is important to educate your audience and how to do it

We’ll talk about how educational content works for different business models, how to create effective content, what market education is, and why you need it.

25 books for specialists in product and marketing roles

Here is a collection of literature that will help to boost your hard skills. Promotion, positioning, growth, analytics, research, and pre-product market fit exist.

Please take a look at my blog for ideas 🙂
Lessons I learned from my first failed startup 🤕

Last 8 months, I have been working tirelessly on my first startup, and I have finally reached a point where I feel confident enough to share my journey with all of you. There is nothing easy about starting a business, but it is an incredible experience.

Coming up with the initial idea to finally bring the product to market has been a rollercoaster ride. But through it all, I have learned much about myself and what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

I shared how and why I failed in my blog 👇
2025/02/19 23:28:56
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