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Forwarded from Wheels | POSTER.
eYow FeLASSS 🤘🏻turn the beat up 💀

𝐇eralded by dazzling claps of thunder ⚡️ and lightning that boast an ocean of tears. Across the meadow next door, it was a warm summer's night, dark, and moonless. cezied officially looking for more crew !

If you're interested, check the division and the rules you're looking bellow ⬇️

★. Core
★. Sfs/pfp
★. Mpps
★. Edit

★★. Main Rules

⋆ . all gender & all chara allowed
⋆ . niat niat niat, ditegaskan sekali lagi niat.
⋆ . tidak sedang dalam masa L/H/D
⋆ . nolep issa point plus
⋆ . subs ch @ofccezied dan @cezied
⋆ . use #czdhirmin on your pdn
⋆ . bertanggung jawab sesuai dengan devisi yang sudah dipilih
⋆ . share list hiring ke channel pribadimu, jika tidak punya share ke 3 lpm (@listlpm) sebagai referensi, tidak usah di ss.
⋆ . mudah berbaur dengan sesama adm atau member
⋆ . bisa membagi waktu antara rp dan rl.

spread this information to all your public channels so that all eyes can come here.

When you're ready to join send the FORMAT to @czdassistbot
jangan lupa join yank
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Forwarded from Wheels | POSTER.
💀💀. Hi, We Are Cezied!
We're looking for the new member, if you interested please read the rules and send the format bellow

★★. Rules:
★. Make sure Subscribe channel @ofccezied & @cezied
★. Put "Czd" (tap auto copy) on your display name
ex : czd. belle / belle czd
or put #cezied on your bio
ex : Hi there! I am using Telegram #cezied
★. All gender & all chara allowed.
★. Talkactive dan mudah berbaur bersama yang lain.
★. Tidak mendekati masa L/H/D
★. Kami tidak menerima clone account, ataupun mata mata.
★. Share poster ini ke channel pribadi kalian.

Done all rules?

" Hi, i'm @.username + @.usnchannel interested to join you guys! "

Send format ke @czdassistbot see ya on the base!
setelah sekian abad akhirnya cezied opmem, ayo join
kt butuh dede gemes
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dde galak jg gapapa
The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If they remain inactive for the next 17 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The channel will remain accessible for all users.
kangen bgt ampunnn
anak anakku kalo kalian liat ini, apa kabarrrrrr
mskipun gabakal ada yang liat si
tp gapapaaaa🥵
2025/02/20 20:16:26
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