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Late in the night she wakes​
For that thrill to be happy she waits
But like everything that disappoints
She felt the absence in her joints
She tumbles back to her cold bed
The dream and reality making her shred

The voices in her head tell her to keep going
Never give up keep fighting
But she's exhausted and lost
To keep trying to hope
To pray to God​ and to wish
For her success served in a dish

Her faith in herself dwindling
The light she seeked dropping
Letting it all go seemed much too impossible
For her surrounding's safety was much too plausible

But she knew she'll climb the mountain no matter how steep
She'll always dig further no matter​ how deep.

Prepping for tomorrow she goes back to sleep
The last of her thoughts running off in a leap.

It became a pattern
Falling for your type
Man, you're so damn predictable
Morning, noon and night
See you can never fill this emptiness
That I feel deep inside
Said I care but I don't care enough
To keep you in my life
You're just a typical guy
You ain't nothing special, boy
I want someone to make me feel
A way I never felt before
I wanna feel that feeling that
My heart has been craving for
You're just what I'm used to and
I'm in need of something more
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U said u wouldn't and u fucking did
Waking up at 7 just to cry for no reason
Who can I love when they tell me I can't love myself
How in hell can I possibly love someone else
U can pretend u don't miss me
U can pretend u don't care
All u want to do is kiss me
But what a shame I'm not there
Disappointments suck. Not the ones you have, but the ones people have on you. Knowing you can do absolutely​ nothing to change it, sucks even more. You know the truth but when the people you Constantly rely on refuse to believe and understand the situation you are brewing in...It to sucks. No other word comes to mind except that it sucks. Tears were such constant things at first. You know they will not solve a single one of your problems or even begin to release the emotions inside and yet you cry anyway. You cry until your headaches. You cry until you throw up. You cry until you can't anymore. But that's the worst part when you have no tears left to cry. You think you are feeling numb but it still hurts you're simply feeling it and not reacting to it. You still feel the hurt and sadness, however you shrug it away because you know no matter what you do there's not a single thing you change. Like the disappointments you have aren't enough this too just gives you another hit. You then reach a stage where you hate waking up. You are not having suicidal thoughts, but you just don't want to wake up and face reality. You know you should be thankful for everything you have in life. But you can't help the fact that everything really sucks! It just does. You have no way of changing it, you cannot react anyway to it because that would mean you're being "spoiled and dramatic." You really try to move on from these hopeless thoughts you try to get past it and look at the better things in life.....You really do try you're one or two steps in you're actually making progress, but then something happens out of the blue and you're back to square one with your sadness and self depricating thoughts. Is there a way to this? Is there an end to it? It again sucks but you still hope there is because what else can you do?
entry: 02.07.18
one of the darker days
i don’t think i’ve felt this alone for a while. i woke up this morning, three hours before my alarm, hoping, praying that nothing happened. that i would wake up on tuesday, february sixth and realize it was all just a nightmare. but it wasn’t. that was reality. i’m a stupid teenager. i may even be a slut, who knows?
but why does my life have to follow a plan? why am i treated like a puppet?
why am i not good enough in their eyes? my mind is common to overthinking.. my mind is prone to insanity. the cuts i lay upon my thigh and arms aren’t even a little pain that i’m feeling in my head. most times i wonder why i haven’t killed myself yet. i was so happy but now i’m so so very sad. i don’t think my happiness ever stays long, i don’t think it will ever stay long.
the sadness always comes back to haunt our minds.
the pain will never go away la tristesse durera toujours
Forwarded from Beautiful mess (Mel)
Star light, star bright
The first star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have this wish I wish tonight
For me to live with no sight
Till the end of time I shall not see
What I feel in this intensity
My mind so dark full of insanity
My heart so cold full of agony.

So come come my little star
Take me away from this place so far
For I wish to never see my bodily scar
I cannot wait any longer
I have a little quest I need to conquer.
I am craving my sharp silver
For my head to stop that awful singer

By: Mel & rainbow
“The most beautiful things in all the kingdom often have jagged and uneven lines, scars which intensify the beauty in intricate ways our eyes nor our minds can detect or even begin to understand,”
Forwarded from Adonay (Amen Assefa (Adonay))
ያልተሰየመ ያልተቦረሸ - ፭

ተይ ፍቅርዬ ልቤን እርሺው
ቀደሽ ወግተሽ ወዲያ ጣዪው
እሺ በዪኝ ስሚኝ ሆዴ ልቤን ትፊው
አይሁን መሻትሽ አይሁን ጥማትሽ
አታልሚኝ አትናፍቂኝ ትዝ አልበልሽ

ተይ ፍቅርዬ ልቤን እርሺው
ሂጂ ከቤተስኪያን ተጠመቂ ጠበል
ቄሱ ከቤት መጥቶ ወግድ ክፉ ይበል
በእከደከ ሰይጣን ቤትሽን አስረጪው
ርዥራዥ ቁራሹን አክክ ብለሽ ትፊው
ጎትችው በግዳጅ ከውስጥሽ መንጭቂው

ተይ ፍቅርዬ ልቤን እርሺው
ዘንጊው እባክሽን ከነመፈጠሩ
አይናፍቅሽ ትዝታው አይናፍቅሽ ጠረኑ

እኔ እንደው ዘምኜ
ሰልጥኛለሁ ሠይጥኛለሁ አልሆንሽም
ካንቺ ዘንዳ እንዲያድር ልቤን አልሰጥሽም

Adonay / @AdonayInks
Forwarded from Model AU -Ethiopia
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Register now and be a part of a simulation conference where you get to get your message across and network with individuals who have experience and will aspire you greatly; be heard in a simulation conference where young people meet to discuss and debate on agendas that the world is facing today and the best possible solutions which will help our continent and world to be a better place for all of us.With this opportunity you will be able to: develop essential skills like public speaking and critical thinking, learn and further enhance your knowledge about different issues that affect us all, develop your leadership skills, network with other individuals and last but not least understand about how the African Union organs work and their structure.
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Place : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Dates : 08 to 09 August 2022
Very Limited Seats Available
2024/09/22 06:42:36
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