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Stake your WETH and earn dfine.

The Airdrop farming as started
We have added 2 active pools

Stake Dfine and farm Dfine
Stake Dgovn and farm Dfine
More pools will be added

Happy farming
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Which of the Ethereum Alternative would you like us to switch to.
Anonymous Poll
Binance Smart Chain BSC
Lets wait for Eth 2.0 / optimistic rollups
Forwarded from Dalemat
Hello dfine community. Due to high gas fee and congestion on the ethereum network. its making it difficult for retail investors to interact with the network.

Although Ethreum is the best choice for DEFI projects because of its robust decentralisation and security but the fee is prohibitive now.

As a result we have been looking for other suitable alternatives

Below are some possible choice with its merit and demerits. we want the community to vote on which of them they will prefer as an altenative.

1. Binance Smart chain BSC:Not as decentralised as Ethereum but quite popular and as decent amount of users compared to eth. It also comes with little or no friction for users if we decide to switch to BSC. It will require the team to deploy a new dfine and dgovn token but users dont need to do anything to get the tokens. A snap shot of the eth blockchain will be carried out and the new chain tokens airdrop to users and holders.

2 Xdai and matic: This is a layer 2 solution for ethereum. it is not as decentralised as ethereum. it has more friction in switching as users will have to pay gas to move to and fro. It is not as liquid as binance smart chain but offers the advantage of switching back to ethereum by aid of a bridge with of course gas fees which users are trying to avoid. In this case Admin/dev dont need to deploy a new token but can make use of the native dfine token.

The above solutions can be switched to within 24 to 48 hrs. But we would like the opinion of the community the chain they prefer. In terms of ease of use and better fee.

We shall post a vote form for users to choose from. The most popular vote will be implimented within 2 weeks or less

Thank you
DFINE NEWS CHANNEL pinned «Which of the Ethereum Alternative would you like us to switch to.»
Hello community. We are currently testing the token contract to be deployed on binance smart chain.

It will have a new and interesting tokenomics.

Those who filled the spreadsheet for token swap before the expiration date of March will be airdroped the new token on bsc chain.

Snapshot of those holding dfine and dgovn on eth chain is noted and will be airdroped the new token. You don't have to do anything. Just leave your funds in your private wallet.

Old website will be discarded with a new on soon detailing the new road map and way forward.

Once the new token is deployed . It will be added to pancake swap and other Dex.

Stay tuned
Hello community. Ensure to leave your dfine tokens and dgovn tokens in your wallet. If you have your token staked on the gysr. Kindly remove it.

The final snapshot will take place within the coming week. User don't need to do any other swap. Bsc dfine and dgovn will be sent to holders.

Those who filled the form for the pos/pow dalecoin swap will also reciv. The new dfine BSC tokens .

Dfine will have a new and interesting tokenomics which will be stated in the new website. It will be a short supply with unique features. We will be having LP farms and staking and other interesting things ahead . The nft will also available . Details on that will come too.

Some liquidity will be added to pancake swap to kick start the new development.

And some good news our old Twitter account as been restored.

Stay tuned for more news.
Just a quick update.

The testing is going on fine. Soon we shall deploy dfine and dgovn on bsc mainnnet. Dfine will have a new metrics and tokenomics . We are deciding to give over 80% of 5000 dgovn token to the community for free via airdrop/liquidity mining. Stay tuned for more info.
Final snapshot of all address holding Dfine and dgovn token will be taken 4pm utc on the 26th. After the snapshot the new tokens on bsc chain will be airdropped at an announced date during the week. All old dalecoin POs/Pow who filled the form will be airdroped after verification.

Any other valid claims that did not meet the above conditions will be issued an IOU.

Thank you.
Good news

We have deployed Dfine to binance smart chain.

Dfine will have a new tokenomics as follows

1. Max supply of 200,000 with the possiblity of burning tokens in future to further reduce supply

2. Introduction of a 1% transaction fee that will help the project in marketing and development.

From the snapshot we have on non smart contract addresses and from the form filled for old dalecoin POS swap.

About 70,000 tokens will be distributed and any tokens remaining will be used to provide initial liquidity to dex.

The remaining 130,000 tokens will be farmed.

500 Dgovn will be reserved to pay 1 or 2 holders of Dgovn and the rest will be used for initial liquidity. Dgovn is just a governance token to be used for voting if the need arises

4500 Dgovn will be farmed by the community.

Any other legitimate claims missed as a result of oversight in compilation will be settled by issuing an IOU.

Distribution of tokens will commence very soon.

Stay tuned
Distribution of dfine token on BSC as commenced based on our snapshot and current records.
We have finished disbursing dfine to all eligible snapshot address holding dfine on ethereum. And those that filled the form for POS swap last year.

If there is any other address eligible within this frame work. We shall reinburse. We will timelock 10,000 dfine for a month to settle any. After that time, the funds will be sent to staking pools or used for partnership colaboration.

Any other claims may or may not be settled by issuing an IOU.

So far we have disbursed over 26,000 dfine tokens to addresses. 10,000 dfine tokens will be timelocked for 1 month to settle any legitimate claims if there is. 7,000 dfine will be used to provide seed liquidity and 3000 dfine will be for the team. The 153,000 remaining funds wil be locked into farming contracts.

500 Dgovn token will be reserved for initial seed liquidity provision and for the team. While 4500 of the remaining will be used to set up farms for the community to claim.

We shall begin some form of marketing with the limited funds we have and grow the project from there.

Stay tuned for announcement of dex listing and development of our staking platform.

Hello Community

We have added seed liquidity to 2 dexes Pancake swap and bakery swap

Listing price dfine $0.04 Circulating supply 46,000 Max supply 200,000

listing price Dgovn $1 Circulating supply 500 Max supply 5000

Pancakeswap pairs




Bakery swap pairs




You may use this tools to track the assets


We will update the website when we are done. Also the staking dapp will be launched when we finish all the testing. Listing on coinGecko and other metrics site will commence.

keep supporting Dalecoin Finance.
2025/03/30 03:52:54
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