Telegram Web
#issues @creationdatebot

I apologize for the recent bot downtime. All code ages, and it seems that I will soon have to rewrite the bot on top of a more consistent library to be able to implement new features. This will be coming soon, as I finish up work on another bot, that should also be of interest to many people. Stay tuned!
#new @beta_courantbot

hey guys, sorry for being so quiet. i’ve been working on something for quite while.

i developed a little bot that basically combines your channel or rss subscriptions into one chat. It collects new posts from channels or rss feeds and sends them to you so that your chats list is free of clutter.

it’s currently in beta, please check it out: @beta_courantbot
#issues @creationdatebot

I know the bot is down. Fixes and updates coming soon, stay tuned.
#issues @creationdatebot

The bot is up and working. I’m soon rewriting the codebase so the dates are more accurate. Stay tuned!
#update @creationdatebot

The bot now supports @username’s and gives you their creation dates! Simply send a username to the bot and it will do the rest. Thanks for your patience everyone!
Forwarded from Creation Date
id: 106596774
first_name: vaprio
username: tgcode
registered: 2015-02-26
#issues @creationdatebot

Wow! You guys are wild. Currently it appears that telegram has temporarily banned the bot from resolving usernames. In the future, to prevent this, I’m afraid this command will be limited to a certain maximum per day. Meanwhile, I’ll be fixing the issue. Go easy on the bot please!
FloodWaitError: A wait of 3033 seconds is required (caused by ResolveUsernameRequest)
P.S. regular messages and forwards are still functioning
#issues @creationdatebot

The flood issue has been handled. If over-used, you will have to wait to use it. In the future I may be adding more capacity for this function, but as of now the demand isn’t too strong. Stay tuned for more updates!
#new @tagtrackbot

Telegram macOS Swift (@macswift) bug and suggestions tracker; integrates with Trello.

#update @creationdatebot

Want to give a big shoutout to @kernoeb for helping translate the bot to French. He’s now under the /credits section in the bot. If you would like to contribute to the development and translate the bot to your language, feel free to reach out (REDACTED)

Stay tuned ✌️
#update @creationdatebot

Due to popular demand and some (very) vocal people, the manual /id command is making a comeback!

#update @creationdatebot

For a while now, the source code of Creation Date has been licensed under MIT and been publicly viewable on GitHub. You can go over and check out everything that keeps it running:

Give some love to the project by starring it 🌟!
#update @creationdatebot

Shout out to @hfsoriad for translating the bot to Portuguese, Spanish and @prizrique for the Uzbek translation. They’re already being added to the /credits section.
#issues @creationdatebot

The bot is back online after weeks of downtime. Feel free to use it and sorry for any inconveniences.
#issues @creationdatebot

Hi guys. The Creation Date Bot requires a server to function, for which I have for years, till now, now paid out of my own pocket to maintain the free service. I am now a broke college student. The server fee is $5/month. The bot is currently down but if you’d like to support the cost please donate:

Bitcoin: bc1qq9tjag6fpsyf9yf36er7vwjdagu69l2kfjqwhp
Venmo: @komron
#update @creationdatebot

A generous donor has paid to have the bot reinstated. Wohoo! Enjoy.

hello! if you have a bot idea and are looking for a developer, i will code it for you at a per-project price.

will accept major cryptos, paypal and venmo as payment. text me at @tgcode!
Forwarded from BrainDev Channel
Telegram's Message Limit: Old Messages Gone Forever

Telegram's main web page boasts that the service has «no limits» on the size of chats. However, with careful testing, we can find this statement false — that after a given number of messages (around 1 million),
Telegram will stop serving you your own messages. This limitation is found both in channels/supergroups as well as private messages as a whole.

Those encountering this problem in the wild are ostensibly active telegram
users and group chats — communities and people most dependent on this
messenger. Take for example a popular bots developer who "mistakenly"
set his bots to send logs as private messages and thereby lost a lot of
messages from important private chats: (in Russian).

Ultimately this leads to hacks and workarounds — active telegram users must keep in mind this limit and create separate channels for their doge memes,
music, bot logs, etc. For many large telegram communities with thousands
of users in supergroups this also presents a problem of continuity that
is unavoidable: old messages simply perish and important history is

❗️ You can help in a simple way: click on the 🌐 link (no authorization required) and 👍 like it.
2025/03/01 07:34:59
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