这里真正体现力量的是 artifacts 的诞生过程 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUdNaAAc4FY
How we built Artifacts with Claude
Today, we’re making Artifacts available for all Claude.ai users. In addition, you can now create and view Artifacts on our iOS and Android apps. Artifacts turn conversations with Claude into a more creative and collaborative experience.
With Artifacts, you…
With Artifacts, you…
随着模型能力提高 val town 的形态理所当然地成为了“AI生成代码原生平台”,如今上面部署的代码 40% 都由 AI 生成 https://blog.val.town/blog/val-town-newsletter-20/
Val Town Newsletter 20
Townie AI, Faster vals, and Lockfiles