Diyorbek’s notes
There is almost no learning place for APs; ig it is very good place looking at results. I admit that there were failures, but so what? everywhere has its failures
Even though it's been more than a half year living abroad, i still have 'eww' moments when i see a girl with a beard
Forwarded from Abdulloh
Sizdagi uchta narsani koʻra oladigan insonlarni qadrlang: tabassum ortidagi qaygʻu, gʻazab ortidagi muhabbat va sukut ortidagi maʼnoni.
Aleksandr Dyuma
Aleksandr Dyuma
O’zbekistondagilar uxlamadi shekilli hali?
very tolerant chat.
O’zbekistondagilar uxlamadi shekilli hali?
very tolerant chat.
1. a lot. i don’t manage my finances well. my uni paid $17k for my residency for 8 months and gave me $5.5k for food. i have only ~$200 on my meal plan. on top of that, i used to spend $1,500 monthly, but it’s going to be more now.
2. well, ask someone studies in US/or you had an option to read my channel’s description. I study in Canada 🇨🇦 (51th state of Amerika,hahah)
3. I am in Ontario province. they say it is GTA(greater toronto area)
4. shunaqa shekilli
5. yes, i said yes every time. but you know what? You can be the next; my girlfriend doesn’t mind, haha.
2. well, ask someone studies in US/or you had an option to read my channel’s description. I study in Canada 🇨🇦 (51th state of Amerika,hahah)
3. I am in Ontario province. they say it is GTA(greater toronto area)
4. shunaqa shekilli
5. yes, i said yes every time. but you know what? You can be the next; my girlfriend doesn’t mind, haha.
1. why not?
2. yes, i studied there. do i recommend it? depends. depends on your current situation, plans, and potential.
3. ha, shunaqa. I would argue that he is the best pedagogical expert because he admits that he is not a pedagog. however, he was one of the best person I’ve met and could affect me
4. Man hechnima deyolmiyman. sizga ham bunaqa anonim botlar orqali hayotizni o’zgartirvoradigan qarorlarni qabul qilmang. bu savolga javob ham tepada aytganimdek ko’p narsaga bog’liq. depends on your current situation, plans, and potential.
2. yes, i studied there. do i recommend it? depends. depends on your current situation, plans, and potential.
3. ha, shunaqa. I would argue that he is the best pedagogical expert because he admits that he is not a pedagog. however, he was one of the best person I’ve met and could affect me
4. Man hechnima deyolmiyman. sizga ham bunaqa anonim botlar orqali hayotizni o’zgartirvoradigan qarorlarni qabul qilmang. bu savolga javob ham tepada aytganimdek ko’p narsaga bog’liq. depends on your current situation, plans, and potential.
Diyorbek’s notes
1. a lot. i don’t manage my finances well. my uni paid $17k for my residency for 8 months and gave me $5.5k for food. i have only ~$200 on my meal plan. on top of that, i used to spend $1,500 monthly, but it’s going to be more now. 2. well, ask someone studies…
5. Айтинг эди девол эмас силжиб туради дб
1. kimligingni bilmiymaydi deb o’ylaysanmi? H… ? provaktsiya qvoraymi, shantajlik qb😂
2. depends. wiut, most likely.
3. idk man. i ask this question myself everyday
4. bilmadim, eng ko’p reaksiya yig’gan komment bittaku
5. Britaniya qirolligining, Kanada degan mustamlakising, Ontario yerlaridagi, University of Torontoning Mississauga degan qasrida
2. depends. wiut, most likely.
3. idk man. i ask this question myself everyday
4. bilmadim, eng ko’p reaksiya yig’gan komment bittaku
5. Britaniya qirolligining, Kanada degan mustamlakising, Ontario yerlaridagi, University of Torontoning Mississauga degan qasrida
1. mission dismissed, boshqasini topamiz deydi-da? manimcha hozir unaqa qizla bo’masa kerak, kimnidir kanaliga prosta u bilan tanishish uchun kiradigan.
2. i have only opened admissions course with Asilbek. Admit of CMU-Qatar. he is very smart, reasonable, and very good-looking friend of mine. i haven’t opened any course with anyone except him
3. retake it man. you can’t get into any good uni with anything lower than 1400. retake it, as many times as possible, until you get 1500+
4. for this question, i opened my google doc that i created 2 years ago. 31 rejections. 16 acceptances
2. i have only opened admissions course with Asilbek. Admit of CMU-Qatar. he is very smart, reasonable, and very good-looking friend of mine. i haven’t opened any course with anyone except him
3. retake it man. you can’t get into any good uni with anything lower than 1400. retake it, as many times as possible, until you get 1500+
4. for this question, i opened my google doc that i created 2 years ago. 31 rejections. 16 acceptances
now, english guys. my ma just saw it. dumb mode is on. how she can’t translate this.
1. getting fucking rich. buying everything for my family
2. it’s kinda blurry now. i don’t like to plan future. but i like to plan everything else.
3. it’s bad. my expectations were pretty low. life is not as colourful as people show it on instagram. i actually want to show that boring life on insta.’stgo’ylik. sadoqat.
5. both.
2. it’s kinda blurry now. i don’t like to plan future. but i like to plan everything else.
3. it’s bad. my expectations were pretty low. life is not as colourful as people show it on instagram. i actually want to show that boring life on insta.’stgo’ylik. sadoqat.
5. both.
1. Ismim Diyor. yoshim 18da. University of Torontoda o’qiyman. Dunyoda 17-o’rinda turadi. Mani sohamda 9-o’rinda. bo’ldi qisqacha shu. odamlarga universitetga kirishga yordam beraman. foyasiz ko’proq, foydali bazi narsalar yozib turaman. odamlar nimaga kuzatadi bilmiyman
2. i don’t, but i am thinking about instagram vlog just to have my own bubble in this stressful life here.
3. manimcha lichkamga yozdiz
2. i don’t, but i am thinking about instagram vlog just to have my own bubble in this stressful life here.
3. manimcha lichkamga yozdiz
1. good for you
2. o’zi universitetda o’qishda value yo’qolib ketyapti. vallomati 100% grant bersayam 4 yil umrizni sotishga arziydimi yo’qmi shuni so’rashiz kerak o’zizdan. Diploma ni value bo’masa, u universitetga borgandan foyda yo’q hozirku kunda.
3. ko’rishamiz, yozing manga, qachon ko’rishishni kelishamiz
4. 17.04.2006
5. 3 years 8 months 25 days
2. o’zi universitetda o’qishda value yo’qolib ketyapti. vallomati 100% grant bersayam 4 yil umrizni sotishga arziydimi yo’qmi shuni so’rashiz kerak o’zizdan. Diploma ni value bo’masa, u universitetga borgandan foyda yo’q hozirku kunda.
3. ko’rishamiz, yozing manga, qachon ko’rishishni kelishamiz
4. 17.04.2006
5. 3 years 8 months 25 days
1. Barca! forever!
2. 23 yoshizda o’zizga savol bering to’g’ri ish bo’ladimi hammasini 0dan boshlab, bakalavr o’qish. siz kiroladigan universitet kim qanaqa bo’ladi. agar sizda pul bo’lsa, va oxirida umrizga achinmasangiz, bemalol topshirsangiz bo’ladi.
3. iye rahmat, odamni hursand qiladi shunaqa foydasiz narsalar ulashsang ham odamlarga yoqsa)
4. i will. as soon as i have time; prolly after finals
2. 23 yoshizda o’zizga savol bering to’g’ri ish bo’ladimi hammasini 0dan boshlab, bakalavr o’qish. siz kiroladigan universitet kim qanaqa bo’ladi. agar sizda pul bo’lsa, va oxirida umrizga achinmasangiz, bemalol topshirsangiz bo’ladi.
3. iye rahmat, odamni hursand qiladi shunaqa foydasiz narsalar ulashsang ham odamlarga yoqsa)
4. i will. as soon as i have time; prolly after finals