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Anonymous Quiz
I’ll follow you there
No way
Yada yada 🥱

⁃ A way to notify that something you’re talking about is predictable or boring.

⁃ І так далі, і таке інше (про щось нудне)

Ex: How I spent last evening? Came home, had dinner, switched on the telly, yada yada yada…. - Як я провів вчорашній вечір? Прийшов додому, повечеряв, включив телек і тд, і тп…
Шлейф (парфумів)
Anonymous Quiz
To Swallow the bait 🎣

-to believe, be easily convinced

-попастися на вудочку , вестися на щось

E.g: How couldn’t you notice he was playing tricks on you? Do you always swallow the bait so easily, right? - Як ти міг не здогадатись, що він жартує над тобою? Чи ти завжди так легко ведешся?
Спокутувати провину ⁉️
Anonymous Quiz
Yada yada
To atone for
burn both ends of the candle 🕯

⁃ you try to do too many things in too short a period of time so that you have to stay up very late at night and get up very early in the morning to get them done.

⁃ Гарувати; дуже сильно і постійно працювати

E.g: There is no surprise Tom got sick. He had been burning both ends of the candle for 3 months without any days-off. - Не дивно, що Том захворів. Він же гарував на роботі 3 місяці без вихідних.
A couple of idioms about studying 📚

- to hit the books

study hard , наполегливо вчитися

- to cram for exams

study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination, зубрити

- to play hooky/hookey

Skip classes without any reason, прогулювати
🫵Вгадай синонім до «To play hooky»
Anonymous Quiz
To play monkey business
To play truant
To play a bait
Hello 👋🏼

Happy Valentine’s Day 💕

Some idioms about LOVE for u❤️
Anonymous Quiz
Be an item
Tie the knot
- Pet peeves

Something that’s annoying and irritating

Дратуючі штуки

Ex: Some pet peeves that my colleagues have are loud sipping and yawning from time to time.
Wish upon a star 💫

The phrase is referred to making a wish after spotting a shooting star in the night sky

Загадати бажання, коли падає зірка

Ex: When you wish upon a star... your enemies all die.
Коли загадуєш бажання... всі твої вороги помирають.
To grapple with 🤜🏼🤛🏼

To try to deal with problems

Братися за вирішення проблеми

Ex: The actor is still grappling with the money troubles.
⁉️To deal with a problem ⁉️
Anonymous Quiz
To squeeze
To grapple with
To wish upon

A random idiom for you 🤍

To shop till you drop

To buy a lot of things at one time, often for a long period, until you are exhausted.
Купляти так багато речей за один раз, що аж валишся з ніг.

Before Christmas, he shops till he drops. He loves giving presents to his family members and friends.

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2025/03/30 17:10:22
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