Telegram Web
1. DIY 👋 = Do it yourself
2. JK 😜 = Just kidding
3. IDK 🤷‍♂️ = I don’t know
4. OMG 😱 = Oh my god
5. BTW 🤔 = By the way
6. BRB 🏃‍♂️ = Be right back
7. TYT ⌛️ = Take your time
8. LOL 😂 = Laugh out loud
9. OMG 😲 = Oh my goodness
10. SMH 🤦‍♂️ = Shaking my head
11. TTYL 👋 = Talk to you later
12. FYI ℹ️ = For your information
13. TMI 🙈 = Too much information
14. ASAP = As soon as possible
15. IMHO 🤷‍♂️ = In my humble opinion
Easy vs Advanced Vocab usage for IELTS

1️⃣Easy: If
Advanced: Provided that

2️⃣Easy: Before
Advanced: Prior to

3️⃣Easy: After
Advanced: Following

4️⃣Easy: Like
Advanced: Such as

5️⃣Easy: When
Advanced: Whenever

6️⃣Easy: About
Advanced: Concerning

7️⃣Easy: By
Advanced: Via

8️⃣Easy: Start
Advanced: Commence

9️⃣Easy: Stop
Advanced: Cease

🔟Easy: In the end
Advanced: Ultimately
2025/01/07 11:30:38
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