Webb's first image released
It is here-The deepest, sharpest infrared view of the universe to date. Webb's first deep field.
Previewed by President Joe Biden on July 11, the image shows us galaxies once invisible to us.
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It is here-The deepest, sharpest infrared view of the universe to date. Webb's first deep field.
Previewed by President Joe Biden on July 11, the image shows us galaxies once invisible to us.
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And also the full image released by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope by this night. I'll back with those pictures๐
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Photo by-NASA's James Webb Space Telescope
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Full description will be posted tomorrow, until then xxxx๐ค
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See the difference between Hubble and Webb! ๐ณ
Several galaxies out there. Its obvious we are not alone in this universe. Same spot, newr technology. It's just incredible!๐คฉ๐คฉ
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Several galaxies out there. Its obvious we are not alone in this universe. Same spot, newr technology. It's just incredible!๐คฉ๐คฉ
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Pseudoscience is a proposition, a finding or a system of explanation that is presented as science but that lacks the rigor essential to the scientific method. Pseudoscience can also be the result of research that is based on faulty premises, a flawed experimental design or bad data.
Pseudoscience consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that claim to be both scientific and factual but are incompatible with the scientific method. Pseudoscience is often characterized by contradictory, exaggerated or unfalsifiable claims; reliance on confirmation bias rather than rigorous attempts at refutation; lack of openness to evaluation by other experts; absence of systematic practices when developing hypotheses; and continued adherence long after the pseudoscientific hypotheses have been experimentally discredited.
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Pseudoscience is a proposition, a finding or a system of explanation that is presented as science but that lacks the rigor essential to the scientific method. Pseudoscience can also be the result of research that is based on faulty premises, a flawed experimental design or bad data.
Pseudoscience consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that claim to be both scientific and factual but are incompatible with the scientific method. Pseudoscience is often characterized by contradictory, exaggerated or unfalsifiable claims; reliance on confirmation bias rather than rigorous attempts at refutation; lack of openness to evaluation by other experts; absence of systematic practices when developing hypotheses; and continued adherence long after the pseudoscientific hypotheses have been experimentally discredited.
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psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true
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แฅแแฐ แ แแ แฃแแญ แจ2020 แชแแญแต แจแแแฆ แแฅแฝ แแ แแง 100% แจแคแแญแตแชแญ แฝแแแฃ แขแตแฎแตแซ แฐแแ 51.1% แ แณแญแฐแแแข
#Ethiopia #GERD #ItsMyDam #sustainableenergy #renewableenergy #africa
๐ธ Credit: NASA
Via TechTalk With Solomon
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แฅแ แ แ แตแแซแแ แแณแญแฃ แ แแต แจแแ แฆแณ แฐแแตแถ แ แแฃ แแแ แแญ แฐแแตแญแถ 100% แจแคแแญแตแชแญ แ แ แญแฆแต แแ แแก แฐแฅแถ แ แฅแญแแ แจแฐแฝแแ แแ แ แแญ แแแแแ แจแแแ แแแป แจแแ แ แแญ แแฃแช แจแฐแ แแ แจแฐแแฅแฎ แแฅแต แฐแ แ แ แฅแญแแ แแแฐแ แฅแ แจแคแแญแตแชแญ แ แ แญแฆแฑ 50% แฅแป แ แแแ แแตแฌ แแญ แฅแญแแแ แแแซ แฅแ แฒแแณแฆ แ แญ แแฝแ แ แญแฐแจแแแฃ แแฅแต แจแแฝแแแฃ แ แตแฝแแ แแแฑ แแ! แแ แญแแแ! แญแฐแจแแ! แฅแจแแแ แแ! แฅแจแฐแฐแจแแ แแ!
แฅแแฐ แ แแ แฃแแญ แจ2020 แชแแญแต แจแแแฆ แแฅแฝ แแ แแง 100% แจแคแแญแตแชแญ แฝแแแฃ แขแตแฎแตแซ แฐแแ 51.1% แ แณแญแฐแแแข
#Ethiopia #GERD #ItsMyDam #sustainableenergy #renewableenergy #africa
๐ธ Credit: NASA
Via TechTalk With Solomon
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