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Forwarded from Geopolitics Live
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McGuirk and Gript will only interview fake Nationalists. So know that any politician that they interview or promote is a fake regime approved politician. Their favourites so far have been Aontú.
Forwarded from DD Geopolitics
Media is too big
🇭🇺🇪🇺🇺🇸 Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó shares some facts that the West doesn't want you to know.

🔴 @DDGeopolitics
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Forwarded from A Mad Tea Party 🇬🇧
Forgive me for going on about the King's portrait, but it is quite remarkable (and not in a good way).

Let's just add some context here about Charles. As well as King he is also head of the Church of England. But what else can we say about him?

1) WEF, globalist and woke. He is one of the front line globalist actors, including the LGBT agenda, environmentalism and urbanism. Is depopulation part of his agenda? Not publicly, but it would certainly be a necessary result of his ideas.
In any case, firmly onboard with the Great Reset.

2) Trinity College, Cambridge. Charles attended Trinity College which has always been the spiritual home of Satanism and the occult in Britain, Aleister Crowley being the most famous of the Trinity occultists.
To that we would add that recently during a sermon in the chapel of Trinity College it was speculated that Jesus Christ was transgender. The sermon was defended by the Dean of Trinity College, who said that he personally believes that the assumption that Christ was transgender was legitimate.
We see the normalisation of the unholy and unchristian.

3) Ecumenism. Charles, head of the CoE, is a strong backer of ecumenist ideas, that the different branches of Christianity must come together. Not surprisingly, ecumenism is also a key plank in the Satanist "roadmap".
Soon after his coronation, Charles held a meeting with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Buckingham Palace. The meeting was also attended by the Greek Ambassador in London, the British Ambassador in Athens, as well as representatives of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the United Kingdom. According to Bartholomew, he discussed issues of mutual interest with His Majesty.
As well, the House of Battenberg (Mountbatten) has close ties to Greek Orthodoxy.
And at the insistence of Charles, and with the blessing of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the oil used in the coronation was consecrated The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the first time this was not done in Canterbury. Minor point or heavily symbolic?

There have always been rumours about certain unholy practices amongst the British ruling elite and the Royal Family which brings us back to the clearly unholy painting.

Has Charles come out of the closet, as it were, in terms of his, let's call them, religious beliefs? He has authorised an official portrait where he is bathed in what can only be described as the fires of hell?

And to judge by the look on his face, quite at home and content in those hell fires.

Follow @MadTParty on Telegram | 𝕏
🇷🇺🇵🇸🇮🇱- "Israel's response to the Hamas attack does not resemble war, but rather the complete destruction of the population in Gaza." – Russian President, Vladimir Putin.
Forwarded from Heil Ukraine
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🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

Mothers of Ukrainian soldiers are crying out after realising that their wounded in combat sons were butchered alive for internal organs instead of being saved by the doctors.

"The bodies of our sons are coming back with missing internal organs, and everyone is hiding this!"

Subscribe to my channels: @heilukraine1959

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Forwarded from InfoDefenseENGLISH
Falsehood alert!

There is a new trendy word in mainstream media reporting. When an article reports that somebody is claiming something that contradicts the liberal agenda, the obligatory word “falsely” must be inserted.

For example:

- Trump falsely claims case ‘rigged’ before closing arguments


- Putin falsely claims 'de-Nazification' of Ukraine as a pretext for war.

So, if you see or hear the word “falsely” in a piece that pretends to be a news story, just know that you are dealing with a tightly controlled publication whose mission is not to report the news but rather to dupe you into thinking a certain way.

In other words, BEWARE, you are being lied to! And now that you know, you will start noticing the word “falsely” pretty much everywhere.

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
📱 InfoDefense
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Forwarded from Youth Front
Since 2020 Nikolaos Michaloliakos was held in Domokos maximum security prison under extreme conditions and subjected to deliberate deprivation of basic medical care that almost cost his life! Despite that, he never asked for a better treatment, not recognizing the authority of his persecutors!

But the establishment's plan to essentially assassinate its biggest political opponent inside his prison failed and N. Michaloliakos was rightfully released, under harsh restrictive conditions. This spread panic across the political system.

Today, an Appeals Council decided that N. Michaloliakos should be sent back to prison despite his obligatory release. Their reasoning is that the founder of Golden Dawn remains an unrepentant Nationalist, based on the political and ideological articles he published from inside his prison cell!

We can only be proud for the historic Leader of Greek Nationalism who proved again to be the main fear of the corrupted elites!

Read here the official Press Release of Golden Dawn (GR)
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Rally Against Plantation Clonmel 30th June 3pm
Answer Ireland's Call
Let's Go Nationwide
Forwarded from 🇷🇺LEVI🇧🇾
The ruling party in Georgia has submitted to parliament a package of bills banning LGBT propaganda

The goal of the initiative is to protect family values ​​and future generations from the “irreparable consequences of pseudo-liberal propaganda.”

Secretary General of the ruling Georgian Dream party
Forwarded from UNN
So Braverman says 'We are at WAR' with China, Iran, North Korea and Russia.

Did China allow millions of unvetted fighting age males to come into the country?

Did Iran print hundreds of billions of pounds resulting in massive inflation in the UK?

Did North Korea make children wear face masks in British Schools?

Did Russia allow children to take puberty blockers at the Tavistock clinic?

Our REAL ENEMIES are the traitorous political class and we should NEVER fight their psychopathic wars!
Forwarded from South Africa Reports
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Newly elected member of Parliament in South Africa, Andile Mngxitama:

“We will kill the white man’s children, we will kill their woman, we will kill anything that we find in our way..”

📎 Boer
Forwarded from Lord Bebo & Friends (крип)
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Forwarded from InfoDefenseENGLISH
The Russian State Duma seeks protection from “childfree” ideology.

A bill to prohibit the promotion of childfree ideas among minors has been submitted to the State Duma (the lower chamber of thr Russian parliament). To incorporate the provisions of the bill, members of the State Assembly of Bashkortostan and deputies propose amending Article 5 of the Federal Law "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development." The document is posted on the website of the State Duma.

Childfree are people who have consciously and voluntarily chosen not to have children. This term does not apply to those who postpone having a child to a later date, cannot have children due to health reasons, or do not have a clear position on this issue.

The explanatory note states that proponents of the childfree ideology spread ideas that form the basis of destructive social behavior, namely the voluntary refusal to have children. According to the authors of the bill, the promotion of conscious childlessness leads to a rejection of traditional values, the degradation of social institutions, and population decline.

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
📱 InfoDefense
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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (inna)
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Forwarded from Thermopylae
🇷🇸 🇦🇹 - Today marks the 110th anniversary of Archduke Francis Ferdinand's assassination by a Serbian nationalist, which triggered the First World War.

Follow: @ThermopylaeNews
Forwarded from Catholic Tower

1. Always keep your word - if you make a promise, keep it.

2. Respect women - treat them with dignity and respect.

3. Take care of your appearance - dress appropriately and maintain good hygiene.

4. Be honest - don't lie or deceive others.

5. Show respect for elders - listen to their advice and guidance.

6. Be loyal - Fidelity to God and His grace, be faithful to your family and friends.

7. Be responsible - take ownership of your actions and their consequences. Be a leader, be masculine.

8. Be self-sufficient - learn to take care of yourself. Be a provider!

9. Learn to forgive - holding grudges only hurts you in the long run.

10. Be humble - don't brag or boast about your accomplishments.

11. Be patient - good things come to those who wait.

12. Don't be a bully - treat others with kindness and compassion.

13. Be a good listener - pay attention to what others are saying.

14. Be a good communicator - express yourself clearly and effectively.

15. Be confident - believe in yourself and your abilities.

16. Act with integrity - do the right thing, even when no one is watching.

17. Be disciplined - have self-control and focus on your goals.

18. Show gratitude - appreciate the people and things in your life.

19. Do not compromise- do not compromise sins, vices, and false doctrine.

20. Be a lifelong learner - never stop growing and improving yourself by uniting yourself to God through prayers and church sacrament.

Admin's note:

Be A Man of Prayer and Sacrament, Live By Virtue of Chastity, Obedience, Fortitude and Humility. Let your life be anchored by Faith, Hope, and Love through the Catholic Church.

2024/07/01 13:35:04
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