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“Actually, Israel is the one that wants to keep going, and you should let them! He’s (Biden) become like a Palestinian!”


“On J6, we had a great border.”


🤣🤣 great deflection

“He encouraged those folks on the Capitol Hill.”


“These people should be in jail. And he’s saying they should be let out?”


“The only person in this stage that’s a convicted felon is the man I’m looking at right now.”


“I didn’t have sex with a pornstar.”


Biden is now talking about Charlottesville. “What American president would say Nazis coming out with torches and spewing antisemitic bile, are fine people?”


Biden is being asked about black unemployment, black wages, and black healthcare 😂

He’s spewing statistics while slurring

“Any black family buying their first home should get a $10,000 tax credit.”


“The millions of people coming across the border- they’re taking black jobs, they’re taking hispanic jobs…”


White Americans don’t exist in this debate, except to be demonized.

“For ten years, he’s called them super predators.”


Wtf I’m voting Biden, now?

“Any black student in college is capable of doing anything a White student can do.”



Trump claims 18 million people poured across the border.

Moving on to the opioid epidemic topic.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dying of opioid overdoses every year.

Trump notes his efforts at detecting drugs at the border, while highlighting our open border now, which implicitly results in more drugs on the streets.

Biden responds by stating they almost had a deal to increase border patrol and drug-detecting machines until Trump shut it down.

Biden is asked about his age. He replies that Trump is only 3 years younger.

“Ukraine is never winning that war. They’ve lost so many people. They’ve lost those beautiful cities. All because of him (Biden)!”


The real winner of the debate

Our sympathies to Thomas Massie in this difficult time. He may not be Our Guy, but he's the only one who stands up to the Israel lobby in Congress.

2024/10/01 09:08:22
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