glamorous new chapter starts in summer, between the sun and clouds become more than crystal clear to reach any mislaid whishes, immaculate part of me has been seeking for yours, as a missing piece to bring myself, into peace. herds of einds lilted a serenade which caused me getting immersed to the beats, the utmost pleasure i could ever discern. a gleam lost in the middle of precious fold of tome, the rays of never-ending bliss radiates warmth. truly a living canvas: #WONDERWALL.
[IDR 15000, including photobooth, selca and halfbody manips]
i am the thunder rippling in the dark as the raindrops wound the already fragile heart, the vigorous deity of me. well i wish i was younger than now, not knowing anything i know for now. the memories are gone, it would be better if i have someone here. hope and dream laced as it takes the space in the corner, staring to the void which they never thought could ever be too much. can you see the longing for triumph within their orbs? #ROCKINCHAIR.
[IDR 12000, include photobooth and selca or halfbody manips]
forth a luminous day in the sky adorned with a white cloud along with its many sparkling happiness that surrounds the core of the ward. savoring every moment it had with smiling and passing laughter for all living things. it would walk through the tavern in the city by looking at objects or, in a sense, paraphernalia that took its attention. all the things you've ever done to me is unforgettable, you saved me. #TALKTONIGHT.
[IDR 5000, include selca and halfbody manips]
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bestowing my best greetings to all the sweet creatures out there, herewith this letter we would to announcement that @firtle will open for the umpteenth-time on sunday, 13th of february 2022 at 16.00 WIB. we provide some pretty manipulation, you can check our catalogue in here. and make sure you’ve read the regulation first before you send the format! don’t wasting your time to think all the time, let’s go prepare the form and send it to @f350bot at the time we’ve set. if you have some trouble to filling out the form, you can ask us for the help! we’ll waiting for your format, have an amiable day! ♥︎
best regards, adaire lorraine.
to all bussines mutuals and anyone who read this message, would you help me to forward this message into your channel? thank you so much!
bestowing my best greetings to all the sweet creatures out there, herewith this letter we would to announcement that @firtle will open for the umpteenth-time on sunday, 13th of february 2022 at 16.00 WIB. we provide some pretty manipulation, you can check our catalogue in here. and make sure you’ve read the regulation first before you send the format! don’t wasting your time to think all the time, let’s go prepare the form and send it to @f350bot at the time we’ve set. if you have some trouble to filling out the form, you can ask us for the help! we’ll waiting for your format, have an amiable day! ♥︎
best regards, adaire lorraine.
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heated day with bliss, anticipate you have the most profitable particular day. on this precious day, we likewise reopened our store gates. deliver your beautiful format to the salesperson @f350bot. don't lose sight of manners and don't be ruthless. xx! 💗
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the coveted endearing juncture has finally alongshore its bivouac at this moment, right on a radiant day we settled that we have opened the gate of ours so you can feel the enchanting prodigy when establishing a stop here. prepare the order form as detailed as possible and convey it precisely to our custodian who dwells at @f350bot. do it swiftly by dint of we will shut the gate again when the clock ticks at 23.00 WIB, and it must be noted that we do not accept in-rush orders. hurry up and grab your slot, little birds! do not neglect the courtesy and manners when reaching out to us. ✦
with the spellbounding salute to those blissfulness souls who's already supporting us until now, this is adaire lorraine speaking. pertama-tama, aku mau berterima kasih banyak kepada semua customers @firtle yang udah pernah beli manips disini, ngasih testimonials yang warm-hearted juga. aku bersyukur bisa punya banyak pengalaman sembari ngerjain manips manips kalian. through this message, i want to say my sincere apologies if there is any mistaken things i've made, mungkin kalau terkadang aku kurang memenuhi ekspektasi ataupun ada kesalahan kata yang aku ucapin ke kalian.
untuk itu, aku bener bener minta maaf dan juga nggak henti hentinya berterimakasih atas semua dukungan kalian. terkait this announcement, due to the owner's personal reason that cannot be published publically here, i herewith state that @firtle will officially close down starting from today. sekali lagi, terima kasih banyak ya? aku bersyukur bisa dapetin pengalaman luar biasa sama kalian [termasuk semua mutuals yang udah bantuin aku] terima kasih ya temen temen! well, see tou next time, perhaps? 👌🏻
untuk itu, aku bener bener minta maaf dan juga nggak henti hentinya berterimakasih atas semua dukungan kalian. terkait this announcement, due to the owner's personal reason that cannot be published publically here, i herewith state that @firtle will officially close down starting from today. sekali lagi, terima kasih banyak ya? aku bersyukur bisa dapetin pengalaman luar biasa sama kalian [termasuk semua mutuals yang udah bantuin aku] terima kasih ya temen temen! well, see tou next time, perhaps? 👌🏻
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