Forwarded from ameera faye.
halo haloo aku izin send result aku selama join di flourish class inii!! belum seberapa sih result nyaa, belum se rapi yang di tutorin kakak owner, tapii aku cukup puas sama hasil tangankuu hehe =] btw ini result buat personal use ajaa, karna belum berani buat buka store 😭 😭 terimakasiih yaaa flourish class, karna bisa bikin aku hemat uang jajan wkaakak. jadinya ga jajan pf muluu, soalnyaa bisa bikin pake tangan mungilku sendirii ❤️ ❤️
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Hello @durov i would like to convey that, there is no action that violates the terms and conditions of telegram here, i hope, telegram has a wise way, in managing problems, before doing strict action, such as banning/ blocking a telegram channel, thank you