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ፎቶ ለመላክ @nosese
ፎቶ ለመላክ @nosese
📸📸📸📸📸📸📸 ፎቶ ለመላክ @nosese
Ñamé__Jase mine
Photo send me @nosese
#good luck
Channel photo updated
Name ño
#good lack
Photo lemelake @nosese
ፓፑ ጎሜዝ በጥር የዝውውር መስኮት አትላንታን በመልቀቅ ሌላ ክለብ ለመቀላቀል ፍላጎት አሳይቷል። አትላንታም ተጫዋቹን የመሸጥ ፍላጎት ያለው ሲሆን የተጫዋቹም ዋጋ ከ 7-8 ሚሊየን ዩሮ ነው። ኤሲ ሚላን ፣ ኢንተር ሚላን እና ፒኤስጂ ደግሞ የተጫዋቹ ዋነኛ ፈላጊዎች ናቸው::

ፓፑ ጎሜዝ በጥር የዝውውር መስኮት አትላንታን በመልቀቅ ሌላ ክለብ ለመቀላቀል ፍላጎት አሳይቷል። አትላንታም ተጫዋቹን የመሸጥ ፍላጎት ያለው ሲሆን የተጫዋቹም ዋጋ ከ 7-8 ሚሊየን ዩሮ ነው። ኤሲ ሚላን ፣ ኢንተር ሚላን እና ፒኤስጂ ደግሞ የተጫዋቹ ዋነኛ ፈላጊዎች ናቸው።
Channel name was changed to «5_3_3 sport»
Channel photo updated
የሀገራችን ትልቁ የመዝናኛ ቻናል
TikTok ላይ አንድ ቪድዬ አያመልጥዎትም 365+ ቀናቶችን በሳቅ እናሳልፋለን

በየ ሳምንቱ የካርድ ሽልማት

😂ህዝቦችዋ ፈገግ ሲሉላት ኢትዮጲያም ትስቃለች

For any cross promotion @nosese

አባላትን ለመጨመር ማስታወቂያ ምንሰራ አይሰልቻችሁ😍😍

ትላንት የተደረጉ የ 13ተኛ ሳምንት የእንግሊዝ ፕሪምየር ሊግ ጨዋታዎች

አስቶኝ ቪላ 0-0 በርንሌይ
ሼፊልድ ዩናይትድ 2-3 ማንችስተር ዩናይትድ
ትላንት የተደረጉ የ 13ተኛ ሳምንት የእንግሊዝ ፕሪምየር ሊግ ጨዋታዎች

አስቶኝ ቪላ 0-0 በርንሌይ
ሼፊልድ ዩናይትድ 2-3 ማንችስተር ዩናይትድ
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now i'm going to give you one chance and ask one of these quetion😉😉
duzo mawashasht aychalm 😬😬😬
ok lets start😌😌
1 edemash/edemek ?😀
2 sefersh / seferk?🤗
3 gf bf alek / alesh?🙃
4 afkersh takiyalsh / takalk?🙃
5 v nsh / nek?😁
6 badargew meteyw megot alsh / alek ? men ?🤔
7 argashw yatesestshbet neger ale / alke ? men😳
8 kenega yalshbtn time tewajewalsh / tewadawalk ?🙂
9 slk kutershn sechign/ setag ?😃
10 5 photo lakilg / laklg .😁
11 washetkg takalk / kakeyalsh?😳
12 birr tewajalsh / tewadalk ?🤑
13 ene lanchi mn aynt wande ng / men aynt set ng ?🤔
14 kebetsbesh mann tetelalek / teteyalsh😳
13 yematwajew megeb babzat / yematwadw ?😃
14 ytegaw yasawnt kfeln tewadawalk / tewajiwalsh ?😃
15 yagershn tatoch photo ansetesh lakilg / kakelg ?😆
16 btam metwadwn photo lakilgn / lakelgn😃
17 zafan gabzig / gabzag😃
18 do u love me ?😍
19 slene ande nger negarige / negarage😵
20 slne na slante mn tasebalk / tasebyalsh ?
21 kiss me ?😚
22 mn endaraglk tefalgalk / tefalgeyalsh ?😯
23 miseter negarage / negarig ? trust me😳
24 kumnagaraga nk / nash🙃
25 single or taken😃
26 maymachsh baheryan negarig / negarag😳
27 tolo metenadedw mn segatmk nw / segatmsh nw🤔
28 metewadawe metete / metewajiw😃
29 blgna lante mndn nw / lanchis 😳
30 kne yaltamachek / yaltamachash 😳
31 drug wasdk takalk / takeyalsh😳
32 suse albk / albsh😳
33 snt lij maweld tefalgeyalsh / tefalgalk ?😌
34 tanbarkeka agbig blsh mn teyalsh / telalk ?😳
35 ene mn sarag ds yelkal / yelshal ?🤔
36 mn aynt albabs ymachkal / yemaceshal ?🤔
37 feta meyaragh nger mndnw / lanchis?😃
38 mn aynt ya fiker life yasedasetshal / yasedasetkal ?😮
39 beknn snt birr tatefalk / tatefyalsh ?🤑
40 memare ways mabozan yatu ymachsal / yemachkal 😀😃
41 photoyan pp argi / arge😁😃
42 photoyan background image argah asayig or asayag😍😃
43 usernam lay *ma name kza ewadshalw * blk tafe / tafi😘😉
44 another name 😃😁
45 snte sw taykoshal / taykohal😃😃
46 taykah takalk / takeyalsh😀😳
47 snt gf nberk / snt bf nebersh 😀😃
48 ene bewadsh mn tarageyalsh / taragalk ?😍😃
49 enen betewadg mn taragalk / tarageyalsh ?😍😳
50 onlin kalele medabersh sw ale man nw / antes😍😍
51 fker lante mndnw / lanchis ?🙂😳
52 enen setawary mn yesemashal / yesemakal?😳😃
53 enen ba bzu kalatoch aberartsh mn aynt endahonk tabay & malkan etc negarig / negarage😊😃
54 smn tefak pp arg / argi😃😃
55 ynena yantn photo edit argah lake / laki😉😃
56 ejik lay smn tefak pic ansetak asayag / asayeg😃😊
57 weshet negarage / negarig😝😃
58 sw askaftok yakal / anchis ?😢😳
59 sw seyaskefak mn taragalk / tarageyalsh ?😳😢
60 lne getm tafelg / tafilg😁
61 gf hugi / bf hune?😁😃
62 ewadshalw bya benagersh mn teyegalsh / telagalk ?😳☺️
63 lne smet alsh / alk😳
64 ksnt sw ga chat eyark nw / eyaragsh nw ?😃😳
65 ene lante mndng / lanchis?😃😌
66 enjajale esti 😅🤗
67 ynn photo edit argash laki / lake 😜😃
68 photo enenasa 😀😁
69 tadabadbk takalk / takeyalsh😏
70 bahunu sate metafakrew sw ale / anchi
The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If it remains inactive in the next 10 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.
2025/03/16 21:43:54
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