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ㅤㅤ☆★ 𝗚𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗘𝗥 is a squad that was founded on 20 Mei 2021, we officially lock " 🇹🇫 / #gouner " as an identity, squad gouner uses the concept of Nicola Brooklyn and My Fault for second theme which we officially lock, it is forbidden to plagiarize everything related to this squad.

before using current theme, we used theme Spidey his amazing friends and Schizelt for squad name and it's still locked. we locked everything related to SCHIZELT, if there are similarities related to Schizelt we will consider it as plagiarism, please don't plagiarize and use your own brain.
pour en savoir plus sur gouner , veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous :





ㅤㅤ⚠️ ATTENTION ! kami selaku crew schizelt menyatakan bahwa ini adalah channel resmi milik schizelt yang baru, yang sebelumnya adalah @schizltofc. kami sepakat mengunci konsep yang berhubungan dengan schizelt, klan atau apapun yang ada di channel sebelum ini.

kami kunci semua yang ada disini sejak Mei 2021, sekali lagi bisa diliat di https://www.tgoop.com/schizltofc. https://www.tgoop.com/schizelt
  ✩★ équipage gouner ✩★
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Grateful because Gouner is back to open the gate for a new generation after all this time. The sweet homies accept all genders that are rpiw but with selective system. So, before you @close to be our part, you must obey these written rules :

1. Subscribe @gounerofc and this @gounshit.
2. If you have an instagram platform account, please follow instagram.com/ofc_gouner.
3. Most importantly, use 🇹🇫 or #gouner in display name as identity.
4. Last, forward this poster to your personal ch

Love greetings, Gouner.
happy mensive🤍
keluarga besar gouner mengucapkan Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin, Mohon maaf lahir dan batin🙏🏻
Salam 6 agama. selamat pagi/siang/sore/malem. kami selaku crew gouner telah sepakat untuk vakum sejenak dengan alasan" tertentu. untuk all member dan all crew di perbolehkan untuk melepas seluruh attribute gouner.

dan selama gouner vakum, kami masih meng lock segala sesuatu yg ada di gouner, mulai dari attribute, nama, tema dan konsep, logo, poster, dll yg ada di gouner. jika kami menemukan adanya kemiripan dengan gouner akan segera kami tindak lanjuti. dan jika kalian menemukan adanya kemiripan di sq lain, tolong hubungi bot kami @gounerbot

all foi gouner.
micu gouner
The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If they remain inactive for the next 28 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The contents of the channel will remain accessible for all users.
kngn g
kngn bt njr
2025/03/12 17:53:17
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