Telegram Web
Despite the fact that I disabled automatic reboots for Windows updates....

Microsoft did what it wanted. Bots are back online

Update: I disabled it through Group Policy this time, hopefully that works
[Server Upgrade]
Hi all, we are currently working on migrating to our new server! For the moment, both werewolf bots are on maintenance mode. We will begin the work on them once games are finished.

Please note: Due to the way beta bot handles gifs, it may not display any for a short time after the upgrade

Current Status (Check back as we will update this as we work on things)

Server Upgrade
Set up database on new server
Backup Executrix Database
Transfer Executrix Database
Attach Executrix database in new server
Migrate Executrix (it is working already!)
Wait for games on Beta to end
Wait for games on Main to end
Backup Werewolf Database on old server
Transfer Werewolf Database
Attach Werewolf database in new server
Migrate Beta Bot (for testing)
Migrate Werewolf Bot
Migrate Website

Edit: I see a crying emoji. Why cry, this is a good thing :P
So..... Bots are online, and WAY faster than ever before.

Website is still having some issues, most likely because of CloudFlare DNS caching, so we'll just keep an eye on it.

Happy Wuffing to all!
Well then, I just realized I've been posting silently, so probably a lot of people missed the previous announcements, so doing one last post to get people caught up
Hi everyone, all bots are now up and running (never ever faster)! The website is also working and the gifs for beta bot also works now!
Thank you for the patience over the past weeks tolerating the bad bot response time. We have taken immediate actions to migrate everything to a newer and faster server. Hope you all enjoy again and Happy wuffing!
[RevokeLinkBot - It's back!]
Maybe some of you remember @RevokeLinkBot - We created that a couple years ago to give everyone a possibility to get rid of telegram's invite link mess in groups. Well, in case you noticed that it was down - it is back to life now! Enjoy :)

You can find information about what that bot is and what it does in this manual:
[Happy Birthday Werewolf! 🐺🎉]
Today is the 6th anniversary of the creation of @werewolfbot - We just quickly want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who supports us and everyone who enjoys our bots.

Have a nice game, don't serial-kill too many wuffs and most importantly: Have fun!
(2 cakes for a total of 6 candles 😁)
[Telegram Issues]
The bots are unstable right now because of Telegram-Side issues. Please be patient, we'll enable them later when telegram is more stable.
Time to grab some air I guess :)
The bots seem to be working again, enjoy!
Happy Wuffing! 🐺
[April Fool's - Over]
Hey everyone, to all of you who played werewolf yesterday, maybe you noticed the additional variance that it had? The bot switching game modes like crazy is surely fun, it needs to end at some point - which is now. Hope you all enjoyed!

If you noticed that some variants in your language could really need an update because half of the strings are not changed, or if you'd like to create a completely new variant of your own, do not hesitate to join @greywolfsupport and ask about it! (Please do note that variants with personal references / insider jokes are not accepted).

Happy Wuffing everyone, and keep being funny! 🐺
[Werewolf Update]

Balancing: To improve balancing, normal (non-chaos) games now have the following additional restrictions:
- There can't be more than 1 revealed role (mayor, gunner, blacksmith, pacifist, sandman, troublemaker) per 3 players.
- There can't be more than 1 kill-stopping role per 4 players. Kill-stopping roles are roles that grant the village 2 lynches in a row without a baddie kill in between, namely troublemaker and sandman, as well as blacksmith (if the only baddies are wolves).

Also, the role weight of the grave digger has been lowered from 8 to 5.

- The /smite command will now work with numeric IDs of any length.
- The bug where the arsonist could act despite being frozen by the snow wolf was fixed.
- The frequent crashes that were recently happening should not occur anymore.

Happy Wuffing! 🐺
[Executrix Issues]
In an attempt to find out what's the problem with Executrix (she keeps dying in the last days), we've taken her down for a while (and might do so a couple more times).

Please do not remove Executrix from your groups - we're trying to figure out what it is that makes her die.

Thank you!

Edit: For the time being, she's back... As much as it gets.
Telegram seems to be facing some datacenter problems at the time being, which also causes our bots to lag.

Werewolf is currently in maintenance mode, we'll bring it back as soon as telegram is working well again!
The bots are back to work now! 🎊
Hi everyone! 🐒 (🐺)

In order to test how bots can work with the new topics feature on telegram, I need to create a topic group.

A group needs at least 200 members to be converted to a topics group, so you can help me out by joining here:

For now that will just be some off-topic place I guess, maybe it can be converted into something useful later. Thank you everyone! :D

~ Ludwig
[Happy End of the year - Topic Updates]

GreyWolfDev wishes all of you a merry christmas, a blessed end of the current year and a happy new year 2023. We know that many people around the world are going through tough times right now - war, hunger, inflation, governments suppressing people and this neverending pandemic - so we hope we can spark a bit of joy to those who need it. May 2023 be a good year! 😊🐺

On another note, @ExecutrixBot now supports topic groups. It should work in such groups as usual, with a few restrictions: Join Messages, Reactions to @admin reports using inline buttons and some other kinds of messages will always be sent to the General topic. Other than that, the bot will treat all topics the same and reply in the correct topic where applicable. All settings and #extra commands work across topics.

Support for topics for Werewolf is yet to come - we're working on it.

We hope you'll enjoy!
[Bot Issues]
The werewolf bots suddenly stopped working.
When trying to find the problem, I was greeted with a bunch of 500-errors by telegram, indicating some problem on their side.

We'll keep an eye on this and let you know when the bots are back to normal :)
The bots are back running now, Happy Wuffing! 🐺
Invitation to the Mafia Championship Season 10

Hello everyone!
It is in our greatest excitement to announce that GreyWolfDev has been once again invited to participate in the Annual Mafia Championship (which is now on it's 10th season)!

If you would like to read more about it and possibly represent GreyWolfDev there, have a look at @WerewolfApplications! Looking forward to see you! 🐺
[Donations & Custom GIFs - Last Chance]
With the upcoming telegram update, all payments for digital goods and services need to be done in Telegram Stars
(See official @BotNews channel, announcing the changes for bot developers).
That includes tipping developers.

We can sadly not switch our donation system easily (payments would only be accessible via the TON blockchain for us - the developers cannot update everything accordingly as of now).

The background to this are policies by Apple and Google who take a share of any purchase made inside an app downloaded from the App Store / Play Store. Apple forces Telegram to change payments for digital services in this way in order to comply with the App Store guidelines. #BlameApple

Since continuing the donations like they are now might risk getting our bots blocked, and XSolla donations are currently not working anyway, we will soon disable all donations for an undetermined time.

You can donate until June 8th. Afterwards, donations are disabled.

If you have always dreamed of giving us $10 to help with the server costs, and getting a custom gif pack, now is your chance! Donate through Telegram by sending /donate to @werewolfbot!

[Disclaimer for legal reasons: You may not donate from the Telegram app on iOS devices.]
2024/09/28 20:46:46
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