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#蘋果日報 報導——選舉改制︱近6成人反對改制 學者料立選投票率低白票高 政府或卸膊個別政策(全文:

#信報 報導——民研:近六成人反對政府修改選舉制度(全文:

#AppleDaily Article —— Hong Kong lawmakers plan to speed up bill passage, despite clear ‘no’ in new poll (Full Report:
//The political system was shaken up in the name of national security, but the latest poll showcased Hong Kong people’s thinking regarding the changes, he said.
The LegCo election in December would see a record low voter turnout, predicted Kenneth Chan, an associate political science professor at Hong Kong Baptist University, adding that it would be “very fortunate” if the turnout exceeded 40%.
Pro-democracy supporters who do vote are likely to spoil their ballots even without mobilizing from activists or leaders because they would see no choice in the race, he said.//
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#選舉委員會界別分組一般選舉 將於 #九月十九日 舉行。


有興趣的朋友可於下面提供嘅網頁下載完整excel file以作參考~


#Election_Committee_Subsector_Ordinary_Election will be held on #September_19th.

The Election Observation Project has been paying attention to and recording the difference between 2016 and 2021. These include: the number of seats and their changes, the number of voter registrations and their changes, the number of nomination forms and their changes, and some simple calculation (for example: what is the maximum number of voters that can cast their ballots in the election - given all submitted nominations are accepted).

If you are interested in more detailed versions, a detailed excel file can be found on our website:

Direct Download:
制度被修改後嘅 #選舉委員會 構成同產生方法都非常複雜。

1. 當然委員:362席
2. 指定團體提名:156席
3. 選舉:982席

下圖就分別記錄咗 「被裁定無效嘅提名」、「委員產生方式有變化」嘅席位,同埋「當然委員中空缺」嘅席位。

1. 當然委員: 362 + 15 - 52(空缺) = 325席
2. 指定團體提名: 156席
3. 選舉 - 982 - 15 = 967席 ,但其實只有364席將由選舉產生。*


(*注1: 今屆 #選委會選舉 戰況其實唔太激烈,只有364席可由選舉產生,其他界別分組都出現「等額」情況,即係可選席位及候選人名單數量一樣,無需選民投票而自動當選。)










在投票進行的9小時內,我們的觀察員共接觸550人(市民:408人; 選民:142人)。當中,28.9%的市民及31%的投票人願意接受我們的邀請。


「你認為是次選委會選舉能夠代表民意嗎?請由 1 至 10 的量尺中選取最合適的數字。1 代表完全不能夠代表民意,10 代表完全能夠代表民意。」





- 摘要-




新制度設計不利競爭,令選舉規模大幅減少。未到9月19日的投票日,有603個選舉產生的席位出現「等額」情况,在36個界別分組中有23個組別的參選人會在毫無競爭下宣布自動當選,再加上「當然委員」和「指明團體提名」這兩類獲北京配給的席位,沒有競爭又不用投票的席位已經高達1,136個,即四分三席位 (75.7%)。

「有競爭」的13個界別有364席位,412人通過資格審查,大部分只是比獲分配的席位多出了一兩個候選人,平均僅 1.13 人爭 1 席。這13個界別中,有7個組別的選民人數不足100個,其中最少是法律界,只有30個團體選民。即使是選民最多的教育界都只有1,750個團體選民,被指「競爭最激烈」的社會福利界的選民只有144個選民而已,拉票活動都是閉門進行的,即使投票率百分百都只有4,889張選票。














【2021 Election Committee Subsector Election Ordinary Election Observation Report】
Download Full Report:
Download Executive Summary:
--Executive Summary--

The Hong Kong Election Observation Project (EOP) is an independent scholarly platform based in civil society and the academia of Hong Kong. Its mission is to observe and evaluate local electoral management and processes, innovate networks of citywide election observation to monitor electoral integrity, and to promote election observation in the city. The goals of EOP are to observe the differences between local practices and international norms and standards, including but not limited to Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Declaration of Principles of International Election Observation, to study the factors leading to of the deviations of electoral practices observed, to provide policy recommendations for improvements, and to advocate how electoral integrity and democratic development matter to the public at large.
EOP conducted a range of observation activities during the 2021 Election Committee Subsector Ordinary Elections (EC elections) and on the polling day of 19 September 2021. A team of 20 EOP Observers who received intensive training collected quantitative and qualitative data at the five polling stations. Observers gathered information about voting procedures, public order, activities of respective candidates and the electorate. At the same time, observers approached local residents, voters, and candidates in an attempt to understand their opinions on the elections systematically.
Generally speaking, the electoral base of the EC elections has been drastically narrowed down under the new arrangements, though the government officials repeatedly avoided the obvious question of representativeness. Many subsectors are now constituted partly by ex-officio members, who are by definition uncontested, and most of the seats available for elections across the 36 subsectors were returned uncontested because of the pre-election coordination between interested stakeholders. Combined with the absence of pro-democracy candidates due to the new Candidacy Eligibility Review System, the EC elections received very little public attention. As a result, the process and results of the elections were unable to alleviate the legitimacy crisis that has troubled the city’s government for decades.
To the extent that the new system was designed for reducing genuine competition, prior to the polling day on 19 September 2021, 603 seats were filled without contest in 23 of 36 subsectors. Together with the ex-officio members and members returned by nomination, which were designated by Beijing, 1,136 of 1,500 seats were taken without election, amounting to three quarters of the total seats in the EC (75.7%).
In the event, elections were held for a mere 364 seats in 13 subsectors, with 412 candidates cleared by the Candidate Eligibility Review Committee. However, competition was more like staged than truly free and fair. On average, only 1.13 candidates competed for a seat. 7 of the 13 subsectors concerned have less than 100 eligible voters: the smallest being the Legal Sector with 30 corporate voters. The biggest one, the Education Sector, had 1,750 corporate voters in total. For the Social Welfare Sector, which was seen to have ‘the fiercest competition’ with relatively larger number of candidates, had 144 eligible voters only. Not surprisingly, the canvassing activities were carried out not in public but behind closed doors. Even with a 100% turnout, the total number of valid voters amounted to a mere 4,889 ballots across the 13 subsectors.
During the short campaign stage of the election, 325 ex-officio members and 156 members returned by nomination did not submit any electoral message or platform. EOP observed that 148 candidates who were nominated to run for elections in 36 subsectors also failed to submit electoral messages in Chinese, while 22 of them provided electoral messages in English only.
EOP analysed the Chinese electoral messages in the nomination forms of 868 candidates. It found that the electoral messages of 29 campaign teams of candidate
s were basically the same. None of the messages mentioned ‘democracy’ or ‘democratic development’. From the perspective of electioneering, the overall quality of electoral competition was compromised when candidates were seen to have avoided politically sensitive topics throughout their campaigns and to present almost identical policy platforms from subsector to subsector.
Against this background, the EC elections became highly homogenous. Without mutual monitoring between campaign teams, it was found that many candidates alongside their campaign teams had conducted electoral activities with voters in the Non-canvassing Zones (NCZ) and on the premises where the polling stations were, such as greeting and thanking voters and taking photos themselves and with voters. Such irregularities and violations of non-compliance of the NCZ ensued from the lack of self-discipline, weak enforcement of the regulations by the electoral management body, as well as the political homogeneity of the teams of candidates.
Surveys conducted by the EOP team on the polling day in the vicinity of the polling stations discovered that there were significant differences of views on the election between the candidates and the ordinary residents who have no business in this election. Despite the highest ever level of voter turnout on the polling day, and despite the government’s unreserved endorsement of the new electoral methods, most Hong Kong people remained convinced and unimpressed. After all, Hong Kong has long embraced the ideal of having free and fair elections which promote political competition between uncensored political opinions.
While the 2021 EC elections have clearly failed to meet any standards of a free and fair election, EOP has carried out a systematic study in order to put forward the following recommendations for improvement:
1. The Registration and Electoral Office has adhered its antiquated practices which impose excessive restrictions with respect to public access to and inspection of the voter registration. Journalists have had to spend extra time and efforts to overcome such legal and administrative requirements as “time-limits per visit” and “no re-production of the information in any form on the spot” before they could gather enough data and information for their news stories. EOP advises the Electoral Affairs Commission and the Registration and Electoral Office to review the unhelpful regulations and practices, and replace them with a direct and simple mechanism for public access to the information of voter registration, as well as nomination forms of candidates, in order to enable members of the public, journalists and researchers to conduct comprehensive study into the EC elections. The authorities should introduce an online voter information enquiry system to allow wider access to the basic information of individual and corporate voters.
2. The Candidate Eligibility Review Committee disqualified two nominees for the Election Committee. Reasons were formally given, and no appeal was allowed. EOP urges the Committee to review the current practice, specifically to fully disclose the reasons behind the negative decisions, and allow the disqualified candidates to lodge an appeal.
3. The Registration and Electoral Office should take initiate to remind and inform candidates and relevant parties of the regulations related to the non-canvassing zones, enhancing their knowledge of the Guidelines on Election-related Activities in respect of the Election Committee Subsector Elections and Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Election Committee) Regulation (Cap.541I).
4. The electoral management authorities responsible for the 2021 EC elections did not give permission to any persons or organisations to conduct Exit Poll on the polling day. EOP is disappointed that its application to do so was rejected by the authorities, citing the pandemic and public health as primary concerns. with the decisions of rejection of inspecting polling stations and supporting training programs of observers. We urge the Re
gistration and Electoral Office to review its administrative procedures to enhance transparency and efficiency with respect to applications to do exit polls.
5. The Electoral Affairs Commission and the Registration and Electoral Office should critically access the procedures designed to regulate the transfer of ballot boxes from the polling stations to the Central Counting Station, and to strengthen the training of electoral staff who are civil servants from different departments. The electoral management bodies are advised not to rule out the option of suspending the distribution of votes by electronic means when the conventional manual procedures are reliable and therefore widely respected.
6. The Electoral Affairs Commission and the Registration and Electoral Office should promote the voting procedures among voters early on in order to reduce the need to re-issue ballot papers to voters who think they have not indicated their choices on the ballot papers correctly.
7. The Electoral Affairs Commission and the Registration and Electoral Office should continue to pay attention to the public health issues amid the COVID pandemic to safeguard the health of all concerned.
8. Electronic vote-counting systems which were found erratic should be exchanged to avoid the unwanted and embarrassing delays in the future. Procedure-wise, authorities should not rule out the option of suspending electronic vote counts, returning to manual voting counting that is reliable and no less efficient must be kept as a viable alternative.
9. The EC elections have clearly failed to meet standards of a democratic election. Hong Kong people who were disenfranchised knew very little about the new electoral methods. Democratic backsliding and illiberal developments undermine the quality of governance in general. The next Hong Kong Special Administrative Region administration is advised to bring democratic reform back in.
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2024/09/27 20:49:53
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