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Vocabulary test;

Bo'sh joyga mos keladigan so'zni toping. The police put... around the stadium to try to stop those supporters without tickets from attempting to get in.
Anonymous Quiz
A) landslides
B) lifeguard
C) phenomenon
D) barriers
🏒 @ielts_centre
A daily dose of reading vocabulary from ELSπŸ“š

Passage 7: Allergic Reactions To Cosmetics

survey - so'rovnoma

- nasal - burunga oid

- irritation - g'azab

- cracked - draz ketgan

- symptom - alomat

- dermatitis - teri kasalligi

- scaling - masshtablash

- swelling - shishish

- itching - qichishish

- likely - ehtimol

- relief - yengillik

- convert - boshqa narsaga aylantirmoq

- injurious - zararli

- particular - maxsus

- hypo-allergenic - allergiya bermaydigan

- relatively - nisbatan

Textni yaxshilab o'qib, ma'nosini tushunishga harakat qiling va so'zlarni tarjimasini ko'rib chiqing.

Har doimgidek, textga oid vazifalar tashlaymiz.☝️

🏒 @ielts_centre
Vocabulary test:

I think that the cause of my eye... is the smoke from your cigarettes.
Anonymous Quiz
A) cracked
B) irritation
C) particular
D) symptom
A daily dose of reading vocabulary from ELSπŸ“š

Passage 8: The "Jazz Age"

- decade - o'n yil

- depict - tasvirlamoq

- restless - bezovta

- disillusionment - umidsizlik

- farewell - xayr

- arms - qurollar

- unadorned - bezaksiz

- forceful - kuchli

- satirize - masxara qilmoq

- mediocre - o'rtacha

- vividly - yorqin

- dissect - parchalash

- section - qism

Textni yaxshilab o'qib, ma'nosini tushunishga harakat qiling va so'zlarni tarjimasini ko'rib chiqing.

🏒 @ielts_centre
Media is too big
πŸ’– IELTS 7.0 ga NECHA OY ketadi? | O'qituvchi maslahati

🏒 @ielts_centre
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🎀Qanday qilib lug'atlarni samarali yodlash mumkin? Audioni diqqat bilan shovqinsiz joyda eshiting.

O'zimni tajribamdan kelib chiqib, lug'at yodlashning 2 ta usuli bilan bo'lishdim.

Juda ko'plab savollar kelyapti. Shulardan biriga batafsil javob berdim. Qolgan savollarga chatda qisqacha ovozli izoh qoldirishga harakat qilaman.

Xo'sh, siz men aytgan usullardan foydalanib ko'rganmisiz? Lug'at yodlashda yana qanday usullarni sinab ko'rgansiz? πŸ€” Β©

🏒 @ielts_centre
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Eng katta xato! ❌

Oxirigacha o’qing.πŸ‘‡

IELTS o'rganishda o'quvchilarning eng katta xatosi - muntazamlikning yo'qligi.

IELTS bu- til imtihoni. Imtihonda siz tilni qanchalik puxta bilsangiz, shunchalik oson o'tasiz.

Til o'rganish muntazamlikni talab qiladigan jarayon. Ya'ni bir kun, bir hafta yoki bir oy yotib olib dars qilib, tashlab ketadigan jarayon emas.

- Uni doimiy tarzda o'rganib yurishga odatlanish kerak. ☝️

Til o'rganish - bu xuddi skill o'rganishdek gap. Ya'ni, agar siz sport bilan shug'ullanmoqchi bo'lsangiz, bir kun yoki bir hafta bor kuchingiz bilan shug'ullanib, keyin tashlab ketsangiz, natija bo'lmaydi.

Chet tilini o'rganishda ham xuddi shunday. Siz har kuni (dam olish kunlaridan tashqari) oz-ozdan ingliz tili bilan shug'ullansangiz, grammatika mashqlarini bajarsangiz, ishlagan mashqlaringizni doimiy tahlil qilib borsangiz, sizda til bilimi shakllanadi.

Buning uchun sizda habit building (odatlanish qobiliyati), planning (rejalashtirish) va time-management (vaqtdan unumli foydalanish) qobiliyatlari bo'lishi kerak.

🏒 @ielts_centre
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Vocabulary about BOOKS

πŸ“š To skim through - tez-tez o'qib chiqmoq

πŸ“š To flip through - varaqlamoq

πŸ“š To leaf through - varaqlamoq

πŸ“š A voracious reader - kitob o'qish ishqibozi

πŸ“š An avid reader - kitob o'qish ishqibozi

πŸ“š A bookworm - ko'p kitob o'quvchi

πŸ“š A heavy read - o'qish og'ir kitob

πŸ“š Easy reading - o'qish oson kitob

πŸ“š Spellbound - butun e'tiborni tortib oladigan

πŸ“š A gripping novel - judayam qiziq roman

πŸ“š An intriguing plot - sir-sinoatli voqealar rivoji

πŸ“š A captivating/ great read - judayam qiziqarli kitob

πŸ“š Read from cover to cover - boshidan oxirigacha o'qib chiqish

🏒 @ielts_centre
Other ways of saying β€œI am very busy” πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» I have a lot on my plate.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» I am snowed under with work.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» I am bogged down with work.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» I am swamped with work.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» I am up to my neck/ears in work.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» I am slammed at work.

🏒 @ielts_centre
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What time is it? ⏰⏰

πŸ“Œ 8:00 - eight o'clock

πŸ“Œ 8:05 - five past eight

πŸ“Œ 8:10 - ten past eight

πŸ“Œ 8:15 - quarter past eight

πŸ“Œ 8:20 - twenty past eight

πŸ“Œ 8:25 - twenty five past eight

πŸ“Œ 8:30 - half past eight

πŸ“Œ 8:35 - twenty five to nine

πŸ“Œ 8:40 - twenty to nine

πŸ“Œ 8:45 - quarter to nine

πŸ“Œ 8:50 - ten to nine

πŸ“Œ 8:55 - five to nine

πŸ“Œ 9:00 - nine o'clock

🏒 @ielts_centre
β€œIN THE END” va β€œAT THE END” ni farqini bilasizmi? πŸ€”

⭕️ IN THE END = axiyri, nihoyat

We worked hard, and in the end, we achieved our goal.

⭕️ AT THE END = biror nimaning oxirida

I pay the phone bill at the end of each month.

🏒 @ielts_centre
"IMMEDIATELY" soΚ»ziga 3 ta sinonimπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

πŸ”Έ Without delay

Granny needs her tablets. Give them to her without delay.

πŸ”Έ Straight away

I should go and see a doctor straight away.

πŸ”Έ Instantly

She was used to having her orders instantly obeyed.

🏒 @ielts_centre
Money has different names πŸ’΅πŸ’°πŸ€‘

πŸ’Έ In marriage, it is called dowry (sep)

πŸ’Έ In school, it is fee (haq, badal)

πŸ’Έ In court, it is fines (jarima)

πŸ’Έ When you pay the government, it is tax (soliq)

πŸ’Έ When you borrow from bank, it is loan (kredit)

πŸ’Έ Employer to workers, it is salary (maosh)

πŸ’Έ When you offer after a service, it is tip (choychaqa)

πŸ’Έ When you owe someone, it is debt (qarz)

🏒 @ielts_centre
Useful Linking Words to give Examples πŸ–‡

⭕️ For example, ...

⭕️ One clear example is...

⭕️ For instance, ...

⭕️ ...such as...

⭕️ Namely, ...

⭕️ To illustrate, ...

⭕️ In other words, ...

🏒 @ielts_centre

John is married with Ann - ❌
John is married to Ann - βœ…

Me and my wife moved to Europe three years ago - ❌
My wife and I moved to Europe three years ago - βœ…

Thanks you - ❌
Thank you / thanks - βœ…

She sings good - ❌
She sings well - βœ…

🏒 @ielts_centre
Forwarded from 15 kunlik marafon haqida
Media is too big
Marafon faqat qiz-ayollar uchun

Shukronalik , Pullarga ochilish psixologik motivatsion darslar
Noldan boshlab natijagacha onlayn va oflayn biznes strategiyalari darslari.

Linking Words for IELTS Speaking on Causes and SolutionsπŸ—‚

πŸ–‡ I guess it's because...

πŸ–‡ The main reason is...

πŸ–‡ It was caused by...

πŸ–‡ Because...

πŸ–‡ I suppose the best way to deal with this problem is...

πŸ–‡ I reckon the only answer is to...

πŸ–‡ The best way to solve this is...

🏒 @ielts_centre
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ General English darajangizni  oshirmoqchimisiz ?

Sizlarga har kuni Grammatika va Vocabulary boβ€˜yicha video darsliklar tashlanadigan foydali kanalni tavsiya qilmoqchiman πŸ‘‡

β†ͺ️Agar siz Ingiliz tilini oβ€˜rganayotgan boβ€˜lsangiz;
β†ͺ️Grammatika va Vocabulary darajangizni ochirishni istasangiz;
β˜‘οΈBu kanal sizga albatta yordam beradi!

❗️Ushbu kanalda doim speaking jonli darslari va mocklari ham bo'lib turadi ! Siz ham qolib ketmang 🌝

2025/03/27 00:06:33
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