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Some feel that punishment should focus more on rehabilitation instead of long prison terms. Others feel prison terms are important for social stability.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Some argue that patriotism is the primary cause of wars globally. Others feel that it serves to prevent less ethical politicians from running a country and starting wars.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.
In recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievement. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high levels of personal achievement are possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail according to their individual merits.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra responsibilities (for example, helping at home or at work). Others believe that, outside of school, children should be free to enjoy their lives.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people say that to prevent illness and disease, governments should focus more on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people today would argue that cinemas are becoming irrelevant due to new streaming services.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Forwarded from Duolingo Tashkent
βœ…Yana bir DET 140(first attempt)

πŸ˜’DETni topshirganda erishgan natijangiz hali ham o'zingizni qoniqtirmayaptimi, unda biz bilan yuqori ballarni qo'lga kiriting 😎

Haqiqiy imtihonda tushadigan savollar asosida tayyorgarlik ko'ring va yuqoridagidek ballar siz uchun ham muammo emasπŸ˜„

As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that drivers should cover the costs.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Online currencies have become more common in recent years.

Why is this?

Is this a positive or negative development?
Some people think that social networking sites have a huge negative impact on both individuals and society.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Forwarded from Duolingo Tashkent
βœ…DET 140(first attempt)

Birinchi urinishda natijani qo'lga kiritish hamma uchun maroqli😊
Bundan tashqari IELTS dan 7.5 balga teng natija bo'lsa, nur ustiga a'lo nur🀩

O'quvchimizni tabriklaymiz πŸ₯³
Keyingi ishlarida omad va zafarlar tilab qolamiz✊

Some countries have legal ages at which people can drink. Other countries believe not have strict laws is a better policy.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that in many cities around the world there are constant traffic jams.

How true do you think this statement is?

What measures can governments take to discourage people from owning cars?
Forwarded from TOEFL Tashkent
πŸ‘ 11-12-13-noyabrda topshirilgan TOEFL ibt testi natijalari

5ta natija

βœ… TOEFL 98 = C1 = IELTS 7.0
βœ… TOEFL 95 = C1 = IELTS 7.0
βœ… TOEFL 93 = B2 = IELTS 6.5
βœ… TOEFL 91 = B2 = IELTS 6.5
βœ… TOEFL 90 = B2 = IELTS 6.5

πŸ”–TOEFLda yangi sertificat dizayn

πŸ“ Korea universitetlariga o'qishga kirish uchun topshirildi

Agar sizga ham Korea universitetlariga o'qishga kirish uchun sertificat kerak bo'lsa πŸ‘‰ @TOEFL_admin
2025/02/15 13:23:04
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