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Проклятый SJW #ddv продолжает расчехляться.

Миллиардерам, говорит, нет места в open source community, а вот если отвалят много денег "кому надо", то и хорошо, можно воровать и убивать (нет, реально можно, так и пишет):

"Allow me to give you a preview: in addition to posting $5B in revenue and a 21% increase in YoY profit in 2024, Jack Dorsey laid off 1,000 employees, ordering them not to publicly discuss board member Jay-Z’s contemporary sexual assault allegations on their way out, and announced a new bitcoin mining ASIC in collaboration with Core Scientific, who presumably installed them into their new 100MW Muskogee, OK bitcoin mining installation, proudly served by the Muskogee Generating Station fossil fuel power plant and its 11 million tons of annual CO2 emissions and an estimated 62 excess deaths in the local area due to pollution associated with the power plant. Nice."


"In my view, billionaires are not welcome at FOSDEM. If billionaires want to participate in FOSS, I’m going to ask them to refrain from using our platforms to talk about their AI/blockchain/bitcoin/climate-disaster-as-a-service grifty business ventures, and instead buy our respect by, say, donating 250 million dollars to NLNet or the Sovereign Tech Fund. That figure, as a percentage of Dorsey’s wealth, is proportional to the amount of money I donate to FOSS every year, by the way. That kind of money would keep the FOSS community running for decades"

(спасибо нашим радиослушателям за ссылку!)
Forwarded from The After Times
Вот, оно, сука, реальное программирование - из четырех вёдер говна сделать бочку говна со вкусом, запахом и консистенцией повидла.
Forwarded from Двач
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Картина маслом - первый рабочий день после праздников!
Forwarded from Segment@tion fault
Одним из своих первых указов, Дональд Трамп отменил Agile.
История одного дебага.


TL;DR - как определенное сочетание опций сборки ядра и версий GCC ломало go runtime.
commit -m "better"
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commit -m "better"
В обсуждении на похорониксе наткнулся прямо на маленький монументальный пост от автора ext2/3/4 fs.


Из него следует, что самая-самая свободная fs развивается по сути, по требованиям корпораций, и за деньги корпораций:

"Ext4 does get some new features, but they are ones which companies are willing to fund because the return on investment of developing the feature makes sense from a cost/benefit perspective"

Это, конечно, в пику любителям #GPL, как оружия против жадных корпов.

Ну и вообще, там полно перлов

"This might sound horribly corporate, but there's a story about how the ZFS engineers started the project on the down lo, without asking permission from management or getting input from sales, and presented Sun with what was effectively a fiat accompli. Which might sound great,until you reflect that Sun ended up losing money until they had to sell themselves to another company, and effectively there is no longer much of an engineering organization supporting ZFS"

"The answer I came up with was around 100 person years worth of effort, with one low-end estimate of 50 person years, and a high-end estimate of 200 person-years (but that was for GPFS, which was a cluster file system, and so a lot more complicated). I reported this findings to the meeting, and a certain senior engineer from Intel said, "No, don't tell the manager's that because they will never approve the project! Tell them that btrfs will be ready in 18 months." I'll let people decide when btrfs hit that "enterprise ready status", especially for those sexy new advanced features that were supposed to compete with ZFS, but I don't think it's controversial that it wasn't in 18 months"


AMD форкнули Weston (это такой THE Wayland Compositor), и будут его допиливать, используя как демонстрацию возможностей своих видеокарт.

Интересно, зачем это им? Они поверили в Linux на desktop?
2025/01/23 03:33:40
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