Ajajootni Waraanaa kunneen Garee ABO fi KFO waliin wal arguuf akka jiran beekamee jira.Kaayyoon isaanii Nagaa waaraa oromoof oromiyaa barbaaduu osoo hin taane yaadanii Lola Eertiraa irratti Duula Waraanaaf Akka qopheessaan yaada jedhu irratti tumsaaf akka tolutti suuraa waliin ka'aanii Ilmaan Iyyeessaa Afaan Fajjessuuf itti yaadameeti oromoon dammaqinsaan waan kana ilaaluu qaban.
1, Jeneral Geetaachoo Guddinaa
2, B/Jeneral Naasir Abbaa Diggaa
3, B/jeneral Tasfaayee Raggaasaa
4, L/Jeneral Shumaa Abdataa
5, B/Jenreal Dirribaa Mokonnin
6, B/Jeneral Kabbadee Raggaasaa
#መረጃ፦ከኦነግ እና ኦፌኮ ጋር የብልፅግና ከፍተኛ ወታደራዊ ሹመኞች ጋር እንደሚገናኙ ተመልክቷል....
እነዚህ ጀነራሎች ከነዚህ ድርጅቶች ጋር መገናኘት ዋና አላማው ብልፅግናና ኦነግ/ኦፌኮ ተስማምተዋል በሚል ላለኣርትራው ጦርነት ህዝቡን ለማንቀሳቀስ እንደያመቻቸው ለማድረግም እንደሆነ ትውቋል ብልፅግናን ዩኦሮሞ መንግሥት ስለሆነ ህዝቡ ከጎኑ እንዲቆም በማለም ነው የተባሉት ጀነራሎችም
እንደሆኑም ታውቋል....የፎቶ ፖለቲካ!
1, Jeneral Geetaachoo Guddinaa
2, B/Jeneral Naasir Abbaa Diggaa
3, B/jeneral Tasfaayee Raggaasaa
4, L/Jeneral Shumaa Abdataa
5, B/Jenreal Dirribaa Mokonnin
6, B/Jeneral Kabbadee Raggaasaa
#መረጃ፦ከኦነግ እና ኦፌኮ ጋር የብልፅግና ከፍተኛ ወታደራዊ ሹመኞች ጋር እንደሚገናኙ ተመልክቷል....
እነዚህ ጀነራሎች ከነዚህ ድርጅቶች ጋር መገናኘት ዋና አላማው ብልፅግናና ኦነግ/ኦፌኮ ተስማምተዋል በሚል ላለኣርትራው ጦርነት ህዝቡን ለማንቀሳቀስ እንደያመቻቸው ለማድረግም እንደሆነ ትውቋል ብልፅግናን ዩኦሮሞ መንግሥት ስለሆነ ህዝቡ ከጎኑ እንዲቆም በማለም ነው የተባሉት ጀነራሎችም
እንደሆኑም ታውቋል....የፎቶ ፖለቲካ!
#መረጃ፦የብልፅግናው 'የራያ ሚዲያ" ዛሬ ደግሞ ሌላ ዜና ይዞ መቷል "የTDF የጀነራሎች ከኢሳያስ ጋር አሥመራ ላይ እየተመካከሩ ነው" የሚል ጨረር እየለቀቁ ነው....ባሻዬ ኦሮሞ መስሚያ የለውም ኦሮሞ ሥርዓቱን እንጂ የናንተ ቡድድን ግጭት ጉዳዩ አይደለም!
Re: the Statement Issued Following OLF and OFC Conference in
(OLF-OLA Press Release)
Date: Febrary 24 /2025
A.We Reiterate That This "Peace Process" Cannot Be Taken Seriously
While Oromo political parties might be trying to turn the occasion into an
opportunity to further the interests of our people, the recent OLF-OFC conference
and the ensuing dialogue with the regime are fundamentally Abiy Ahmed's
projects. The regime initiated it. It finances it. It controls and dictates the scope of
discussions and the extent to which the process can proceed based on its own
goals. It is also worth noting that, despite reports suggesting only the two parties
and elders participated in the conference, at least eleven individuals from the
Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF) and intelligence services were present.
The regime also began the process by lying to the elders and opposition leaders
that it was secretly in talks with the OLA in South Africa.
From the outset, the elders in attendance were handpicked using the regime's
resources. No Oromo community granted them a mandate or authorized them to
represent our people. The institution of Jaarsummaa (eldership), a revered
tradition within Oromo culture, is being exploited for cheap political gambling.
This charade has not only disgraced the revered institution of eldership but also
dishonored the opposition leaders themselves. On the one hand, the opposition
was permitted to raise demands, including the establishment of a transitional
government; on the other, the regime's media apparatus was deployed to mock
them for making such demands.
After the conference, it was announced that the elders had bestowed a "serious
mandate" upon the two parties. Only in Abiy Ahmed's Ethiopia could a randomly
selected group of elders grant opposition parties-parties that are not even
allowed to keep their offices open-the authority to end wars, maintain peace, and
establish a government. No one has questioned the legal basis, legitimacy, or
feasibility of such a mandate, nor how it could ever be realized.
Even if the statement issued by the parties were to be taken seriously, the proposal
it contains is a half-baked solution that fails to address the core issues plaguing
the nation. It does not confront the central problem of the state embodied in PM
Abiy Ahmed as a "leader", nor does it tackle the systemic issues at the root of the
body politic
Furthermore, the statement issued after the conference assigns a role to the OLA
and presumes to speak on its behalf. While this is not the primary issue to dispute
at this time-as the reality speaks for itself-it is crucial to emphasize that the
OLA is an independent politico-military institution with its own agency. No
political entity can assume responsibility for the OLA or dictate its role without
proper negotiations with its leadership.
B. Abiy Ahmed's Objectives with This Project
1. Exploiting Oromia Again
Abiy Ahmed lacks a natural constituency and has lost the indirect support he once
enjoyed, having waged war against every segment of society. By permitting the
opposition in Oromia to raise pressing issues and issue statements suggesting the
possibility of a transitional government, the regime aims to generate a sense of
euphoria in Oromia and revive its rapidly dwindling image.
The regime has wasted no time capitalizing on this manufactured wave of hope,
organizing its own "peace conferences" across Oromia. These efforts are designed
to exploit any emerging optimism stemming from the opposition's recent
statements. Should the regime perceive these efforts as fruitful, it may even extend
offers of cabinet positions to opposition leaders, co-opting them under the guise
of a "transitional" or "unity" government in the coming weeks.
We urge the opposition to thoroughly evaluate the medium- and long-term
(OLF-OLA Press Release)
Date: Febrary 24 /2025
A.We Reiterate That This "Peace Process" Cannot Be Taken Seriously
While Oromo political parties might be trying to turn the occasion into an
opportunity to further the interests of our people, the recent OLF-OFC conference
and the ensuing dialogue with the regime are fundamentally Abiy Ahmed's
projects. The regime initiated it. It finances it. It controls and dictates the scope of
discussions and the extent to which the process can proceed based on its own
goals. It is also worth noting that, despite reports suggesting only the two parties
and elders participated in the conference, at least eleven individuals from the
Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF) and intelligence services were present.
The regime also began the process by lying to the elders and opposition leaders
that it was secretly in talks with the OLA in South Africa.
From the outset, the elders in attendance were handpicked using the regime's
resources. No Oromo community granted them a mandate or authorized them to
represent our people. The institution of Jaarsummaa (eldership), a revered
tradition within Oromo culture, is being exploited for cheap political gambling.
This charade has not only disgraced the revered institution of eldership but also
dishonored the opposition leaders themselves. On the one hand, the opposition
was permitted to raise demands, including the establishment of a transitional
government; on the other, the regime's media apparatus was deployed to mock
them for making such demands.
After the conference, it was announced that the elders had bestowed a "serious
mandate" upon the two parties. Only in Abiy Ahmed's Ethiopia could a randomly
selected group of elders grant opposition parties-parties that are not even
allowed to keep their offices open-the authority to end wars, maintain peace, and
establish a government. No one has questioned the legal basis, legitimacy, or
feasibility of such a mandate, nor how it could ever be realized.
Even if the statement issued by the parties were to be taken seriously, the proposal
it contains is a half-baked solution that fails to address the core issues plaguing
the nation. It does not confront the central problem of the state embodied in PM
Abiy Ahmed as a "leader", nor does it tackle the systemic issues at the root of the
body politic
Furthermore, the statement issued after the conference assigns a role to the OLA
and presumes to speak on its behalf. While this is not the primary issue to dispute
at this time-as the reality speaks for itself-it is crucial to emphasize that the
OLA is an independent politico-military institution with its own agency. No
political entity can assume responsibility for the OLA or dictate its role without
proper negotiations with its leadership.
B. Abiy Ahmed's Objectives with This Project
1. Exploiting Oromia Again
Abiy Ahmed lacks a natural constituency and has lost the indirect support he once
enjoyed, having waged war against every segment of society. By permitting the
opposition in Oromia to raise pressing issues and issue statements suggesting the
possibility of a transitional government, the regime aims to generate a sense of
euphoria in Oromia and revive its rapidly dwindling image.
The regime has wasted no time capitalizing on this manufactured wave of hope,
organizing its own "peace conferences" across Oromia. These efforts are designed
to exploit any emerging optimism stemming from the opposition's recent
statements. Should the regime perceive these efforts as fruitful, it may even extend
offers of cabinet positions to opposition leaders, co-opting them under the guise
of a "transitional" or "unity" government in the coming weeks.
We urge the opposition to thoroughly evaluate the medium- and long-term
implications of participating in initiatives that are started, funded, and controlled
by the regime. While we acknowledge the cautious approach demonstrated, in
particular, by the OFC leadership, we urge an even greater level of vigilance to
avoid becoming instruments of the regime. Merely asserting, "we talk while we
fight" is inadequate when such dialogue serves to revive the regime that is killing
our people without delivering tangible benefits to our people's cause.
It is imperative to critically assess whether continued engagement with the regime
serves the broader struggle or undermines it. Thus far, all evidence suggests that
it undermines more than it benefits. At this juncture, the opposition should insist
that the regime commit to foundational change and engage in meaningful
negotiations with the OLA. While we are aware that the regime is unlikely to
comply, taking this stance ensures that the opposition fulfills its obligation to steer
the process in the right direction.
Our people must remain vigilant. This is not the first time such tactics have been
employed. Abiy Ahmed has orchestrated numerous false-flag political operations
in the past. Every development in Finfinnee is meticulously controlled by the
regime. There is no justification for euphoria.
2. Exploiting Contentious Issues to Prevent Alliance Against its Rule
Even before the opposition conference, the regime had already begun stoking
tensions around contentious border issues such as Dire Dawa, Madda Wolabu, and
Moyale. Now, it is exploiting the opposition conference to amplify these divisions.
The regime's strategy is to introduce divisive topics, such as the borders of Oromia
and the status of Finfinnee, to sow discord among the people of the country. By
doing so, it aims to prevent the formation of alliances between the Oromo
opposition and other communities against its rule.
While the Oromo people have legitimate concerns regarding these territories,
these issues must ultimately be resolved through inclusive negotiations with all
relevant stakeholders. At present, however, the priority must be to dismantle the
regime that inflicts daily violence upon our people. To all communities across the
country, we urge you not to be distracted by Abiy Ahmed's attempts to inflame
tensions. These issues will be addressed through dialogue in due time. For now,
our collective focus must remain on building a united front against the regime that
oppresses us all.
3. Creating Divisions Among the Oromo Opposition
One of Abiy Ahmed's primary objectives is to sow animosity among opposition
groups in Oromia. He understands that our collective resolve represents the final
blow to his faltering rule in the region. We must not afford him this opportunity.
While it is important to address realities as they unfold, we must also remain
strategically united for the sake of our people. Unity is our greatest strength in the
face of a regime that seeks to divide and conquer.
Finally, the international community must also remain vigilant regarding these
developments. This initiative in Oromia is merely another chess piece in Abiy
Ahmed's cruel game to perpetuate his reign of oppression. By sowing discord and
weakening a united opposition, he aims to prolong his faltering rule. The world
must recognize this plot and refrain from lending legitimacy to actions that
undermine the collective struggle for justice and freedom.
OLF-0LA High Command
February 24, 2025
by the regime. While we acknowledge the cautious approach demonstrated, in
particular, by the OFC leadership, we urge an even greater level of vigilance to
avoid becoming instruments of the regime. Merely asserting, "we talk while we
fight" is inadequate when such dialogue serves to revive the regime that is killing
our people without delivering tangible benefits to our people's cause.
It is imperative to critically assess whether continued engagement with the regime
serves the broader struggle or undermines it. Thus far, all evidence suggests that
it undermines more than it benefits. At this juncture, the opposition should insist
that the regime commit to foundational change and engage in meaningful
negotiations with the OLA. While we are aware that the regime is unlikely to
comply, taking this stance ensures that the opposition fulfills its obligation to steer
the process in the right direction.
Our people must remain vigilant. This is not the first time such tactics have been
employed. Abiy Ahmed has orchestrated numerous false-flag political operations
in the past. Every development in Finfinnee is meticulously controlled by the
regime. There is no justification for euphoria.
2. Exploiting Contentious Issues to Prevent Alliance Against its Rule
Even before the opposition conference, the regime had already begun stoking
tensions around contentious border issues such as Dire Dawa, Madda Wolabu, and
Moyale. Now, it is exploiting the opposition conference to amplify these divisions.
The regime's strategy is to introduce divisive topics, such as the borders of Oromia
and the status of Finfinnee, to sow discord among the people of the country. By
doing so, it aims to prevent the formation of alliances between the Oromo
opposition and other communities against its rule.
While the Oromo people have legitimate concerns regarding these territories,
these issues must ultimately be resolved through inclusive negotiations with all
relevant stakeholders. At present, however, the priority must be to dismantle the
regime that inflicts daily violence upon our people. To all communities across the
country, we urge you not to be distracted by Abiy Ahmed's attempts to inflame
tensions. These issues will be addressed through dialogue in due time. For now,
our collective focus must remain on building a united front against the regime that
oppresses us all.
3. Creating Divisions Among the Oromo Opposition
One of Abiy Ahmed's primary objectives is to sow animosity among opposition
groups in Oromia. He understands that our collective resolve represents the final
blow to his faltering rule in the region. We must not afford him this opportunity.
While it is important to address realities as they unfold, we must also remain
strategically united for the sake of our people. Unity is our greatest strength in the
face of a regime that seeks to divide and conquer.
Finally, the international community must also remain vigilant regarding these
developments. This initiative in Oromia is merely another chess piece in Abiy
Ahmed's cruel game to perpetuate his reign of oppression. By sowing discord and
weakening a united opposition, he aims to prolong his faltering rule. The world
must recognize this plot and refrain from lending legitimacy to actions that
undermine the collective struggle for justice and freedom.
OLF-0LA High Command
February 24, 2025
Forwarded from Tsegaye R Ararssa
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#መረጃ፦የክፋት ጥግ የሆኑት ሚሊሻ ተብዬዎቹ አዋቂ ህፃን ትንሽ ሳይሉ ህዝባችንን እንዲህ እየወገሩ እያሠቃዩ ይገኛሉ......
#Salaalee_Darraa Oromoon akka oromootti wal cinaa dhaabbatuun kan darberra harra
Suuran armaan gadii argaa jirtan kun gaafa guyyaa kamiisa Guraandhala/13/2017 qaama mootumma hoggantoota aanichaatin Jarsolii jedhani filatamun qindeefamanii darraa bakka bu'uun gara naannoo amaara reemaa jedhamtee bekkamtutti garee faannoo ajajoota isaanii waliin marii guddaa gaggeessun isaanii midea isaanitiin beeksisanii jiru.
Kun qaanidha gochi kun kan godhame hicittiin ture bulchaan aanaa darraa jaarsolii tana qindeessee gara naannoo amaaratti haala hicittii ta'een ergee hoggantoota faannoo waliin karaa ittiin oromoo aanicha keessaa qulqulessuu danda'aan sirna gadaa sirna oromummaa guutumaan guututti barbadeessuf karoora hicittii partii 3 jedhamee baheedha garuu midea isaanitin wal galaafatan.
Kun ragaadha bulchaan amma dharraa bulchaa jiru oromiyas ta'e oromoo bakka bu'uu hin danda'u dhimma kana haala salpaatin ilaalun booru gatii nu kaffalchisa gochi kun gadfageenyan nuuf yaa hordofamu!boor gaafa oromoon ajjeefame qalame gudeedame wacuun faaydaa hin argamsisu hara'a waliif yaa dhaabbannu Oromoo.
#Salaalee_Darraa Oromoon akka oromootti wal cinaa dhaabbatuun kan darberra harra
Suuran armaan gadii argaa jirtan kun gaafa guyyaa kamiisa Guraandhala/13/2017 qaama mootumma hoggantoota aanichaatin Jarsolii jedhani filatamun qindeefamanii darraa bakka bu'uun gara naannoo amaara reemaa jedhamtee bekkamtutti garee faannoo ajajoota isaanii waliin marii guddaa gaggeessun isaanii midea isaanitiin beeksisanii jiru.
Kun qaanidha gochi kun kan godhame hicittiin ture bulchaan aanaa darraa jaarsolii tana qindeessee gara naannoo amaaratti haala hicittii ta'een ergee hoggantoota faannoo waliin karaa ittiin oromoo aanicha keessaa qulqulessuu danda'aan sirna gadaa sirna oromummaa guutumaan guututti barbadeessuf karoora hicittii partii 3 jedhamee baheedha garuu midea isaanitin wal galaafatan.
Kun ragaadha bulchaan amma dharraa bulchaa jiru oromiyas ta'e oromoo bakka bu'uu hin danda'u dhimma kana haala salpaatin ilaalun booru gatii nu kaffalchisa gochi kun gadfageenyan nuuf yaa hordofamu!boor gaafa oromoon ajjeefame qalame gudeedame wacuun faaydaa hin argamsisu hara'a waliif yaa dhaabbannu Oromoo.
Gorsaa Ajajaa Olaanaa ABO-WBO kan tahan Obbo Jireenyaa Guddataa jilicha ilaalchisee, ''bakka bu'aas achi keessaa hin qabnu, hin gaafatamnes, nu waliinis hin mari'atamne'' jechuun deebisan.
Itti dabaluunis, ''mootummaatu waan gama tokkoon gaafatamu gama biraan yaaluuf yoo tahe malee har'ayyuu humni keenya humnoota mootummaa waliin wal waraanaa jira,'' jechuun walgahii jedhame kana keessatti akka hin hirmaannee himan.
Obbo Jireenyaan, ''WBO qaama Mootummaa Ce'umsaa kanaa tahee ABO fi KFO jalatti haa qabamu'' jechuun dogoggora akka tahe kaasu.
''ABO-WBO jaarmiyaa of danda'ee socho'udha. Kaayyoo siyaasaa fi galma mataasaa qaba,'' jedhan.
Paartileen akka KFO silumaayyuu qabsoo nagaa gaggeessaa turan malee waraana qabaatanii hin beekan kan jedhan Obbo Jireenyaan, ''afaanfaajjii uumanni akkuma Sanyii fa'aa galan sana gochuuf yoo tahe malee waan tahu miti'' jedhan.
''Jaarmiyaa of danda'ee socho'u tokko dhufee ana jalatti waaradiyaa anaaf haa tahu jechuuniyyuu arrabsoodha,'' jedhan.
Kana dura waa'ee mootummaa ce'umsaa ka'u Ministira Mummee Abiy Ahimed 'waan ce'umsa jettan dhiisaa. Kun sirrii miti' jedhee aariidhaan dubbatee ture kan jedhan Obbo Jireenyaan, mootummaaniyyuu ni eeyyamaafii? jechuun gaafatu.
''Paartiin karaa nagaa falmeen aangoo qabadha jedhu waraanni kun nu jalatti haa galu jechuuniyyuu maal jechuudha? Yaadichi wal hin dhahuu?'' jechuun dabalanii gaafatu.
Itti dabaluun jilli kun akka qophaa'uuf mootummaatu deeggare odeeffannoo jedhu qabna jedhan Obbo Jireenyaan.
©️Maddii BBC Afaan Oromoo
Itti dabaluunis, ''mootummaatu waan gama tokkoon gaafatamu gama biraan yaaluuf yoo tahe malee har'ayyuu humni keenya humnoota mootummaa waliin wal waraanaa jira,'' jechuun walgahii jedhame kana keessatti akka hin hirmaannee himan.
Obbo Jireenyaan, ''WBO qaama Mootummaa Ce'umsaa kanaa tahee ABO fi KFO jalatti haa qabamu'' jechuun dogoggora akka tahe kaasu.
''ABO-WBO jaarmiyaa of danda'ee socho'udha. Kaayyoo siyaasaa fi galma mataasaa qaba,'' jedhan.
Paartileen akka KFO silumaayyuu qabsoo nagaa gaggeessaa turan malee waraana qabaatanii hin beekan kan jedhan Obbo Jireenyaan, ''afaanfaajjii uumanni akkuma Sanyii fa'aa galan sana gochuuf yoo tahe malee waan tahu miti'' jedhan.
''Jaarmiyaa of danda'ee socho'u tokko dhufee ana jalatti waaradiyaa anaaf haa tahu jechuuniyyuu arrabsoodha,'' jedhan.
Kana dura waa'ee mootummaa ce'umsaa ka'u Ministira Mummee Abiy Ahimed 'waan ce'umsa jettan dhiisaa. Kun sirrii miti' jedhee aariidhaan dubbatee ture kan jedhan Obbo Jireenyaan, mootummaaniyyuu ni eeyyamaafii? jechuun gaafatu.
''Paartiin karaa nagaa falmeen aangoo qabadha jedhu waraanni kun nu jalatti haa galu jechuuniyyuu maal jechuudha? Yaadichi wal hin dhahuu?'' jechuun dabalanii gaafatu.
Itti dabaluun jilli kun akka qophaa'uuf mootummaatu deeggare odeeffannoo jedhu qabna jedhan Obbo Jireenyaan.
©️Maddii BBC Afaan Oromoo
Gorsaa Ajajaa Olaanaa ABO-WBO kan tahan Obbo Jireenyaa Guddataa jilicha ilaalchisee, ''bakka bu'aas achi keessaa hin qabnu, hin gaafatamnes, nu waliinis hin mari'atamne'' jechuun deebisan.
Itti dabaluunis, ''mootummaatu waan gama tokkoon gaafatamu gama biraan yaaluuf yoo tahe malee har'ayyuu humni keenya humnoota mootummaa waliin wal waraanaa jira,'' jechuun walgahii jedhame kana keessatti akka hin hirmaannee himan.
Obbo Jireenyaan, ''WBO qaama Mootummaa Ce'umsaa kanaa tahee ABO fi KFO jalatti haa qabamu'' jechuun dogoggora akka tahe kaasu.
''ABO-WBO jaarmiyaa of danda'ee socho'udha. Kaayyoo siyaasaa fi galma mataasaa qaba,'' jedhan.
Paartileen akka KFO silumaayyuu qabsoo nagaa gaggeessaa turan malee waraana qabaatanii hin beekan kan jedhan Obbo Jireenyaan, ''afaanfaajjii uumanni akkuma Sanyii fa'aa galan sana gochuuf yoo tahe malee waan tahu miti'' jedhan.
''Jaarmiyaa of danda'ee socho'u tokko dhufee ana jalatti waaradiyaa anaaf haa tahu jechuuniyyuu arrabsoodha,'' jedhan.
Kana dura waa'ee mootummaa ce'umsaa ka'u Ministira Mummee Abiy Ahimed 'waan ce'umsa jettan dhiisaa. Kun sirrii miti' jedhee aariidhaan dubbatee ture kan jedhan Obbo Jireenyaan, mootummaaniyyuu ni eeyyamaafii? jechuun gaafatu.
''Paartiin karaa nagaa falmeen aangoo qabadha jedhu waraanni kun nu jalatti haa galu jechuuniyyuu maal jechuudha? Yaadichi wal hin dhahuu?'' jechuun dabalanii gaafatu.
Itti dabaluun jilli kun akka qophaa'uuf mootummaatu deeggare odeeffannoo jedhu qabna jedhan Obbo Jireenyaan.
Maddii BBC News Afaan Oromoo
Itti dabaluunis, ''mootummaatu waan gama tokkoon gaafatamu gama biraan yaaluuf yoo tahe malee har'ayyuu humni keenya humnoota mootummaa waliin wal waraanaa jira,'' jechuun walgahii jedhame kana keessatti akka hin hirmaannee himan.
Obbo Jireenyaan, ''WBO qaama Mootummaa Ce'umsaa kanaa tahee ABO fi KFO jalatti haa qabamu'' jechuun dogoggora akka tahe kaasu.
''ABO-WBO jaarmiyaa of danda'ee socho'udha. Kaayyoo siyaasaa fi galma mataasaa qaba,'' jedhan.
Paartileen akka KFO silumaayyuu qabsoo nagaa gaggeessaa turan malee waraana qabaatanii hin beekan kan jedhan Obbo Jireenyaan, ''afaanfaajjii uumanni akkuma Sanyii fa'aa galan sana gochuuf yoo tahe malee waan tahu miti'' jedhan.
''Jaarmiyaa of danda'ee socho'u tokko dhufee ana jalatti waaradiyaa anaaf haa tahu jechuuniyyuu arrabsoodha,'' jedhan.
Kana dura waa'ee mootummaa ce'umsaa ka'u Ministira Mummee Abiy Ahimed 'waan ce'umsa jettan dhiisaa. Kun sirrii miti' jedhee aariidhaan dubbatee ture kan jedhan Obbo Jireenyaan, mootummaaniyyuu ni eeyyamaafii? jechuun gaafatu.
''Paartiin karaa nagaa falmeen aangoo qabadha jedhu waraanni kun nu jalatti haa galu jechuuniyyuu maal jechuudha? Yaadichi wal hin dhahuu?'' jechuun dabalanii gaafatu.
Itti dabaluun jilli kun akka qophaa'uuf mootummaatu deeggare odeeffannoo jedhu qabna jedhan Obbo Jireenyaan.
Maddii BBC News Afaan Oromoo
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ጀግናው ሠራዊት በየግንባሩ የአብይን ጨቅላ ወታደሮችን እየወቃ ይገኛል.....
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#መረጃ፦የፋሽስቱ ብልፅግና ሠራዊት እንዲህ የገበሬን ቤት በላቡ ጥሮ ግሮ ያፈራውን "አንተ ሸኔ ነህ" በሚል ግማሹን ያወድማሉ የተረፈውን ያጋያሉ ይዘርፋሉ ሰብረው ገብተው እነሱ የለጠፉበት የሸኔ ቤት በሚል ለመዝረፍ ሲገነጥሉ.....
#Qondaalli OPDO duraan #Pp amma kan #Abiy waliin Yeroo dhihoo jimma Deeme tokko akka jedhutti"
#HUB-Yaada namichati
"Diraamicha Abiyyi Ajajaan goonsise.Dura korri Araaraa jedhamu akka geggeeffamuuf kan qopheffame #Naannoo #Sar-betitti kan argamu hoteela#Kibgs ture.Booda qabbii Oromoo hawwachuuf jedhamee ililllii jedhame.
2/Waajira tika biyyoolessaa kan hoogganu#Sisaay tolaa bakka bu'oota nama 6 Ajajaan Waajira tika RIP Getaachoo guddinaa namoota 5 walii gala tikoota pp 11 jalqabaa hanga dhuma hirmaate.
3/Shimallis Abdiisa,Biraanuu Julaa/saganticha banuurratti/ fi Adaanch Abeebes yeroo gabaabaf seenan ture.
3/KFOn dhiibbaa guddan akka hirmaatu godhame.
4/Jeneraalonni 2 koloneerri 1 fi shaqoonni 5/ jalqabaa hanga dhumaa hirmaattota turani.
6/Miidiyaan koricha waraaba ture Miidayaa RIP kutaa Audo-visiol ture
7/Korri sun bifa saganteffameen ala xumurame.Innis Dirmicha akka bareechaan kan waamaman Abbootin gadaa,abbootin amantii ---kallattii hin egamnetti jijjiruusanitin dha.Inni Mootummaa dhiisaan KFO fi ABO nageenyaa ummata keenyaaf imaanaa fudhaa ummatan keenyi haala hamaa keessa jiraa---" jechuun mootumma dhiisa qama ofiifu waajirallee hin qabnetti amaana kennachuu isaaniti.Inni lammeessoo qaras kan barbaadame ibsicha waan tureef ABO fi KFOn f ibsa tole jedhanii fudhannan akka xumura ta'e malee akka sagatteeffametti Boqqonnaan lammaffaa fi Murteessaa Marii Araaraa mootummaa waliin kan jedhu itti fufa ture
#Akka #Abiyyitti #Bu'aa #Koricharraa egamu
a/Yeroo sabni hedduun isaan tufe kanatti Karaa ABO fi KFO gaffii Ummata biyyittii biratti sodaa nageenyaa itti fidee oromoo moggeeffamee tika nageenyasaaf nu jala deemu gaafachu/dhimma finfinnee,tokkummaa siyaasaa oromoo pp dabalatu---/
2/ABO fi KFOn paartiwwaan biyyoolessaa waliin tumsa akka hin horannee fi tumsa qaban keessatti deeggartummaa pp n akka shakkaman gochuun "shibaa"gochuudha.
3/WBO dhaaf ajandaa uumuufidha.
#Dhugaa kana saaxiluu kanan barbaadee boqonnaa sammuu argachuudha.Oromoon du'a hin jiru----"
#HUB-Yaada namichati
"Diraamicha Abiyyi Ajajaan goonsise.Dura korri Araaraa jedhamu akka geggeeffamuuf kan qopheffame #Naannoo #Sar-betitti kan argamu hoteela#Kibgs ture.Booda qabbii Oromoo hawwachuuf jedhamee ililllii jedhame.
2/Waajira tika biyyoolessaa kan hoogganu#Sisaay tolaa bakka bu'oota nama 6 Ajajaan Waajira tika RIP Getaachoo guddinaa namoota 5 walii gala tikoota pp 11 jalqabaa hanga dhuma hirmaate.
3/Shimallis Abdiisa,Biraanuu Julaa/saganticha banuurratti/ fi Adaanch Abeebes yeroo gabaabaf seenan ture.
3/KFOn dhiibbaa guddan akka hirmaatu godhame.
4/Jeneraalonni 2 koloneerri 1 fi shaqoonni 5/ jalqabaa hanga dhumaa hirmaattota turani.
6/Miidiyaan koricha waraaba ture Miidayaa RIP kutaa Audo-visiol ture
7/Korri sun bifa saganteffameen ala xumurame.Innis Dirmicha akka bareechaan kan waamaman Abbootin gadaa,abbootin amantii ---kallattii hin egamnetti jijjiruusanitin dha.Inni Mootummaa dhiisaan KFO fi ABO nageenyaa ummata keenyaaf imaanaa fudhaa ummatan keenyi haala hamaa keessa jiraa---" jechuun mootumma dhiisa qama ofiifu waajirallee hin qabnetti amaana kennachuu isaaniti.Inni lammeessoo qaras kan barbaadame ibsicha waan tureef ABO fi KFOn f ibsa tole jedhanii fudhannan akka xumura ta'e malee akka sagatteeffametti Boqqonnaan lammaffaa fi Murteessaa Marii Araaraa mootummaa waliin kan jedhu itti fufa ture
#Akka #Abiyyitti #Bu'aa #Koricharraa egamu
a/Yeroo sabni hedduun isaan tufe kanatti Karaa ABO fi KFO gaffii Ummata biyyittii biratti sodaa nageenyaa itti fidee oromoo moggeeffamee tika nageenyasaaf nu jala deemu gaafachu/dhimma finfinnee,tokkummaa siyaasaa oromoo pp dabalatu---/
2/ABO fi KFOn paartiwwaan biyyoolessaa waliin tumsa akka hin horannee fi tumsa qaban keessatti deeggartummaa pp n akka shakkaman gochuun "shibaa"gochuudha.
3/WBO dhaaf ajandaa uumuufidha.
#Dhugaa kana saaxiluu kanan barbaadee boqonnaa sammuu argachuudha.Oromoon du'a hin jiru----"
አንዳንድ ጥቃቅንና አነስተኛዎች ነቀምቴ ለምን የሚል የከርፋፋ ጥያቄ ይጠይቃሉ ባሻዬ ነቀምቴ አይደለም የሥርዓቱ አናት ያለው እዚሁ ሱሉልታ ጎን ፊንፊኔ ነው...አናት እንጂ እንትኑን ለናንተ ለፋንዶ ትተናል!
#መረጃ፦በተከታዮቹ ቀናት የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ሠራዊት ጠ/አዛዥ #ጃል_ኩሙሳ_ዲሪባ(መሮ) በወቅታዊ ጉዳይ ላይ አጠር ያለ መግለጫ ይሰጣሉ ተብሎ ይጠበቃል.....
#Waan #garaa #namaa #nyaatu
Godina Wallagga lixaa aanaa baabboo gambeel magaalaa baabboo dabaqqaa keessatti guyyaa har'aa Qeerroo Amanuel(Goobee) jedhamu waraanni pp erga #ajjeeftee booda konkolaatatti wadaroon hidhuun erga magaalaa keessa #harkisanii booda bakkeetti gatan.
#አሳዛኝ_መረጃ፦በምዕራብ ወለጋ ዞን በባቦ ጋንቤላ ወረዳ ባቦ ደበቃ ከተማ አስተዳደር ውስጥ የፋሽስት ብልፅግና ወታደሮች #ቄሮ_አማኑኤል(ጎቤ) የተባለን ልጅ በጥይት ደብድበው ከገደሉት በኋላ እግሩን ከመኪና ጋር በማሰር አስክሬኑን ከተማ ውስጥ ጎትተው ካዞሩት በኋላ ሜዳ ላይ ጥለውታል.....
#Waan #garaa #namaa #nyaatu
Godina Wallagga lixaa aanaa baabboo gambeel magaalaa baabboo dabaqqaa keessatti guyyaa har'aa Qeerroo Amanuel(Goobee) jedhamu waraanni pp erga #ajjeeftee booda konkolaatatti wadaroon hidhuun erga magaalaa keessa #harkisanii booda bakkeetti gatan.
#አሳዛኝ_መረጃ፦በምዕራብ ወለጋ ዞን በባቦ ጋንቤላ ወረዳ ባቦ ደበቃ ከተማ አስተዳደር ውስጥ የፋሽስት ብልፅግና ወታደሮች #ቄሮ_አማኑኤል(ጎቤ) የተባለን ልጅ በጥይት ደብድበው ከገደሉት በኋላ እግሩን ከመኪና ጋር በማሰር አስክሬኑን ከተማ ውስጥ ጎትተው ካዞሩት በኋላ ሜዳ ላይ ጥለውታል.....