Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /var/www/tgoop/function.php on line 65

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/tgoop/function.php on line 65
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Ishxona Archaxona

Ofisimizning 0-qavatida 7ta archa bezatib qo'yishipti.

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Advent of Code yaqinlashmoqda 🎉🚀

1-dekabrdan 25-dekabrgacha har kuni 2ta programming puzzle yechamiz. O'tgan yil musobaqasi ham juda qiziq bo'lgandi va top o'rin olganlar bilan yaxshi suxbat qilgan edik 😎

Bu yilgi musobaqani ham qiziqarli qilish uchun 1-o'ringa “25 Years of Google” android figurinamni sovg'a qilaman va top 3talik bilan in-person suxbat tashkil qilaman. Top o’rinlarga o’z sovg’alaringiz bo’lsa, iltimos @talk2vovopap’ga yozing 😇

Join link: adventofcode.com/2024/leaderboard (birinchi login qiling)
Kirish kodi: 2432563-8d25532c
Qoidalar: adventofcode.com/2024/about

Leaderboardga max 200 kishi qo'shila oladi. Agar siz qo'shilgani ulgurmagan bo'lsangiz, xavotirlanmang. Masalalarni yechavering, men 10 kuncha o'tgach befaollarni leaderboarddan olib tashlayman, qo'shilgani yana imkoniyat bo'ladi.
Yozgan kodi ishlamasa, hech nimani o'zgartirmasdan qayta run qilib ko'radiganla nechtamiz?
Anonymous Poll
kod yozmayman
LeetCode VS Code extension

Man yoqtiradigan extensionlardan bittasi LeetCode.

U LeetCodedagi masalarni mani sevimli editorim VSCode da ishlash va submit qilish imkonini beradi.

- O'zingizga qulay/tanish bo'lgan UI/theme
- Masalalarni qiyinlik darajasi, qaysidir tag yoki kompaniya bo'yicha filterlash mumkin.

Premiumsiz ham endi top kompaniyalarda eng ko'p so'raladigan masalalarni topishingiz mumkin.

- Node.js 10+

1. VSCode ni oching
2. Extensions dan LeetCode deb qidiring
3. Install
4. Extension orqali LeetCode accountingizga kiring

Working Hard vs Working Smart

Tepada man bilan bitta jamoada ishlaydigan bola va mani LeetCode profilimdan screenshotlar berilgan.

Man har kun(deyarli) masala ishlash orqali intervyularga tayyorlangan bo'lsam, u LeetCode Premium olgan va Uber listidan 26 ta masala ishlagan va intervyulardan o'tgan.

Ikkalamiz ham L4 darajada hire qilinganmiz.

P.S. O'sha paytda adashamasam 900tacha masala ishlagandim!

1000+ active days on LeetCode!

Please open Telegram to view this post
Poyezdga necha minut kech qolganingni emas, poyezding necha minutdan keyin kelishini bilish yaxshida baribir. 😁️️️️️️

Media is too big
ChatGPT yaxshiroq natija qaytarishi uchun aniqroq savol bering 😁

Me: Hey, can you make me a prince?
GPT: There is a lot of gray area in make me a prince. I could just make you a prince.
Me: Oh, no.
GPT: Right, You'll be snuggled up with that dude for the rest of your life.
Result: Y'all see my palace.
GPT: Be specific with your words. The deal is in the detail.
Me: Got it.

Tog'ani yangi kitoblari chiqdi.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞?
- An insider’s perspective on what interviewers are truly looking for and why.
- 101 real coding interview problems with detailed solutions.
- Intuitive explanations that guide you through each problem as if you were solving it in a live interview.
- 1,000+ diagrams to illustrate key concepts and patterns.

𝐓𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
Chapter 1: Two Pointers
Chapter 2: Hash Maps and Sets
Chapter 3: Linked Lists
Chapter 4: Fast and Slow Pointers
Chapter 5: Sliding Windows
Chapter 6: Binary Search
Chapter 7: Stacks
Chapter 8: Heaps
Chapter 9: Intervals
Chapter 10: Prefix Sums
Chapter 11: Trees
Chapter 12: Tries
Chapter 13: Graphs
Chapter 14: Backtracking
Chapter 15: Dynamic Programming
Chapter 16: Greedy
Chapter 17: Sort and Search
Chapter 18: Bit Manipulation
Chapter 19: Math and Geometry

Link to the book: https://geni.us/q7svoz

Next VSCode extension - Draw.io

Tizim qanday ishlashini tushunish uchun uning arxitekturasini tushunish muhim.

Proyektingiz papkasida readme va high level diagramma fayllari bolishi jamoaga yangi qo'shilgan dasturchi loyihani osonroq va tezroq tushunishiga yordam beradi, yoki o'zingiz bir necha yildan keyin projectni ochib qaraganingizda kodni o'qishdan tushunish/eslashingizga yordam beradi.

1. VSCode ni oching
2. Extensions dan Draw.io ni qidiring
3. Install
4. <filename>.drawio fayl yarating va system diagrammalarni chizing
5. Enjoy

Use it or lose it!

How did I master Algorithms and Data Structures?

Mastering algorithms and data structures is essential for anyone interested in computer science, software development and preparing for technical interviews.

Here is how I learned Algo & DS:

0. Choose a programming language
- You can choose any widely used programming language like Python, C++, Java, …. I have chosen Python.
- Practice basics until you are comfortable with syntax, control flow, functions and OOP.

1. Understand Fundamental Data Structures
- How do data structures work?
- How do they store/manage/retrieve the data?
- When to use them?

Data structures: arrays/lists, stacks and queues, linked lists, trees, maps, sets, heaps, graphs, …

2. Learn Core Algorithms
- Sorting: Learn how different sorting algorithms work and implement them yourself.
- Search: Learn how linear and binary search algorithms work, implement them yourself, and understand when to use one over the other.
- Divide and Conquer: Learn how to divide problem into subproblems, solve them independently, and combine results.
- Greedy: Learn to make optimal choices at each step for problem-solving.

To understand the topic and be able to solve problems I usually watch one video from Abdul Bari’s algorithms playlist

To better understand an algorithm and be able to answer "why/how" questions, I search for some articles online and read from multiple sources.

3. Practice Coding Problems
- Regularly solve problems on LeetCode, HackerRank, CodeSignal. I usually solve one problem in the morning before I start work.

4. Participate in Competitive Programming Contests
- Learn Under Pressure: Improve your problem-solving speed and accuracy by participating in contests.

5. Engage with the Community
- Join or create groups to study together. There are many groups on Telegram where people study together to prepare for coding interviews.
- Write a short post explaining your solution/approach and publish it in the solutions section of LeetCode.

6. Prepare for Technical Interviews
- Understand interview framework:
- Listen and understand the problem
- Ask clarifying questions
- Discuss potential approaches

- ...
- Mock Interviews: Consider using Pramp for your practice sessions. Pramp is an excellent platform to practice explaining concepts clearly, managing time effectively, and understanding diverse accents often encountered in interviews.

7. Stay Persistent and Reflect
- Periodically revisit topics to reinforce learning and analyze errors to identify areas for improvement.

Remember, mastering algorithms and data structures requires time and practice. Stay patient, keep coding, and don't hesitate to seek help when needed. Your effort will pay off in enhanced problem-solving skills and better career opportunities.

Afsuski haqiqatdan shunaqa.

2025/01/16 07:20:01
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