3.2 MB
Build 02.1930
- Fixed reported bugs;
- Added option On/Off to Disable 3th Line while notifications;
- Fixed reported bugs;
- Added option On/Off to Disable 3th Line while notifications;
Build 03.0015
- Fixed touch action while playing music;
- Removed Static icons! Now all media players should work and display proper icon;
- Weather touch action will redirect to default google forecast app if custom app not found;
- Rework on Music Controls, now are vertical to prevent from overlap texts;
- Optimized Code;
- Fixed touch action while playing music;
- Removed Static icons! Now all media players should work and display proper icon;
- Weather touch action will redirect to default google forecast app if custom app not found;
- Rework on Music Controls, now are vertical to prevent from overlap texts;
- Optimized Code;
Build 03.2005
- Added "Buttons" folder with new options (Scale, Alignment & Anchor)
- Fix minor bugs;
- Added "Buttons" folder with new options (Scale, Alignment & Anchor)
- Fix minor bugs;
Hello, do you like KWGT widget? Have any suggestion? Tell me
Build 05.0033
- Removed bCond (does nothing);
- Removed bScale (Buttons Scale) now it's useless;
+ Added bSize (Buttons Sizes);
+ Added bPadding (Buttons Padding);
> Improved button action to prevent mistouch;
> Reduce space in Next Track section;
> Fixed TwoDots overlapping;
Greetings instructions was finally written. Thanks to @Dean
- Removed bCond (does nothing);
- Removed bScale (Buttons Scale) now it's useless;
+ Added bSize (Buttons Sizes);
+ Added bPadding (Buttons Padding);
> Improved button action to prevent mistouch;
> Reduce space in Next Track section;
> Fixed TwoDots overlapping;
Greetings instructions was finally written. Thanks to @Dean
KWGT At a Glance Widget pinned «Build 05.0033 Changelog: - Removed bCond (does nothing); - Removed bScale (Buttons Scale) now it's useless; + Added bSize (Buttons Sizes); + Added bPadding (Buttons Padding); > Improved button action to prevent mistouch; > Reduce space in Next Track…»
> Changed position of "Next Alarm" & "DND" to left side of weather;
- With this, weather details can shown simultaneously.
- Optimized Weather Condition;
- With this, weather details can shown simultaneously.
- Optimized Weather Condition;
Build 06.0013
+ Added wSideInfo to show Next Alarm and Do Not Disturb status in left or right from weather info;
+ Added wSideInfo to show Next Alarm and Do Not Disturb status in left or right from weather info;
Build 06.2223
Due to limitations, the song name may not be displayed correctly. At least I tried my best.
A small bug was also fixed, when you would change music player, it showed a notification with the name of the song, this is now resolved.
In general, the code has been improved.
If you have any suggestions, call me in private. I will be available!
Due to limitations, the song name may not be displayed correctly. At least I tried my best.
A small bug was also fixed, when you would change music player, it showed a notification with the name of the song, this is now resolved.
In general, the code has been improved.
If you have any suggestions, call me in private. I will be available!
Build 08.2230
- Added a new option related to the icon in the music player:
When playing music on YouTube platform, it will show the "musical note" icon instead of the normal icon if the video size is less than the set value (Default 5 minutes)
This value can be changed in the Music folder (mYTicon)
- Improved Next Song information:
Now the "Artist Name" of the next song is also visible.
The size of "Artist Name" as well as "Track Name" can be changed in the Music/Texts folder (mNextAn & mNextSn)
- Code improvement:
Improved part of the code related to the music player.
- Added a new option related to the icon in the music player:
When playing music on YouTube platform, it will show the "musical note" icon instead of the normal icon if the video size is less than the set value (Default 5 minutes)
This value can be changed in the Music folder (mYTicon)
- Improved Next Song information:
Now the "Artist Name" of the next song is also visible.
The size of "Artist Name" as well as "Track Name" can be changed in the Music/Texts folder (mNextAn & mNextSn)
- Code improvement:
Improved part of the code related to the music player.
Build 11.0225
- Music Title is now Capitalized;
The song title is automatically capitalized so that it doesn't deform the widget itself.
- Improved Music Player Cover;
Fixed a small bug related to the album cover.
- Improved Next Track Code;
The information of the next track has been redone and a separate folder has been created, now you can choose between showing only the title, artist, or even both options at the same time.
- Fixed "mResume" feature;
Music player information will continue to be displayed even when no music is playing or paused.
- Added Custom Time for Greetings:
From now, you can setup your custom time for greetings messages, Going to folder "Other/Greets" and change "gBased" to "3 - Custom Time" and edit "gCustomT" formula to your like:
Always follow the formula:
e.g. morning@5-12
It means the morning time it's from 5 to 12.
- Music Title is now Capitalized;
The song title is automatically capitalized so that it doesn't deform the widget itself.
- Improved Music Player Cover;
Fixed a small bug related to the album cover.
- Improved Next Track Code;
The information of the next track has been redone and a separate folder has been created, now you can choose between showing only the title, artist, or even both options at the same time.
- Fixed "mResume" feature;
Music player information will continue to be displayed even when no music is playing or paused.
- Added Custom Time for Greetings:
From now, you can setup your custom time for greetings messages, Going to folder "Other/Greets" and change "gBased" to "3 - Custom Time" and edit "gCustomT" formula to your like:
Always follow the formula:
e.g. morning@5-12
It means the morning time it's from 5 to 12.
Build 11.1526
- Fixed Google Weather Link:
After latest google app updates, google now weather Link not working for some users. Now it should work!
- Changed code to show battery details:
To show that information, go into Battery folder and enable "bDetails".
- Fixed Google Weather Link:
After latest google app updates, google now weather Link not working for some users. Now it should work!
- Changed code to show battery details:
To show that information, go into Battery folder and enable "bDetails".
Hello, we are trying to make Kwgt At a Glance Widget compatible with other devices, for example a non AOSP device. Since I do not have the opportunity to examine each one individually, I want the package ID of the Weather, Calendar, Alarm, Clock applications of the people who own this device and use the original, latest system. For this; application information > package ID should be at the bottom, you can take a screenshot and send it with the device name. e.g ↑
For Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, OnePlus etc. devices, app forwarding to work well!
For Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, OnePlus etc. devices, app forwarding to work well!
Build 11.2005
- Fixed Custom Time for greetings;
To setup your custom time, go to Other/Greets and set "gBased" to "Custom Time" and change values bellow.
- Add option to change Mid-Night icon in greetings;
Going to Other/Greets folder you can change Mid-Night icon, inside "gNightSt" variable.
!!!Sorry for the massive updates, but i need to keep you away from bugs. Thank you
- Fixed Custom Time for greetings;
To setup your custom time, go to Other/Greets and set "gBased" to "Custom Time" and change values bellow.
- Add option to change Mid-Night icon in greetings;
Going to Other/Greets folder you can change Mid-Night icon, inside "gNightSt" variable.
!!!Sorry for the massive updates, but i need to keep you away from bugs. Thank you
Build 16.2248
- Improved date format feature;
Now you can use your custom date format
- Added option to customize greetings icons;
- Other code improved;
- Improved date format feature;
Now you can use your custom date format
- Added option to customize greetings icons;
- Other code improved;
Build 18.1601
- Improved Some Capitalized texts
- Completed Greetings Icons
- Finish & improved Some Code
- Improved Some Capitalized texts
- Completed Greetings Icons
- Finish & improved Some Code
Build 19.0130
- Added Background Feature;
Now you can set colored background with wallpaper colors, music cover colors or your custom color or even an image
- Fixed Small Bugs;
- Added Background Feature;
Now you can set colored background with wallpaper colors, music cover colors or your custom color or even an image
- Fixed Small Bugs;