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📗synonym of rich people

👉You can say
He is opulent
He is wealthy
He is affluent
He is aristocratic

📌That means all are directly synonym of each other, whenever you are using RICH word directly replace with them.

👉Prodigal and reckless are represent those people who believe in spending innumerable (too much) money whether they are rich or poor.
📗people are most frequently used many & more words, learn how to omit effectively.

👉He spend inordinate portion of time on internet

👉Plenty of opportunity is waiting for you.

👉Plethora of evidence suggested that crime should not be forgiveable.

👉Russia is enormous country, largest in the world.

👉The innumerable stars in the sky.

👉There is gigantic lily is grown in garden.

👉In city side property prize is exorbitant.

👉Plastic waste is immense problem for globe.

👉People have abundant way to overcome financial crunch.

👉I am exceedingly pleasant to talk with.

👉Extravagantly spending money is not bring inner satisfaction.

📌These words are interchangeable and synonym of each other.
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Australia update:

If you are planning to appear in IELTS or PTE, you should keep recent changes in your mind.

This post will help you a lot in your next exam.

1.INTROSPECTION (NOUN):🔭🔬 (आत्मनिरीक्षण) the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.
Synonyms: brooding, rumination
Antonyms: unthoughtful, extrospection
Example Sentence:
There is no time for a soldier to engage in introspection.

2.HOMAGE (NOUN): (श्रद्धांजलि)😭🙏 special honour or respect shown publicly. 
Synonyms: admiration, glorify, panegyric
Antonyms: criticize, condemn
Example Sentence:
Many villagers come here to pay homage to the Virgin.

3.UNVEILING (VERB): (अनावरण करना)🧝‍♀🧝‍♂ the removal of a veil or covering from a new monument.
Synonyms: betray, discover, uncover
Antonyms: hide, protect
Example Sentence:
PM Narendra Modi unveiling a statue of Atal Bihari Vajpayee in Lucknow on Wednesday.

4. VANDALISM (NOUN): (बर्बरता)🔫😡 damage to public or private property.
Synonyms: ruin, wrecking, sacking
Antonyms: benefit, advantage, obedience
Example Sentence:
"This is an act of mindless vandalism"

5. PREAMBLE (NOUN): (प्रस्तावना, भूमिका) a preliminary or preparatory statement; an introduction.
Synonyms: prologue, proem, prolusion
Antonyms: conclusion, epilogue
Example Sentence:
"He could tell that what she said was by way of a preamble".

6. INCEPTION (NOUN): (प्रारंभ) 🚶‍♂🏃‍♀🏃‍♂the establishment or starting point of an institution or activity.
Synonyms: provenience, wellspring, derivation
Antonyms: completion, consequences
Example Sentence:
She has been on the board since its inception two years ago.

7. PROMULGATE (VERB): (प्रख्यापित) promote or make widely known (an idea or cause).
Synonyms: broadcast, circulate, declare
Antonyms: repress, refrain
Example Sentence:
These objectives have to be promulgated within the organization.

8. MELLOW (VERB): (विनम्र) become mature or relax
Synonyms: soften, improve, molify
Antonyms: diminish, trouble, halt
Example Sentence:
Even a warm sun could not mellow the North Sea breeze.

9. MORATORIUM (NOUN): 🚭📵(रोक, प्रतिबन्ध) a legal authorization to debtors to postpone payment.
Synonyms: embargo, prohibition
Antonyms: renewal, resumption
Example Sentence:
The debt was to be subject to a five-year moratorium.

10. CONSTRUE (VERB): (समझना) interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.
Synonyms: decode, analyse
Antonyms: obscure, confuse
Example Sentence:
His words could hardly be construed as an apology.
2024/10/03 01:25:56
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