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🧠 Alzeimer

Personal reports of the "feeling" of struggling to retrieve words could offer valuable insights complementing the behavioural data, potentially leading to more powerful tools for quantifying and detecting early cognitive decline.
Opening doors

Nevertheless, this study has opened exciting doors for future research, showing that it's not just what we say but how fast we say it that can reveal cognitive changes.

By harnessing natural language processing technologies (a type of AI), which use computational techniques to analyse and understand human language data, this work advances previous studies that noticed subtle changes in the spoken and written language of public figures like Ronald Reagan and Iris Murdoch in the years before their dementia diagnoses.
While those opportunistic reports were based on looking back after a dementia diagnosis, this study provides a more systematic, data-driven and forward-looking approach.
Using rapid advancements in natural language processing will allow for automatic, detection of language changes, such as slowed speech rate.
This study underscores the potential of speech rate changes as a significant yet subtle marker of cognitive health that could aid in identifying people at risk before more severe symptoms become apparent.

🦠 Scientists Find 'Switch' That Stops Immune System Attacking Healthy cells

Our immune system is talented at telling the difference between the chemistry of our own body and that of an invading pathogen. When it malfunctions, our body can become host to an intense civil war.
Scientists are keen to understand this in more detail, and a newly identified 'switch' that deactivates a sensor of foreign DNA may provide important insight.
A key part of this discovery, made by a team from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, is an enzyme called cyclic GMP-AMP synthase
This protein is tasked with identifying infiltrating viruses. It binds to any foreign DNA floating out of place in a cell's gooey cytoplasm and triggers a reaction alerting the body to an invader
We already know that cGAS needs to be tightly regulated to keep it in check, especially once it enters a cell's nucleus.

Scientists are keen to understand this in more detail, and a newly identified 'switch' that deactivates a sensor of foreign DNA may provide important insight.
The new study identifies a biological switch that marks the enzyme for deletion in places where no immune response is required!

A key part of this discovery, made by a team from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, is an enzyme called cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS).

This protein is tasked with identifying infiltrating viruses. It binds to any foreign DNA floating out of place in a cell's gooey cytoplasm and triggers a reaction alerting the body to an invader.

We already know that cGAS needs to be tightly regulated to keep it in check, especially once it enters a cell's nucleus. The new study identifies a biological switch that marks the enzyme for deletion in places where no immune response is required.

🧬 Along with previously defined interactions with nucleosomes, our results provide a complete structural model of the nuclear regulation of cGAS," write the researchers in their published paper.

Autoimmune disorders, such as type 1 diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease, happen when immune system controls don't function as they should. The new research highlights one of those controls as worth studying further.

Now that we know more about how cGAS works, we might be able to develop effective ways of ensuring it's always well-behaved.

"Our research defines protein degradation as a determinant of cGAS regulation in the nucleus and provides structural insights into an element of cGAS that is amenable to therapeutic exploitation," write the researchers.
The research has been published in Nature.

🍃10 ways to increase self steem!🌻

💢 In today’s world, self-esteem is more than just a buzzword; it’s a critical component of our overall well-being and success. A strong sense of self-worth empowers us to face life’s challenges, make informed decisions, and nurture healthy relationships.
Unfortunately, many of us grapple with low self-esteem, which can lead to mental health issues, workplace struggles, and strained personal connections. But fear not—I’ve gathered 10 swift and effective strategies to elevate your self-esteem in under 10 minutes
1⃣Embrace Gratitude

Gratitude is a potent tool for self-esteem. Take a moment to think about three things you’re grateful for today. These could be as simple as the sun shining, a delicious meal, or your health. Expressing gratitude can be as easy as saying it out loud or jotting it down. This act of acknowledgment helps embed these positive aspects into your psyche.

2⃣Positive Affirmations

Repeating positive affirmations can fundamentally change your mindset. Pick a phrase that resonates with you, like “I am worthy of success” or “I can overcome challenges,” and repeat it. Feel the weight of these words and make them a regular part of your routine to reinforce a positive self-view.

3⃣Visualization Exercises

Visualizing yourself as confident and self-assured can influence your real-life persona. Close your eyes and imagine a scenario where you feel proud and confident. Pay attention to the details—how you stand, your facial expressions, and the emotions you feel. Regular practice can help bridge the gap between who you are and who you want to be.

4⃣Set Achievable Goals

Goals that are realistic and attainable are key to boosting self-esteem. They provide a sense of accomplishment. Identify an area for improvement, set a short-term goal, and ensure it’s measurable. Celebrating these small victories can significantly enhance your self-regard

5⃣Care for Your Body and Mind

Neglecting physical and mental well-being can take a toll on your self-esteem. Engage in regular exercise, eat nutritious foods, get enough sleep, and practice stress-relief techniques like meditation or deep breathing. Taking care of yourself is fundamental to feeling good about who you are.

6⃣Embrace Your Imperfections

Perfection is unattainable, and learning to appreciate your flaws can significantly boost your self-esteem. See your imperfections as growth opportunities. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that you deserve love and respect, imperfections and all

7⃣Surround Yourself with Positivity

The company we keep can profoundly impact our self-esteem. Seek out supportive and encouraging relationships and steer clear of negativity. Engaging in activities that align with your interests can also introduce you to like-minded individuals.

8⃣Celebrate Your Successes

Acknowledging and celebrating your achievements, no matter how small, reinforces your strengths and capabilities. Take time to reflect on your successes and reward yourself. Keeping a journal of these accomplishments can be a great way to boost your spirits when needed

9⃣Develop Assertiveness

Clear communication and the ability to express your needs and boundaries are crucial for self-esteem. Practice assertiveness, learn to say “no” when necessary, and engage in assertive communication workshops to further develop these skills.

🔟Invest in Personal Development

Personal growth is a lifelong journey and a key aspect of bolstering self-esteem. Identify areas you wish to improve, create an action plan, and commit to this process with patience and self-compassion.

Building self-esteem doesn’t require monumental efforts; sometimes, all it takes is a few minutes of focused, positive action. By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you’ll find yourself on a faster path to a more confident and self-loving you. Remember, self-esteem is crucial to not just surviving but thriving, so start bolstering yours today with these foolproof techniques

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1⃣ #excel*;be better than;do better than

🔺بهتر بودن از،برتری داشتن بر🔺

❇️🔆e.g:At least Hannah had the #security* of knowing that she #excelled* in swimming.

💢برای مثال: هانا حداقل از اینکه در شنا کردن از بقیه برتر و بهتر است احساس امنیت می کرد.

2⃣ #feminine*; of women or girls.
🔺 زنانه🔺

❇️🔆e.g:When my sister wants to look #feminine* she changes from dungarees into dress.

💢برای مثال:خواهرم وقتی که میخواهد زنانه به نظر برسد لباسش را از دانگریز(نوعی شلوار و پیراهن که به هم پیوسته هست)به دامن تغییر می دهد.

3⃣ #mount*; get up on


❇️🔆e.g:The watchman #mounted the tower to see if there were any people in the #vicinity*.

💢برای مثال:نگهبان به بالای برج رفت تا ببیند که کسی در مجاورت برج قرار دارد یا نه.

4⃣ #compete*;try hard to get something wanted by others;be a rival.

🔺رقابت کردن،مسابقه دادن،چشم و هم چشمی🔺

❇️🔆e.g:The formers champion was #challenged* to #compete*
for tennis title.

💢برای مثال:قهرمان قبلی تنیس برای به دست آوردن مقام تنیس به چالش کشیده شد و رقابت کرد.

5⃣ #dread* look forward to with fear, fear greatly; causing great fear.

🔺 با ترس چشم انتظار چیزی بودن، خیلی ترسیدن ، خیلی ترساندن🔺

❇️🔆 e.g: He had a #dread* feeling about the #challenge* he was about to face.

💢برای مثال: او از مبارزه ای که پیش رو داشت ، احساس ترس میکرد.

6⃣ #masculine*; of man; male

🔺 مردانه، مذکر🔺

❇️🔆It is #undeniable* that his beard makes him look #musculine*.

💢برای مثال: مسلم است ک ریش هایش او مردانه نشان میداد.


🆔 @gp_englishsimply
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7⃣ #menace*;threat

🔺تهدید 🔺

❇️🔆Irv's #lack* of respect made him a #menace* to his parents.

💢برای مثال : بی احترامی" ایرو" تهدیدی برای خانوادش اش بود‌.

8⃣ #tendency*; leading;
movement in a certain direction

🔺 گرایش، حرکت به سوی خاص، تمایل🔺

❇️🔆e.g:The #tendency* in all human beings is to try to #survive*.

💢برای مثال: تمایل همه انسان ها،  تلاش برای زنده  ماندن است.

9⃣ #understimate*؛ set too low a value, mout, or rate

🔺دست کم گرفتن،ناچیز گرفتن🔺

❇️🔆I admit that I #understimated* the power in the #bulky* #fighter's* frame.

💢برای مثال: من اقرار میکنم که قدرت زیاد آن مبارز را دست کم گرفتم.

1⃣0⃣ #victorious*; having won a victory; conquering


❇️🔆e.g: Our girl's volleyball squad was #victorious* over a taller team.

💢برای مثال:تیم ملی والیبال دختران بر تیم قد بلند تر پیروز شد.

1⃣1⃣ #numerous*; very many; several

🔺بی شمار،متعدد،زیاد،فراوان🔺

❇️🔆The #debater* used #numerous* #documents* to back up his statements.

💢 برای مثال: فرد بدهکار برای پشتیبانی از اظهارات خود اسناد و مدارک بسیار زیادی استفاده کرد.

1⃣2⃣ #flexible*; easily bent; willing to yield

🔺قابل انعطاف،نرم،قابل تغییر🔺

❇️🔆 e.g:The toy was #flexible,and the baby could bend it easily.

💢برای مثال: اسباب بازی انقدر انعطاف
پذیر(نرم) بود که کودک راحت میتوانست آن را خم کند.


هیچوقت خودت رو با گذشته ت نشناس...
گذشته فقط یه درس بوده، نه تمام زندگیت!🪷
🆔 @learningenglishsimply
Set Fire to the Rain
🎶Set fire to the rain

Fine the lyrics in the group!👍

🆔 @gp_englishsimply

7 Concrete Signs You Shouldn’t Get Back Together With Your Ex

🔰 1.Neither of you has changed since the breakup

None of your issues have been resolved. If you got back together, you would still have the same exact fights that you had the first time around because nothing has changed. You haven’t given yourselves enough time to grow into new people. You would pick up right where you left off – and that isn’t a good pace. Which means it won’t be long until you break up again.

🔰 2.They crossed unforgivable boundaries

Everyone makes mistakes. If your ex hurt you in small ways, maybe you can forgive them. Maybe you can look past their faults and focus on their strengths. But if they crossed an unforgivable line, you don’t owe them a second chance. You owe it to yourself to stay away, to refuse to settle for their toxic attempt at love.

🔰3.You’ve started to move on – and are proud of yourself

You don’t want to reopen old wounds. You don’t want to run back to your past when you’ve finally started building a better future for yourself. If it took you a long time to get over this person the first time around, it won’t be any easier the second. If you’re ready to see new people, then give strangers a shot. There’s nothing wrong with a fresh start.

🔰4.They brought out the worst in you.

You want a partner who brings out the most beautiful sides of yourself, not the ugliest. If you’re bad for each other, it doesn’t matter how much chemistry you have. It doesn’t matter how much you love each other. Love isn’t the only ingredient to a healthy relationship. You need to support and encourage each other. You need to like who you are when you’re around each other.

🔰5.You’ve been happier since you’ve been apart.

Even though running back to your ex is tempting, remember that you don’t need them to be happy. You’ve been surviving without them for a while now. Although it sucks to admit your relationship is over for good, you’ll have so many opportunities to find love with someone else. Someone who would never dream of leaving you.

🔰6.Literally everyone in your life thinks it’s a bad idea

You can’t live to please your family members and friends. You have to do what’s best for you. However, sometimes the people closest to us can see red flags we’re missing. If every single person in your life is against the idea of you getting back with your ex, consider whether they have a point. Listen to their reasoning. Then decide whether it holds any weight.

🔰7.You’re picturing completely different futures.

Maybe you want to get married and they want to stay unattached. Maybe they want to settle down in the suburbs and you prefer the city. Maybe one of you wants kids and the other isn’t interested. If there’s a major difference in the way you see your futures unfolding, getting together will only cause more pain. You’re going to break up again eventually – or you’ll end up resenting them after they force you to change your dreams.

🆔 @learningenglishsimply
‏چیزهای لوکسی که آدمها می تونن در زندگی داشته باشن:
-آغاز کردن صبح با آرامش.نه بدو بدو
-غذاهای مقوی خوردن.نه غذاهای آشغال
-دیدن غروب و رنگهای دلنوازش
-وقت گذروندن در طبیعت
-ترانه های روح نواز
-آزادی در انتخاب
-وقت گذروندن با آدمهایی که دوستشون داره
-خواب شبانه ی باکیفیت
- شانس اینکه همه ی اینها رو بارها تجربه کنن.

🆔 @learningenglishsimply
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ترس از شکست مثل فول تو ذهن آدمای بازنده لونه کرده...
فرق آدمای موفق با بازنده‌ها اینه که بعد از زمین خوردن بلند میشن، غبار خودشون رو می‌تکونن و دوباره تلاش می‌کنن،
پس پاشو رفیق! به خودت ایمان داشته باش و با تمام توان برای رسیدن به اهدافت تلاش کن.

🆔 @learningenglishsimply
Simple English Learning
Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull – On The Floor [Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull] From dibamusics

It's a new generation
Mr. Worldwide
Of party people
Get on the floor, dale, get on the floor
Red one

Let me introduce you to my party people in the club, huh

I'm loose
And everybody knows I get off the chain
Baby it's the truth, it's the truth
I'm like Inception
I play with your brain
So don't sleep or snooze
I don't play no games so don't, don't, don't
Don't get it confused no
'Cause you will lose yeah
Now, no pu-pu-pu-pu-pump it up
And back it up like a Tonka truck

If you go hard you gotta get on the floor
If you're a party freak then step on the floor
If you're an animal then tear up the floor
Break a sweat on the floor
Yeah we work on the floor

Don't stop, keep it movin'
Put your drinks up
Pick your body up and drop it on the floor
Let the rhythm change your world on the floor
You know we're running shit tonight on the floor
Brazil, Morocco, London to Ibiza
Straight to LA, New York, Vegas to Africa

Dance the night away
Live your life and stay young on the floor
Dance the night away
Grab somebody, drink a little more
(Así me gusta, así me gusta, así me gusta)
(Así me gusta, así me gusta)

La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor

I know you got it
Clap your hands on the floor
And keep on rockin'
Rock it up on the floor
If you're a criminal, kill it on the floor
Steal it quick on the floor, on the floor
Don't stop, keep it movin'
Put your drinks up

It's getting ill
It's getting sick on the floor
We never quit, we never rest on the floor
If I ain't wrong we'd probably die on the floor
Brazil, Morocco, London to Ibiza
Straight to LA, New York, Vegas to Africa

Dance the night away
Live your life and stay young on the floor
Dance the night away
Grab somebody, drink a little more
(Así me gusta, así me gusta, así me gusta)
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor

That badonka donk
Is like a trunk full of bass on an old school Chevy
Seven tray donkey donk
All I need is some vodka, some chonky konk
And watch and she gon' get Donkey Kong
Baby if you're ready for things to get heavy
I get on the floor and act a fool if you let me dale
Don't believe me just bet me
My name ain't Keith but I see why you sweat me
L.A., Miami, New York
Say no more get on the floor

Dance the night away
Live your life and stay young on the floor
Dance the night away
Grab somebody, drink a little more

La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor

2024/09/26 04:10:53
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