ehiya, thank you for pointing that out! aku lupa belum kasih code buat stroke-nya ... nanti aku edit lagi yah
Stellar evening, everyone! I might as well publish some color palettes ngikutin Elio with my new style, enakan malam ini atau besok, ya? Thanks a heap!
Anonymous Poll
Hari ini aja.
Oke deh, kayaknya malam ini aja. Cuman 5 doang, kok. Sebentar yaaa. Elio izin follow up color palettenya! 🙏
Oh iye ini previewnya anime so before you slandering me upon license, copyright, and such, slandernya di @LuciusRobot aje. Thanks ol.
Maaf kalau enggak sesuai ekspektasi kalian but I tried my best to struggle with my design identity so I tried to adopt a new style. I wish all of you a great evening with love and joy swarming around each one of you. Ciao. Maaf kalau aku tukang ghosting di bot maupun dichat but do contact me or spam through @ aja ya, mau ngibril juga boleh. Makasih teman-teman!
anyway guys buat yang pc-in aku buat izin and such kalau ga dibales maaf banget yah i rarely check this account 🥹 tapi kalian tetep boleh pake materials dari channel ini kok you don’t have to ask for my permission yah thank you n stay healthy everyone 🫶🏻