sad clowns society.
My Chemical Romance – The Foundations of Decay
so he gets to die a saint but she will always be a whore
sad clowns society.
My Chemical Romance – House of Wolves
this is me if you even care
yall got lucky for your manic phases, mine're like " (don't do it, don't do it, DONT) don't try suicide, NOBODY WORTH IT, don't try suicide, NOBODY CARES, don't try suicide, YOU'RE JUST GONNA HATE IT, don't try suicide, NOBODY GIVES A DAAAAMN "
my toxic trait is knowing you can't threaten me with screenshots. i said what i said. gimme a microphone and i'll say it again.
نمیدونم از کی تا حالا درس خوندن بهم حالت تهوع میده ولی خب جالب نیست پیشنهاد نمیشه نصب نکنید
بی حس شدن یه درد جزئی وقتی کله بدنت درد میکنه یجورایی معتاد کنندست
اشکالی نداره اگه نفست بالا نمیاد حداقل دیگه مچ پات باعث نمیشه نتونی راه بری✨✨