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والانـتـقـام بنـأخرو ؏ـشـان نجـيـبو بـنـص وجـ؏ـكـم🖤🔥.!
الــدق ع الصــصدر بـدو عـظـام قـويــة🖤🔥.!
البِدايِة للكُل ، والتكمِلِة للزلـآمّ⁦!.🔥🖤
ﺂحنآ ۉين مَہ بنوقَف ،بِبلَّش ݪعَد ،😎🚬 ّ.
عَلى لعَفۉ ٺربينآ ۉمآ ﺂخونَڪ لو ڪنٺ نَذل يآ صآحبِي ،😎🚬 ّ.
ڪنتم رآئعين ﺂٺمنَى ان ݪا ﺂعرفَڪم مرة ﺂخرى ،😎🚬 ّ.
▪️صارحني لتلقي النقد البناء بسرية تامة

▫️ هنا يمكنك ارسال اي رسالة لي , انا مستعد لمواجهة الصراحة 😅 .
وعّٰݪى ؏َـرْش ﺂݪرّٰخْصَنّٰۿ ، قَعَدُو ﺂحْبّٰابْنّٰا ، 🤤👊🏽 ّٰ
طوُݪ مّٰآ ﺂݪموٺ مُؤڪّٰد ݪا ٺموٺ جَبّٰآن ، 🤤👊🏽ّٰ
عِندمّٰآ ٺغيب ﺂݪذّٰئإب ٺڪثُر ﺂݪڪلّٰآب ، 🤤👊🏽 ّٰ
بآلنهِآيۿ مَّآ حدا بيسٺآهِݪ ‏୪ شِعوࢪڪ ۉلآ ۉقتڪ حِٺى ظلڪ ڪتيِر عَّليهم 🖤𖤐
لآ ٱترڪ عِزيزا عَّبثآ ٱنآ ٱغآدر مَّع ٱسبآبي🖤𖤐
‏୪ ٺأخَّذني عَّلى مَّبدأ ٱݪنِوࢪ
فأنِآ ٱڪثِرهم عِٺمۿ ،🖤𖤐
The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If it remains inactive in the next 30 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.
The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If it remains inactive in the next 20 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.
The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If it remains inactive in the next 8 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.
2025/03/07 03:23:20
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