Telegram is a leading cloud-based instant messages platform. It became popular in recent years for its privacy, speed, voice and video quality, and other unmatched features over its main competitor Whatsapp. The administrator of a telegram group, "Suck Channel," was sentenced to six years and six months in prison for seven counts of incitement yesterday. It’s yet another bloodbath on Satoshi Street. As of press time, Bitcoin (BTC) and the broader cryptocurrency market have corrected another 10 percent amid a massive sell-off. Ethereum (EHT) is down a staggering 15 percent moving close to $1,000, down more than 42 percent on the weekly chart. The group’s featured image is of a Pepe frog yelling, often referred to as the “REEEEEEE” meme. Pepe the Frog was created back in 2005 by Matt Furie and has since become an internet symbol for meme culture and “degen” culture. ZDNET RECOMMENDS
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