Verse 12
إِنَّ الَّذينَ يَخشَونَ رَبَّهُم بِالغَيبِ لَهُم مَغفِرَةٌ وَأَجرٌ كَبيرٌ
Transliteration: Innalladheena yakhshawna rabbahum bilghaybi lahum maghfiratun wa ajrun kabeer
Translation: Indeed, those in awe of their Lord without seeing Him will have forgiveness and a mighty reward.
إِنَّ الَّذينَ يَخشَونَ رَبَّهُم بِالغَيبِ لَهُم مَغفِرَةٌ وَأَجرٌ كَبيرٌ
Transliteration: Innalladheena yakhshawna rabbahum bilghaybi lahum maghfiratun wa ajrun kabeer
Translation: Indeed, those in awe of their Lord without seeing Him will have forgiveness and a mighty reward.
Verse 3-4 Reflections
"He is the One Who created seven heavens, one above the other. You will never see any imperfection in the creation of the Most Compassionate. So look again: do you see any flaws? Then look again and again - your sight will return frustrated and weary."
In these verses Allah is demonstrating His Power and Greatness and telling us to look at His creation and how He has perfected it so that we may appreciate His Majesty and authority.
Everything in nature is a sign of His existence - from the water cycle which involves precipitation of water from which clouds are formed and are then are driven to another land so that the water may rain down and allow crops to grow so that animals and human beings can find nourishment, to the complex ecosystems of insects and animals which are all inter-connected.
We don't have to even look far - the human body is designed with so much complexity yet it is fine-tuned at the same time. Just taking a basic lesson in biology should be enough to make us appreciate Al-Khaliq's (The Creator's) Greatness.
Sometimes watching nature documentaries put's me in awe of Allah and appreciate Allah's authority and dominion (Mulk).
In these modern times, many of us are too busy living in concrete jungles, glued to our devices that we seldom look up at the skies and wonder about the creation of Allah. Our busy lives and lifestyles have made us disconnect from nature. So let us all try to spend some time just looking at the sky, the stars, the trees and the animals and contemplate about Allah. Allah is telling us to look in this ayah and this IS dhikr!
We don't have to necessarily recite any adhkar with the lips and a single 'SubhanAllah!' from the heart can be a very powerful means to draw us closer to Allah.
- Ustadh Rafiq ibn Jubair
"He is the One Who created seven heavens, one above the other. You will never see any imperfection in the creation of the Most Compassionate. So look again: do you see any flaws? Then look again and again - your sight will return frustrated and weary."
In these verses Allah is demonstrating His Power and Greatness and telling us to look at His creation and how He has perfected it so that we may appreciate His Majesty and authority.
Everything in nature is a sign of His existence - from the water cycle which involves precipitation of water from which clouds are formed and are then are driven to another land so that the water may rain down and allow crops to grow so that animals and human beings can find nourishment, to the complex ecosystems of insects and animals which are all inter-connected.
We don't have to even look far - the human body is designed with so much complexity yet it is fine-tuned at the same time. Just taking a basic lesson in biology should be enough to make us appreciate Al-Khaliq's (The Creator's) Greatness.
Sometimes watching nature documentaries put's me in awe of Allah and appreciate Allah's authority and dominion (Mulk).
In these modern times, many of us are too busy living in concrete jungles, glued to our devices that we seldom look up at the skies and wonder about the creation of Allah. Our busy lives and lifestyles have made us disconnect from nature. So let us all try to spend some time just looking at the sky, the stars, the trees and the animals and contemplate about Allah. Allah is telling us to look in this ayah and this IS dhikr!
We don't have to necessarily recite any adhkar with the lips and a single 'SubhanAllah!' from the heart can be a very powerful means to draw us closer to Allah.
- Ustadh Rafiq ibn Jubair
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Verse 1-10 (Revision)
If you have memorised verses 1-10 please revise them and constantly recite them. Memorising them is half of the effort. The other half is to revise them and solidify them in your memory.
Perhaps get a friend or family member to test you to identify weak areas which you need to fix and then spend extra time on those parts.
Perhaps get a friend or family member to test you to identify weak areas which you need to fix and then spend extra time on those parts.
Which verses have you memorised?
Anonymous Poll
Verse 13
وَأَسِرّوا قَولَكُم أَوِ اجهَروا بِهِ ۖ إِنَّهُ عَليمٌ بِذاتِ الصُّدورِ
Transliteration: Wa asirroo qaulakum awijharoo bih, innahoo 'aleemun bidhaatis-sudoor
Translation: Whether you speak secretly or openly - He surely knows best what is hidden in the heart.
وَأَسِرّوا قَولَكُم أَوِ اجهَروا بِهِ ۖ إِنَّهُ عَليمٌ بِذاتِ الصُّدورِ
Transliteration: Wa asirroo qaulakum awijharoo bih, innahoo 'aleemun bidhaatis-sudoor
Translation: Whether you speak secretly or openly - He surely knows best what is hidden in the heart.
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Meet Leen from Gaza.
She is an orphan.
Her dreams of memorising the Qur'an were crushed after she was forced to leave her home.
Now, she is being supported by Islamic Relief and is able to continue with her memorisation.
However, thousands more orphans like her still need help. This is why we have teamed up with Islamic Relief to fundraise for the children of Gaza.
Please help us support 100 orphans like Leen by donating at:
She is an orphan.
Her dreams of memorising the Qur'an were crushed after she was forced to leave her home.
Now, she is being supported by Islamic Relief and is able to continue with her memorisation.
However, thousands more orphans like her still need help. This is why we have teamed up with Islamic Relief to fundraise for the children of Gaza.
Please help us support 100 orphans like Leen by donating at:
Which verses have you memorised?
Anonymous Poll
Verse 14
أَلا يَعلَمُ مَن خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطيفُ الخَبيرُ
Transliteration: Alaa ya'lamu man khalaqa wa huwal-lateeful khabeer
Translation: How could He not know His Own creation? For He alone is the Most Subtle, All-Aware.
أَلا يَعلَمُ مَن خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطيفُ الخَبيرُ
Transliteration: Alaa ya'lamu man khalaqa wa huwal-lateeful khabeer
Translation: How could He not know His Own creation? For He alone is the Most Subtle, All-Aware.
A short verse today. Use this as an opportunity to catch up if you are a few verses behind.
If you are many verses behind don't worry. It's not a must to finish it in Ramadan and you can continue afterwards.
Just keep going at your own pace.
Don't give up.
If you are many verses behind don't worry. It's not a must to finish it in Ramadan and you can continue afterwards.
Just keep going at your own pace.
Don't give up.
Verse 5 Reflections
When you learn about space, the planets and the stars, you can't but be in awe. When you compare the size of the Earth to the other planets and the billions of stars, it really humbles you. When I watch videos about space, I can't stop uttering SubhanAllah!
Such reflections on the Greatness of Allah and being in awe of His Power and Majesty can actually help decrease symptoms of depression and stress levels. Psychologists who are not Muslim have done research of how feelings of awe can have a positive effect on one's mental health and well-being.
Reflecting on space also shows that we are just mere specks compared to Allah's vast creation.
Yet, Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the Earth, the Creator of all these magnificent celestial bodies is closer to us than our own jugular vein. When we call unto Allah, He most certainly Hears us individually and personally. It comes in a hadith recorded in Sahih Muslim that whenever we read 'Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'Alameen' (Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe), Allah responds by saying 'My servant has praised Me' and so on. Just think for a second...we have a personal 1-to-1 connection with the Creator and Sustainer of everything that has ever existed, is existing and will ever exist.
Let's try to establish a personal connection with Allah. If we truly know that Allah is with us and we have full conviction of that, our spiritual and physical states will be transformed.
- Ustadh Rafiq ibn Jubair
When you learn about space, the planets and the stars, you can't but be in awe. When you compare the size of the Earth to the other planets and the billions of stars, it really humbles you. When I watch videos about space, I can't stop uttering SubhanAllah!
Such reflections on the Greatness of Allah and being in awe of His Power and Majesty can actually help decrease symptoms of depression and stress levels. Psychologists who are not Muslim have done research of how feelings of awe can have a positive effect on one's mental health and well-being.
Reflecting on space also shows that we are just mere specks compared to Allah's vast creation.
Yet, Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the Earth, the Creator of all these magnificent celestial bodies is closer to us than our own jugular vein. When we call unto Allah, He most certainly Hears us individually and personally. It comes in a hadith recorded in Sahih Muslim that whenever we read 'Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'Alameen' (Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe), Allah responds by saying 'My servant has praised Me' and so on. Just think for a second...we have a personal 1-to-1 connection with the Creator and Sustainer of everything that has ever existed, is existing and will ever exist.
Let's try to establish a personal connection with Allah. If we truly know that Allah is with us and we have full conviction of that, our spiritual and physical states will be transformed.
- Ustadh Rafiq ibn Jubair