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1⃣Octagon ~ sakkizburchak
2⃣Hexagon ~ olti burchak
3⃣Circle ~ doira, aylana
4⃣Triangle ~ uchburchak
5⃣Square ~ kvadrat
6⃣Cylinder ~ silindr
7⃣Sphere ~ sfera
8⃣Cube ~ kub
9⃣Cone ~ konus
πŸ”ŸPyramid ~ piramida

🌹Insonlarni tasvirlashda ishlatiladigan

β€’ Chatty - vaysaqi
β€’ Cheerful – quvnoq, sho’x
β€’ Communicative – kirishuvchan
β€’ Creative – ijodkor
β€’ Determined – irodali, qat’iyatli
β€’ Diligent - tirishqoq
β€’ Discreet – o’ylab ish qiladigan
β€’ Dynamic – g’ayratli
β€’ Easy-going - kirishuvchan
β€’ Faithful - sodiq
β€’ Fearless – qo’rqmas
β€’ Forceful - talabchan
β€’ Frank – ochiq, oshkora


1. Practise boxing - boks bilan shug'illanmoq

2. Gentle exercises - yengil mashqlar

3. Hit the gym - zalga doimiy ravishta bormoq

4. Engage in sports - sport bilan shug'illanmoq

5. On a regular basis - doimiy ravishta

6. To be in shape - sog'lom bo'lish uchun

7. Physically strong - jismonan baquvvat

8. Set an example - o'rnak bo'lmoq, namuna bo'lmoq

9. Feel the energy/vibe - haqiqiy energiya/atmasferani his qilmoq


⚜️A lot of, lots of with a noun⚜️

πŸ“ŒWe use a lot of and lots of in informal styles.

πŸ“ŒLots of is more informal than a lot of.

πŸ“ŒA lot of and lots of can both be used with plural countable nouns and with singular uncountable nouns for affirmatives, negatives, and questions:

βœ…We’ve got lots of things to do.

βœ…That’s a lot of money.

βœ…There weren’t a lot of choices.

βœ…Can you hurry up? I don’t have a lot of time.

βœ…Are there a lot of good players at your tennis club?

βœ…Have you eaten lots of chocolate?

πŸ—£ There are many, many ways of saying thank you.

😊 A few formal examples are:

⭕️ I'd like to express my sincere gratitude for...

⭕️ I'm most grateful.

⭕️ I'm very much obliged.

😊 A bit less formal, but still not informal:

⭕️ I'd like to thank you for...

😊 Or simply:

⭕️ Thank you very much

🌊 TO BE bilan ishlatiladigan iboralar

πŸ—žto be glad β€” xursand boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be happy β€” baxtli boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be married β€” uylanmoq (turmushga chiqmoq)
πŸ—žto be single β€” yolgβ€˜iz (boβ€˜ydoq, beva) boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be busy β€” band boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be free β€” boβ€˜sh boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be angry β€” jahli chiqmoq
πŸ—žto be fond of β€” qiziqmoq, yaxshi koβ€˜rmoq
πŸ—žto be late for β€” kechikmoq
πŸ—žto be in β€” ichkarida boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be out β€” tashqarida boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be away β€” tashqarida (vatanidan) boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be sorry β€” kechirim soβ€˜ramoq
πŸ—žto be on duty β€” navbatchi boβ€˜lmoq

Kanalga creative admin(ka) kerak. Ingliz tilini yaxshi biladigan albatta.
@Strategic_Leader : lich
Muhim jumlalar!

πŸ“"It's great to see you"
Sizni ko'rganimdan juda xursandman

πŸ“"I'm a huge fan"
Men ashaddiy muxlisman

πŸ“"She pulled out a piece of paper and pencil"
U bir varaq qoΔ£oz va qalam oldi

πŸ“"Can you do a little piece of art"
Kichik san'at asari yarata olasizmi

πŸ“"Did a beautiful drawing."
Chiroyli rasm chizdi

πŸ“"Look at  it (something) "
Ko'zdan kechirmoq

πŸ“"She started walking away"
U uzoqlashishni boshladi

πŸ“"That'll be a million dollars"
U million dollar bo'ladi

πŸ“"It took you 30 seconds do that"
Bu sizdan 30 soniya oldi xolos

πŸ“"It took me 30 years
to do that in 30 seconds"

Buni 30 soniyada bajarish uchun
menga 30 yil kerak bΓ²ldi
. .................................................
2024/11/18 08:38:36
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