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Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Qaytib kelar eshigingni qattiq yopma.

Yozning jaziramasida uydan chiqmay turib til o'rganishga nima deysiz?

ONLAYN lNGLIZ TILI KURSI ga qulay narxda yoziling!

Daraja:Beginner, 0 dan boshlaymiz
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Start: 17-iyun Narxi: Bugun/ erta ro'yxatdan o'tganlar uchun 165'000 UZS/oy

Joylar soni cheklangan ⭐️

Murojat uchun: @Supernova_manager

⚑️@doim_inglizTili da bepul darslar va foydali ma'lumotlar bilan tanishib boring!
Oddiy sifatlardan ma’no kuchaytiruvchi sifatlar!

πŸ“Œ Smart - Intelligent, Brilliant (aqlli)

πŸ“Œ Dull - Boring, Tedious (zerikarli)

πŸ“Œ Loud - Deafening, Thunderous (baland tovush)

πŸ“Œ Quiet - Silent, Hushed (tinch)

πŸ“Œ Old - Ancient, Elderly (eski)

πŸ“Œ New - Brand new, Fresh (yangi)

πŸ“Œ Tired - Exhausted, Drained (charchagan)

πŸ“Œ Rich - Wealthy, Affluent (boy)

πŸ“Œ Poor - Destitute, Impoverished (kambagΚ»al)

πŸ“Œ Beautiful - Gorgeous, Stunning (chiroyli)

βœ…Vadaga Vafo mardning ishi
β€’ Doim_InglizTili Speaking da tezroq gapirish yoΚ»li πŸ‘‡
πŸ‘‰aren’t = are not
πŸ‘‰can’t = cannot
πŸ‘‰could’ve = could have
πŸ‘‰couldn’t = could not
πŸ‘‰didn’t = did not
πŸ‘‰doesn’t = does not
πŸ‘‰don’t = do not
πŸ‘‰gonna = going to
πŸ‘‰gotta = got to, got a
πŸ‘‰hadn’t = had not
πŸ‘‰hasn't = has not
πŸ‘‰haven't = have not
πŸ‘‰he’d = he had, he would
πŸ‘‰he’ll = he shall, he will
πŸ‘‰he’s = he has, he is
πŸ‘‰how’d = how did, how would
πŸ‘‰how’ll = how will
πŸ‘‰how’s = how has, how is
πŸ‘‰I’d = I had, I would
πŸ‘‰I’ll = I shall / I will
πŸ‘‰I’m = I am
πŸ‘‰I’ve = I have
πŸ‘‰isn’t = is not
πŸ‘‰it’d = it would
πŸ‘‰it’ll = it shall, it will
πŸ‘‰it’s = it has, it is
πŸ‘‰mightn’t = might not
πŸ‘‰might’ve = might have
πŸ‘‰mustn’t = must not
πŸ‘‰ must’ve = must have
πŸ‘‰shouldn't = should not
πŸ‘‰Am/is/are not = ain't
πŸ‘‰I'm gonna = I'ma
πŸ‘‰I would have = I'd've

@doim_inglizTili | Speaking yorvoradiganlarga yubororing
Secret of Success demands these 6 things..

(The Secret Formula)

1. Hard Work

Don't believe in luck, believe in hard work.

Stop trying to rush the process or searching for a shortcut.

There is none.

2. Patience

If you are losing the patience, you are losing the battle.

First nothing happens, then it happens slowly and suddenly all at once.

Most people give up at stage one.

3. Sacrifice

If you don't sacrifice for what you want, then what you want becomes the sacrifice.

Everything has its price. The question is: Are you ready to pay it for the life you desire?

4. Consistency

Consistency is what transforms average into excellence.

Without consistency, you will never achieve greater success.

5. Discipline

Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing.

There will be days when you don't β€œfeel” like doing it.

You have to push through those days regardless of how you feel.

6. Self Confidence

Confidence is, I'll be fine if they don't like me.
Important phrases

Make sure
(B2)- ishonch hosil qilmoq

Make it happen (B2) - amalga oshirmoq

Make a living (B2) - tirikchilik qilmoq

Make it (B1) - yetib kelmoq, bormoq

Make the most of (C1) - dan maksimal foyda olmoq

Make up (A2) - o’ylab topmoq, to’qimoq

Make sense (B2) - manoli bo’lmoq, mantiqli bo’lmoq

Make a difference (C1) - ijobiy o’zgarish qilmoq

part 3

"Friendship" mavzusiga high-level javoblar

1. Is friendship important?
- Yes, friendship is incredibly important. It plays a significant role in our emotional well-being and can provide support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. Friends are often our confidants and sources of joy in life.

2. Is it good to have more or less friends?
- The number of friends one should have varies from person to person. It's not about quantity but quality. Having a few close, genuine friends can be more valuable than a large circle of acquaintances. It's essential to maintain meaningful and deep connections rather than focusing solely on quantity.

3. If you are in trouble, do you go to your family or your friend?
- It depends on the nature of the trouble. For personal or emotional issues, I might turn to a close friend who can offer a different perspective. However, for more significant problems or those involving family matters, I'd likely seek support from my family. It's about who can provide the most relevant help in a given situation.

4. Is it good to always talk about problems with your friend?
- While confiding in friends is essential for emotional well-being, it's not always appropriate to burden them with every problem. It's important to strike a balance. Friends are there to provide support, but they also have their lives and issues. It's wise to choose when and what to share, ensuring that it's a mutual and healthy exchange.

shu rubrikani davom etib hamma ehtimoliy part 3 savollarini ko’rib chiqamizmi?

Fikringizni izohda qoldiring!!!
Demak ko’p berilgan savollar speaking bo’yicha ielts assistant app dan hamma savollar tushadimi??

Insonlar afsuski unday emas ya’ni katta ektimol bilan uxshash savollar tushadi yoki ma’no jihatidan bir xil javob talab qiladigan β€œparaphrase” qilingan savollar tushadi.
Aniqroq qilib aytadigan bulsak agar part 2 da β€œspeacial event” ga tayyorlangan bulsangizu sizga β€œ memorable situation β€œ tushsa mantiqiy jihatdan sizning javobingiz har ikkisiga ham mos tushadi. Faqat siz uni qanchalik mohirlik bilan ijro etishingizga bog’liq.
πŸ€·β€β™€Other ways to say "I don't know"

😢I have no answer for you

😢Do not ask me

😢Let Me Find Out

😢Who knows?

😢You Might Also Like


😢My best guess is

😢I am not too sure

😐Beats me

😐I have no idea

Shunchaki reaksiyani yorivoration qilaylik DEARS πŸ”₯😊😊

πŸŽ“ @doim_inglizTili - Follow to continue improving your English✨
βœ…Inglizlar chatda foydalanadigan  qisqartmalarβœ…

➑ASAP β€” as soon as possible
➑LOL β€” laugh out loud
➑IMHO β€” in my humble opinion
➑AKA β€” also know as
➑IRL β€” in real life
➑POV β€” point of view
➑BRB β€” be right back
➑4U β€” for you
➑K β€” okey
➑?4U β€” question for you
➑XOXO β€” hugs and kisses
➑1432 β€” I love you too

Shunchaki reaksiyani yorivoration qilaylik DEARS πŸ”₯😊😊

πŸŽ“ @doim_inglizTili - Follow to continue improving your English✨
Other ways of " STUPID "

β€’Dumb           β€’Dumbo
β€’Foolish         β€’Lummox
β€’Idiotic           β€’Ignoramus
β€’Thick            β€’Ignoramus
β€’Gormless     β€’Naive
β€’Dorky            β€’Senseless
β€’Dunce           β€’Laughable
β€’Dolt               β€’Futile
β€’Doofus         β€’Brainless
β€’ Clod             β€’Chumb
β€’Dimwit          β€’Absurd
β€’Ludicrous     β€’Moron
β€’Crass             β€’Dull

Shunchaki reaksiyani yorivoration qilaylik DEARS πŸ”₯😊😊

πŸŽ“ @Multilevel_schooll - Follow to continue improving your English✨

πŸ¦‹ Accident => disaster

πŸ¦‹ Lack => do not have

πŸ¦‹ Drop => discard

πŸ¦‹ Different => unrelated

πŸ¦‹ Terrible => dreadful

πŸ¦‹ Discoveries => breakthroughs

πŸ¦‹ Exit => depart

πŸ¦‹ Dull => blunt

πŸ¦‹ Place => deposit

πŸ¦‹ Stupid => dumb

Shunchaki reaksiyani yorivoration qilaylik DEARS πŸ”₯😊😊

πŸŽ“ @doim_inglizTili - Follow to continue improving your English✨
γ€° Synonyms for "BIG"

🐘large - katta (1)
πŸ¦› huge - bahaybat (1)
πŸͺ giant - gigant (1)
πŸ¦’hefty - -juda katta
🦬gigantic - gigant (2)
πŸƒsizeable - katta o'lchamli
πŸ‚colossal -ulkan
🐎massive - o'gir, vazmin
πŸ„immense - nihoyatda o'lkan
🦍enormous - ulkan
πŸ¦“monstrous - dahshatli
πŸ†humongous - katta (2)
🐏tremendous - bahaybat (2)
🦌considerable - sezilarli

Ushbu sinonimlarni siz " BIG" - oΚ»rnida ishlata olasiz! SoΚ»z boyligingizni biz bilan oshiring!

Shunchaki reaksiyani yorivoration qilaylik DEARS πŸ”₯😊😊

πŸŽ“ @doim_inglizTili - Follow to continue improving your English✨
πŸ“ˆ Speaking Rivojlantirishning eng yaxshi yoΚ»li phrases βœ…

➑️Drum upβ€”o’ziga jalb qilmoq
➑️Die outβ€”qirilib ketmoq
➑️Dig upβ€”qozib chiqarmoq
➑️Dry upβ€” qurimoq; yaroqsiz xolga kelmoq
➑️Dry upβ€”aytmoqchi bo’lgan gapini unutmoq
➑️Dive inβ€” biror ishni ishtiyoq bilan boshlamoq
➑️Do away withβ€”dan xalos bo’lmoq
➑️Draw upβ€”yaratmoq, tuzmoq
➑️Dress up   bezanmoq
➑️Drop offβ€”uxlab qolmoq
➑️Drown out β€”biror kishini gapini eshtmaslig uchun yoki boshqalarni eshtishini hohlamaslig uchun undanda baland ovoz chiqarmoq
➑️Do without  … siz yashamoq
➑️Dawn onβ€”birdaniga tushinib yetmoq
➑️Deal withβ€”eplamoq
➑️Drop in (on)β€”kutulmaganda tashrif buyurmoq
➑️Drop offβ€”mashinada tashlab qoymoq
➑️Do upβ€”tuzatmoq
➑️Do away withβ€”xalos bo’lmoq
➑️Die downβ€”pasaymoq
➑️Do upβ€”tuzatmoq

Shunchaki reaksiyani yorivoration qilaylik DEARS πŸ”₯😊😊

πŸŽ“ @Multilevel_schooll - Follow to continue improving your English✨
🀩Words related to "LANGUAGE"🀩

✈️1. Monolingual - bir tilni biladigan
β€’ She is monolingual

✈️2. Bilingual - ikki tilni biladigan
β€’ I'm learning English to be bilingual

✈️3. Trilingual - uch tilni biladigan
β€’ Some classmates of mine are trilingual

✈️4. Polyglot - ko'p tilni biladigan
β€’ I would like to be polyglot

✈️5. Eloquent - notiq, so'z ustasi
β€’ She is eloquent, which is awesome

✈️6. Linguist - tilshunos
β€’ After completing my university, I'll be a linguist.

✈️7. Interpreter - tarjimon
β€’ As a child, I wanted to be an interpreter.

Shunchaki reaksiyani yorivoration qilaylik DEARS πŸ”₯😊😊

πŸŽ“ @Multilevel_schooll - Follow to continue improving your English✨
2024/07/01 13:41:32
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