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If Satans end goal is to drag as many souls as he can to Hell, do you think he would use an oppressive and overtly tyrannical system to do so?

Or would he usher in a deceptive “Golden Age,” a new era of human history, an unprecedented enlightenment period that humanity has never seen, governed by peace, love, and liberty for all

The latter of course

And that’s exactly what’s coming

Satans real endgame is not the obviously evil ‘Great Reset Dystopia’ that conspiracy theorists & truthers passionately us warn of

The Great Reset is a scapegoat

The true NWO will be an initiation of mankind into the (False) Utopian Age, led by the “Supernatural King” (spoken of by Manly P. Hall) alongside the rebranded ancient mysteries (New Age) world religion

The Beast System (True NWO) will be mans creation of an Aquarian Aged paradise on Earth— a rebuilt Garden of Eden in direct defiance of the Lord

The occult Golden Age will be built on the ashes of the soon to fall counterfeit NWO, not on its foundations
Keep in mind that just because the Great Reset Agenda is a scapegoat doesn’t mean that proponents of the Great Reset agendas are not capable of happening

For example, the possibility of a large scale cyber attack (Cyber Polygon), digital currencies (CBDC), or even social credit isn’t off the table

These are all real plausibilities

But if/when these events take place, the Great Reset and its minions like Klaus Schwab will be the ones taking the blame

In reality, these agendas are coordinated efforts from both sides (False Light and Darkness) working together to bring about a common goal

The “good guys” (Truthers) who are fighting against the “bad guys” (Great Reset minions) are just playing Hegelian Dialectic

I do believe there will be a period of chaos and destruction before we see the order of the Beast System fully come to power

The Great Reset agenda will help bring this period of chaos about. The “good guys” will continue to pretend to fight against it, while covertly pushing their New Age agenda
If you have been on this channel for any amount of time you have probably heard me use the phrase “abide in Christ”

What exactly does it mean to “abide in Christ” and how do we do so?

The word “abide” in Old English means to "await," "remain," "lodge," "sojourn," "dwell," "continue," and "endure"

Exactly what we are called to do

To abide in Christ in a nutshell means to continue in Christ— to press on in the race of faith no matter the cost (mockery, persecution, death, etc.), to allow His words to fill our minds, to allow His Will to direct our lives, and allow the Spirit of God to transform our lives

Obedience to Christ is the fruit of our love for Christ— just as the Bible says: we as branches cannot bear fruit unless we are connected to the True Vine (Jesus)
Media is too big
The true battle of Good vs. Evil was won a long time ago

On the cross of Calvary

God has already won

What we are seeing today is a counterfeit battle of “good vs. evil”

It’s actually two sides of the antichrist spirit fighting against one another

One side is openly against Christ, while the other is covertly against Christ

This is Hegelian Dialectic to bring about the Beast and His system

Hegelian Dialectic, named after Georg Hegel, the German Philosopher, is also known as “Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis” or “Ordo Ab Chao” (Order from Chaos— The motto of 33rd° Freemasons)

Create the problem, control the reaction, and provide the solution

The problem is Darkness, the reaction is False Light, and the Solution is the Beast System

Notice the duality

Red vs Blue

Blatantly evil vs covertly evil

Dark vs (false) Light

Satanism vs Luciferianism

Black Magic vs White Magic

Satan vs Lucifer


Both sides compliment each other and are working towards the same end goal

I pray you are seeing this!
Forward from @Truverd24

“Parents, please do be careful with what your children are watching, even superheroes. Don’t be deceived even adults are not exempt from this deception. These superhero characters are filled with evil symbols of hating God and Christ. It’s not worth it you and your family. God bless you and your families”

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“Then Simon Peter, having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servants name was Malchus” (John 18:10)

The Gospel of John gives us the name of the servant who was struck

The Gospel of Luke records the healing of Malchus ear

“And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him.”
(Luke 22:50-51)
Deception of the world with deepening darkness, including the deception of the Church through “secret teachings” and “manifestations” will reach its climax at the close of the age

We are seeing the buildup now

Apostle John told us very plainly: “believe not every spirit, but try the spirits

We are to doubt until we can prove the teachings, lest they came from a spirit of error and are part of the deceivers anti-Christ campaign

John told us that the spirit of antichrist and the spirit of error was already at work during his time, so just imagine how much more it is at work in our times

Our times are full of so called “prophets, speakers, and teachers” who use the sacred name of the Lord, but sow enmity, discord, and false doctrine in the body of Christ

Wolves in sheep’s clothing, led by the spirit of antichrist

In these last days, Satan's false 'light' will shine ever more brightly than it ever has before

We must be testing spirits, praying over doctrine, and taking everything to the Lord in prayer
God told us not to do evil but to rather expose evil in a Christ-like manner (Eph 5:11)

Gematria comes from Kabbalah and Kabbalah is based on Jewish/Luciferian mysticism and philosophy

Many “Truthers” participate in Gematria as a way to “decode”events/PSYOPs, not realizing the spirit behind it

Gematria is part of Jewish Mysticism, hence why using it is participating in divination (Deaut. 18:9-11)

Ultimately, It doesn't matter your reasons behind using Gematria. It’s divination, and divination is not of God

Using Gematria is like using Satan to unravel Satan

Remember, God didn't care about King Saul’s reasoning for why he disobeyed Him

He was still punished for his disobedience

Why do the Luciferians who orchestrate the world stage code news using gematria? Why do they code psyops and ‘sports’ with it? Why do they code the deaths of people they sacrifice using gematria?

Because the being behind gematria is Lucifer, the coding of events is part of the ritual and they want you to participate unknowingly
There are some people who believe conspiracy theories are antichrist in and of themselves

While I do think there is a sinister agenda behind the conspiracy/truther movement, I don’t think conspiracy theories as a whole are antichrist

A few conspiracies never hurt anyone, in fact for many of us it was conspiracy that led us to seek out God, and ultimately call upon the name of Jesus, as every conspiracy seemed to point back to an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Creator

But I do agree that in most cases when an individual hyper-focuses on conspiracies alone (going down the “rabbit hole”) they are led down a path of Gnosticism into the New Age movement

This is the Antichrist agenda in and of itself

Keep in mind the “conspiracy community” is also highly infiltrated

You’ll notice an influx of ‘truther’ accounts promoting the same beliefs, behaviors, and rhetoric, as well as pushing New Age, a movement that is rising through the false light “awakening” (Great Awakening) movement
Forwarded from OnFireForGod.today (Sean M. Madden)
🙏 “The Lord is near to all that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.” (Psalms 145:18, Brenton)

“The Lord preserves all that love him: but all sinners he will utterly destroy.” (Psalms 145:20, Brenton) ❤️
In many of the Q drops you will find the phrase “God Wins”

My friends, though we are in battle right now, God has already won the war for us

Satan is a defeated foe

God is sovereign above all and in control of all. Satan is under Gods governance and can only do what God allows

This counterfeit battle of “Good vs. Evil” or “Light vs. Dark” is nothing but distraction and deception, as it’s two different sides of the same anti-Christ spirit fighting against one another

The true spiritual battle taking place is against our own flesh

The Spirit wars against the flesh, and the flesh against the Spirit

There is none righteous, not one (Rom 3:10-12), but through Christ we can be partakers of His holiness (Heb 12:10)

Focus on Christ and growing in faith
The Olympics Closing Ceremony featured a headless, and armless angel with what appears to be an effigy of Lucifer (The Golden Voyager) standing in gold.

Returning to the gods of old. (Fallen angels/Nephilim) Opening the “portal”, I Pet Goat II reminiscent.

Shortly after the "Golden Voyager" descended into the stadium, they sang the song "Hymn to Apollo" at the closing ceremony of the Olympics.

Apollo is the Golden Boy of the Olympian pantheon, a spirit of healing, hunting, music, poetry, and prophecy.

Apollo is a master healer because he is a master of epidemic, plague, and disease, lifting and inflicting as he wishes. He attacked the Greeks with plague during the Trojan War. Apollo is blamed for sudden death. His arrows kill instantly.

What are they trying to tell us?
The False Light deception is growing stronger and stronger by the day

Many are being roped into it

I pray all people will come to realize that no politician, accredited celebrity, truther, or “good guy” is coming to save them from what lies ahead

Satan is using two groups who on the surface appear like they are against each other (Good Cop vs. Bad Cop) but in reality Satan is using both groups to lure Christians into the Great Falling Away

He is also using Luciferianism on the Right to covertly promote the New Age (False Light of Lucifer) to Christians as a tool to fight against the overt satanism being created by the Left

So many Christians are blinded by politics and other cares of the world that they haven't even noticed this is happening

There are no “good guys” on the world stage

“None is good, save one, that is, God” (Luke 18:19)

Do not follow after the enticing words and hopeless promises of men

Put your faith in the Lord Jesus and His plan for you

May Gods will be done through us all
2024/09/11 16:23:26
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