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On the surface, confidence appears to be an area where the rich get richer and the poor stay the fucking losers they are. After all, if you’ve never experienced much social acceptance, and you lack confidence around new people, then that lack of confidence will make people think you’re clingy and weird and not accept you.

Same deal goes for relationships. No confidence in intimacy will lead to bad breakups and awkward phone calls and emergency Ben and Jerry’s runs at three in the morning.

if you never expect to be a winner, then you’re going to act like a loser. Thus the cycle of suckage continues.
This is the confidence conundrum, where in order to be happy or loved or successful, first you need to be confident… but to be confident, first you need to be happy or loved or successful.

Confidence is a feeling. An emotional state and a state of mind. It’s the perception that you lack nothing. That you are equipped with everything you need , both now and for the future. A person confident in their social life will feel as though they lack nothing in their social life. A person with no confidence in their social life believes that they lack the prerequisite coolness to be invited to anyone’s pizza party. It’s this perception of lacking something that drives their needy, clingy, and/or bitchy behavior.

The obvious and most common answer to the confidence conundrum is to simply believe that you lack nothing. That you already have, or at least deserve, whatever you feel you would need to make you confident.

But this sort of thinking—believing you’re already beautiful even though you’re a frumpy slob, or believing you’re a raving success even though your only profitable business venture was selling weed in high school—leads to the kind of insurable narcissism that causes people to argue that obesity (something that is more detrimental to your health than smoking cigarettes) should be celebrated as beauty and that it’s, like, totally OK to carve your name in to the Roman Collesium , because, you know, selfies.

A lot of people soon realize this doesn’t work and so they take a different approach: incremental, external improvement.

They read articles that tell them the top 50 things confident people do, and then they try to do those things.
They start to exercise, dress better, make more eye contact, and practice firmer handshakes.
This is admittedly a step above simply believing that you’re already confident and that you don’t belong in the loser loop. After all, at least you’re doing something about your lack of confidence. And actually, it will work—but only for a little while.

Again, this type of thinking only focuses on external sources of confidence. And remember, deriving your self-confidence from the world around you is short-lived at its best and completely fucking delusional at its worst.

So no, external improvement is not a sustainable solution to the confidence conundrum. And feeling as though you lack nothing and deluding yourself into believing you already possess everything you could ever dream of is far worse.
​​5 Steps to Continuous Self Motivation Even During the Difficult Times

Many of us find ourselves in motivational slumps that we have to work to get out of. Sometimes it’s like a continuous cycle where we are motivated for a period of time, fall out and then have to build things back up again.

There is nothing more powerful for self-motivation than the right attitude. You can’t choose or control your circumstance, but you can choose your attitude towards your circumstances.

How I see this working is while you’re developing these mental steps, and utilizing them regularly, self-motivation will come naturally when you need it.

The key, for me, is hitting the final step to Share With Others. It can be somewhat addictive and self-motivating when you help others who are having trouble.

A good way to have self motivation continuously is to implement something like these 8 steps from Ian McKenzie. I enjoyed Ian’s article but thought it could use some definition when it comes to trying to build a continuous drive of motivation. Here is a new list on how to self motivate:

1. Start Simple
Keep motivators around your work area – things that give you that initial spark to get going. These motivators will be the triggers that remind you to get going. Also, identify your own motivation style, so you can play to its strengths and always stay motivated.

2. Keep Good Company
Make more regular encounters with positive and motivated people. This could be as simple as IM chats with peers or a quick discussion with a friend who likes sharing ideas.
​​5 Steps to Continuous Self Motivation Even During the Difficult Times Many of us find ourselves in motivational slumps that we have to work to get out of. Sometimes it’s like a continuous cycle where we are motivated for a period of time, fall out and then…
3. See the Good in Bad
When encountering obstacles or challenging goals, you want to be in the habit of finding what works to get over them. Here are 10 tips to make positive thinking easy.

Besides thinking positive, building your internal motivation is important to your mental strength as well. Join Lifehack’s Fast-Track Class – Activate Your Motivation for free and you’ll learn how to build your motivation engine. It’s a focused 30-minute session in which you’ll learn everything you need to always stay motivated.

4. Stop Thinking
Just do. If you find motivation for a particular project lacking, try getting started on something else. Something trivial even, then you’ll develop the momentum to begin the more important stuff.

When you’re thinking and worrying about it too much, you’re just wasting time. These tried worry busting techniques can help you.

5. Track Your Progress
Keep a tally or a progress bar for ongoing projects. When you see something growing, you will always want to nurture it.

Take a look at these 4 simple ways to track your progress so you have motivation to achieve your goals.
​​Hey guys, how are yall doing?

I decided to go serious on my project, so lots of interesting stuff coming soon.

Text me here @NeuroAnswersBot if you have suggestions/wishes to cover.

Stay tuned!

​​Delayed Life Syndrome

The essence of the syndrome is that a person lives in anticipation of a turn point, followed by happiness. This moment is defined in a similar vein: when I get an education, clear up my debts, move to another city, start my own business, then we will live. There is a ban on life here and now — time lasts in the mode of intense expectation of a bright future.

In this mode, a person does not enjoy the present, because convinced myself that happiness lies in the future. Until that moment, it became only patiently to endure this unbearable life. In a literal sense, a person feels emotional hunger, picturing his inner and outer world with gray tones.

This state is a consequence of society's focus on achievement. We are given samples/standards to which we (not) should strive. But at the same time it is not clear how to go to them and in general it is scary.

Ask questions: what are you doing now and for whom? What do you really want?

Maybe not so bad and you can rejoice right now. Pay attention to what is already good in life and be inspired by the possibilities to realize what you want. Enjoying the process. After all, this is precisely the point.

Allow yourself to live now: start using things for a "special occasion", stop studying the theory in detail in order to start doing something, do not wait for Mondays and moments when laziness will run away from you. All the same, life is not a probe and not a rehearsal.


Contact me: @NeuroAnswersBot

Since birth, every person has a lot of neurons in the head, and there are practically no connections between them — a blank slate. Connections begin forming as the world around us affects our senses, sending appropriate electrical impulses to the brain. The sheet fills up slowly but surely. And as a result, connections gradually create us as we are at the moment.

Who we consider ourselves to be is just a set of certain well-established connections that were formed under the influence of external stimuli. In what categories a person thinks, how he behaves, what he talks about with others, what he dresses in, what he eats... It all depends on what influence the environment had on a person.

If a person grew up in an environment where it is customary to constantly complain, express dissatisfaction, condemn other people, he will unconsciously play this pattern of behavior and project his unhealthy outlook on others.

In childhood, the brain is more flexible, it is able to create stronger connections. From birth to about six years of age, most of the neural connections are formed in the brain. This is the time when the strongest behaviors are created. Therefore, socio-cultural education so strongly influences the formation of the personality.

In the process of growing up, the brain is loaded with various rules, norms, restrictions that a person follows in adulthood, even if they are already destructive.

All our fears, reactions, role models are a set of well-established neural connections through which an electrical impulse passes. And the same attitudes revolve in the head on repetition, forcing them to perform the same actions.

The presence of a prefrontal cortex in a person makes it possible to choose models for responding to an external stimulus. Our brain is able to shift its reactions from one neural circuit to another. At every moment, we have the right to decide whether to go with the flow of our automatic reactions or to direct the impulse along other paths.

This feature gives homo sapiens the ability to create almost any personality out of themselves. The adult brain is no longer as flexible, but it is still capable of forming strong connections. It just takes longer than in childhood.


Contact me: @NeuroAnswersBot
​​Four stages of skill formation:

▪️Unconscious incompetence is when we do not even suspect that we do not have some skill. At this stage, there are no connections between neurons in a certain part of our brain.

In early childhood, we saw how cars drive, but did not even think about how it happens.

▪️ Conscious incompetence is when we already understand that we do not know how to do something and are trying to find a way to master this skill. At this stage, some connections between neurons have already appeared, but they are very weak, and the impulse from one neuron to another is transmitted with great difficulty.

At this stage, we already know that other people drive cars, and we realize that we do not know how to do this yet.

▪️ Conscious competence - we have mastered the basic rules and techniques, but we can only carry them out under conscious control. The neural connections are already strong, a certain neural path has been formed along which the impulse passes, but it can still jump off to other connections.

At this stage, we came to study at a driving school, learned the rules, got behind the wheel, figured out how to change gears, when to squeeze the clutch, when to turn on the turn signal, in which lane to drive, and so on. We can do this only with full concentration of attention. It is worth a little distraction - and we begin to mow: deaf, stupid, when you need to rebuild in another lane, drive through the red, and so on.

▪️Unconscious competence - at this stage we are already able to perform an action automatically, easily, quickly and without thinking about each action. The connections between the corresponding neurons are already strong enough and covered with a special substance - myelin, which forms a protective sheath. This shell is similar to electrical tape and does not allow the impulse to jump to another bond.

Now we can safely drive our car, we do not need instructor's tips. We can already talk on the phone while driving, automatically turn on the turn signal, take the right lane at the right time and not even think about it.

▪️The transition from the first stage to the second occurs as a result of the expansion of horizons - the activation of neurons.

▪️The transition from the second stage to the third occurs as a result of obtaining new information and memorizing it - the creation of neural connections.

▪️The transition to the fourth stage is carried out through regular systematic repetition - strengthening of neural connections.

If motor neurons are involved in a skill, once we have mastered it, we do not lose it for the rest of our lives. For example, we cannot forget how to ride a bicycle, swim, walk.

If the skill involves neurons responsible for thought processes, then in the absence of practice, we can easily slide from the fourth stage to the previous one.

It is impossible to master a skill with a snap of your fingers; for this you need to spend a certain amount of time. The amount of time depends on the complexity of the skill and on the individual characteristics of the brain.

​​Productivity aspects.

You can't sit down and decide that today you will only be doing useful things all day. More precisely, it is possible, but it will not lead to anything in 99.9% of cases. The reason is that “productivity” is a complex concept, not just a buzzword.

It includes focus, consistency, discipline, and even distraction control. You need to become a master at each of these points, which is what we'll talk about.

The first is focus. Start the day by asking: What am I going to do today? By answering it, you program yourself to solve problems. Do not reach straight for the phone and flip through the feed, but think about the case. The answer to the question creates a mental attitude according to which your brain begins to prioritize. And the more clearly you answer the question, the better and clearer the further actions.

The second is consistency. This is a principle from the "work smart, not hard" category. And it involves taking full advantage of your circadian rhythm. Your daily tasks should not be a simple schedule, but a schedule that takes into account your peaks in productivity.

The peak performance of the brain occurs within 2-4 hours from the moment of awakening. At this time, you can "eat the toad" and do the most difficult. In the rest of the hours, do simpler tasks, rationally using your potential.

The third is discipline. It takes practice in the ability to postpone pleasure until later. And you can start with the elementary: eat a large piece of cake not in the morning, but in the afternoon. The task: not to succumb to the temptation here and now, but to be able to find reasons not to do this.

Starting training with a cake, after a while, the "discipline muscles" will be able to withstand the onslaught of the desire to watch the series, instead of reading a book. Don't eat after six. Do not drink tea with sugar, etc.

Fourth is distraction control. Anyone can distract you, not just phone notifications. Maybe it's your cat scratching at the door. Maybe schoolchildren with a column under the window. Maybe the nasty sound of a wall clock.

Get rid of them before starting work - put your phone in flight mode. You can close the cat away from you. Close a window. Turn off the wall clock.

Gradually improving in each of the four aspects of productivity, dissonance in actions and desires will be at a minimum. A couple of weeks is enough for someone, a month for someone. However, even a year of effort is not enough for someone. How much you need to take "productivity" to the next level - you have to find out directly to you. And even if it takes a year, it's worth it.


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Our success in any sphere is determined by how efficiently we use our key resources: energy, time and money.

If we want to improve something in our life, first of all we think about how to give our best.

For example, we tend to spend more time and energy in work or relationships. Or spending more money on health or things that in our opinion can improve our lives in some way.

But the point is, you are already wasting energy, time and money trying to get the results you want. And if you do not use these resources efficiently, then spending more of these resources is unlikely to lead to any meaningful and lasting change.

If we are not able to competently dispose of what we have, then all the more we will not be able to dispose of more.

Therefore, before bothering with increasing the amount of resource, it is important to determine if you are effectively using the existing ones. Here are three simple questions to help you figure it out:

▪️ What kind of results am I trying to achieve?

▪️What specific tasks will help me achieve the desired results?

▪️Most of my energy, my time and my money are spent on these important tasks?

If the answer to the last question is “no”, then it makes absolutely no sense to increase the amount of resource.

But as my personal experience and the experience of my clients show, the first two questions are the most difficult. Most people do not realize exactly what results they want to achieve and what exactly tasks will help them do it. And therefore, most of their resources are used extremely ineffectively.
​​Get Better Results: Choose Consistency Over Intensity

The philosophy of consistency over intensity says that it’s better to start with a routine that is easy, practical, and enjoyable.

Why? Because the easier and more enjoyable the activity, the more likely you are to stick to it over the long run.

This does not mean you don’t make progress. You can still set and achieve lofty goals, but the gains are very gradual and incremental. Your progress tends to compound and accelerate over time.

This approach works because the worst thing that can happen to your diet, your exercise, your savings, or your business is that you stop. You can have the fastest start, the most potential, and the best strategies, but if you stop, you lose. It’s plain and simple.

So instead of choosing the most intense diet, exercise routine, or financial strategy, it might pay to consider the routine that YOU can stick to. Even if the routine seems tiny and simple, ask yourself what you can commit to with certainty at this point in your life.

This approach may also lead you to save $50/month extra towards your financial independence goals instead of the $500/month you’d eventually like to save. $50/month may be something you KNOW you can do consistently, and it will provide a foundation as you build up going forward.

With either exercise or finances, you can always do a little extra, like saving $100 one month, but the minimum should always be easily achievable.

See the pattern? Easy. Doable. Consistent.

The LONG-TERM success is what you’re after. Consistency is the vehicle that will help you achieve those long-term results.
​​7 Daily Habits That Harm Your Brain.

1. Doing Nothing.

Think of your brain like a muscle: If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.

Your brain is designed to think. Challenging thoughts, new skills, different languages, interesting conversations, reading, new experiences, or even puzzles and crosswords can help stimulate your brain and develop neuroplacticity, which refers to the brain’s ability to adapt.

Like any muscle, your brain needs to be used and flexed to stay in shape.

What to do:
Research proves that brain exercises have a positive effect on our cognitive abilities. So, what are you waiting for? Ask yourself what you could do this week to train your brain.
What about reading a new book on a topic you’re not familiar with? Or signing up for that French or Spanish class you always wanted to visit?
What’s one thing that sounds a little bit scary but still tempting?

Find it out and make a plan to get started as soon as possible.
​​Our biggest enemies

I’m talking about your screens. Your phone, laptop, tablet,… they’re all designed to make you stay glued to your screen. But what’s good for social media giants like Facebook is deadly for your brain health.

If your eyes start to hurt and feel dry while staring at your screens, you know you should stop and take a break. Yet, the problem is that we‘re mostly not even aware of these obvious signs.
Instead, we keep scrolling because the Instagram feed looks tempting or because we think we need to reply to one more email.

Yet, studies show a direct link between screentime and depression. And it’s no wonder because most of the content we consume online is negative and harms our wellbeing.
First, we face mental overstimulation.

Second, our eyes hurt.

Third, most media and negative news harm our emotions and negatively impact our thinking.
And if that’s still not enough reasons to curb down your screen time, studies also show that too much screen time impairs brain structure and function.

What to do:

You don’t have to avoid social media or technology altogether. It’s just about setting healthy boundaries and making sure you control your media consumption, not the other way around.
Most smartphones allow you to track your screen time to see how much time you spend using your device.

For the next few days, analyze your screen usage and ask yourself how you could minimize it, so you have more time to invest in meaningful activities.

​​Determine the best time to solve problems.

Make a plan for the day, taking into account work tasks. You can start with a simple question: “What do I want to do today?” Let this be the first goal of the day.

Do not forget to include breaks between work in the schedule. And at the end of the day, analyze your productivity and determine at what hours you were most efficient. This will help you plan for future tasks.

The ability to hold attention while working is a matter of habit. It takes time and desire. Start today and soon you will be able to stay focused in any situation and setting.
​​What’s Your Most Productive Work Time?

Whether you call them your golden hours or peak work times, or biological prime times, these are when we have the most concentration and energy. As such, we shouldn’t waste these hours. Instead, we should spend them on our most important and challenging tasks. But, before we get there, we first need to identify when you’re actually the most productive.

You likely already know when your most productive time is. For example, I’m a morning person and wake up around 6-7. Because of this, I’m more alert in the A.M. But, I also have also worked with people who are night owls, and forcing themselves to wake-up as early as I do would be counterproductive.

How to find your most productive hours:

▫️Choose a time tracking period.
The first step you need to take is to determine when you want to start tracking your time and for how long. Some suggest that you can get away with just tracking your time for a week. But I disagree. The longer you follow your time, the more accurate of a picture you’ll have. Ideally, you should do this for 30 days.

▫️Get the right tools.
You can honestly stay old school and use a pen and paper for this activity. You could also use a notebook or index cards

▫️Maintaining your time log.
Here’s the moment you’ve been waiting for, actually tracking your time.
Jeremy Anderberg writes that there are two necessary frameworks for tracking your time. The first tracking is using the time of day. If you go this route, “you’ll write down your activity for a set chunk of time, say 9–9:15 am. Set a timer for every 15 minutes (at first, at least; it can be longer as you’ve gotten into it), and take a quick second to jot down what you’ve been doing.

The second is by the task. “With this method, you’ll go about your day and activities as normal, and simply write down what time you change tasks and start something new,” explains Anderberg.

Do you frequently find yourself losing control of your workday? You begin each day with the intention of doing a great deal, but quickly find yourself side-tracked, focusing on low-priority activities, and just delaying.

So, how can you reclaim control over your time? You can end every workday with a satisfied sigh of relief, knowing that you completed all the tasks on your to-do list.

1. Put an end to multitasking.

It is a productivity killer. According to research, the mental barriers that occur when people switch activities can lower productivity by up to 40%. Even more striking, in a University of London research, some multitasking men’s IQ plummeted by 15 points.
Do you require further proof? Multitasking may be detrimental to your brain’s health.
The study discovered that those who were addicted to using numerous gadgets at the same time had decreased Gray-matter density in a brain region called the anterior cingulate cortex, which is associated with emotional regulation and decision-making, empathy, and the brain’s response to rewards.
Stop attempting to achieve everything at once. Instead, focus your entire concentration on one work at a time to drastically enhance productivity.

2. Complete the most important activities while you are the most attentive.

We all put off huge ambitions because we’re not sure we’ll be able to complete them… And by the time we get to them, we’re too exhausted from the day to give them the attention they require.
That’s how projects wind up extending into extra days, giving the impression that production has vanished.
Understanding when and how you work best is critical to completing large tasks on schedule. There is no one-size-fits-all timetable… If you are a morning person, handle the major responsibilities first thing in the morning.

3. Get Plenty of Sleep.

Did you know that 70% of the people admit to falling asleep at work? People are falling asleep at work simply because they need to. Because of early-morning commutes, lengthy job hours, and too many obligations at home, an increasing number of individuals aren’t getting enough sleep.
We’re all aware that not getting enough sleep has a bad impact on our effectiveness in all aspects of our life.
However, it has an even higher influence in the workplace since the prefrontal cortex, which assists us with jobs that involve logical thinking and complicated thought, is harmed by lack of sleep, and will hamper us while attempting to do such duties.
As a result, it is critical that we all receive adequate sleep every night in order to maintain peak productivity. If you’re an adult between the ages of 26 and 64, it means getting between 7–9 hours of sleep every night.
When organizing your day, make sure that everything on your to-do list is accomplished in time for you to obtain between 7–9 hours of sleep every night.
​​20 Short Life Lessons I Learned From Reading Over 100 Self Development Books.

1. A person’s past behavior is the most reliable predictor of future behavior. In the words of Maya Angelou, “when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

2. Most success in your life is due to consistency, not talent. Eighty percent of life is just showing up no matter what. Repetition and discipline beat talent. Look at Tom Brady.

3. You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you expect. Your mindset becomes a self-fulling prophecy. Therefore, the attitude towards life determines the altitudes you will reach in life.

4. Your happiness is having the correct balance in your life. The unique balance of meaningful work, relationships and opportunities. None of these things will give you happiness by themselves.

5. You are defined by your actions, not your words. Stop talking about what you want to achieve and start taking action to accomplish them.

6. Most people spend their entire lives either trying to be exactly like their parents or trying their hardest to be nothing like them at all. Understanding your childhood experiences can help you break this cycle.

7. You can’t remove an idea in someone’s head with logic that was not placed there by logic in the first place. Stay out of emotional debates. Few people are genuinely committed to the truth.

8. Most people don’t want to change so stop trying to make them. You only have three options: accept them, create clear boundaries or move on.

9. You can change your life simply by telling yourself a new story. The metaphors you tell yourself are the metaphors you live by. The most secure prisons are those we construct for ourselves.

10. You can’t grow without pain or suffering. It is painful to change your relationships, environment or mindset. Painless growth is only temporary relief, not a long-term cure.

11. You are responsible for what happens to you. Don’t play the victim. No one is coming to save you. Your happiness is your responsibility.

12. “Any relationship is under the control of the person who cares the least. While it takes two people to create a relationship, it takes only one to end it.” — Gordon Livingston

13. Your greatest strengths are often your greatest weaknesses. What determines which is which often depends on context. What makes someone successful in their professional life can make them insufferable in their personal life.

14. If you never take risks, your life will never move forward. The greatest risk is never taking any. What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken? The answer should give you all you need.

15. If you’re comfortable, you’ve plateaued. Comfort is fertile ground for mediocrity. Growth only happens when you’re uncomfortable.

16. Adversity only reveals what is inside of you. How did you use your time and energy during the pandemic? Did you improve your life or did it stay the same? Your answer is what is at the core of you.

17. Your mind is the greatest asset for your success in life. Before you achieve anything, you must be able to imagine first.

18. Success requires commitment. You can’t aim for a target you refuse to see. Ambiguity in your goals leads to ambiguity in your results.

19. If you have to constantly signal how virtuous you are you probably aren’t very virtuous. If someone has to say, “trust me, I am an honest person” how trustworthy are they really?

20. The only form of communication that can be trusted is someone’s behavior. There is a large gap between what people say and what people do. Judge actions, not words.

​​Self-Development Should Be A Priority.

The Cambridge dictionary defines self-development as “the act of deciding for yourself how to improve your skills and taking action to do this.” But unless you have a growth mindset, you can’t take part in self-development.

What do I mean?

Well, first of all, let’s define a growth mindset. People with a growth mindset believe they can grow their knowledge, intelligence, skills, and talents. And they take the necessary steps or actions to develop their initial qualities. They believe they can become more intelligent and get better.

On the other hand, there are some people who think differently. They have a fixed mindset instead. People with a fixed mindset believe their skills, intelligence, knowledge, and attributes are unchangeable and inherently fixed. They believe they are as intelligent as they will ever be; therefore, they don’t aspire to develop themselves. If that’s you, then you must change your mindset.

Self-development is a key to success

Self-development should be everyone’s priority. Why? Well, if you don’t develop yourself, nothing will change in your life. In other words, if you remain the same person, your life will remain the same. You’d experience the same results, problems, disappointments, and failures, and repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Is that what you want? No, I guess…

People who experience better results in their lives spend time developing themselves. I am referring to successful people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, etc. Those people developed themselves to achieve their success and funnily enough, they haven’t stopped developing themselves despite their wealth and achievements. They are still working towards increasing their skills, knowledge, talents and intelligence. Isn’t that impressive to see billionaires who are still developing themselves? Yes, it is. I’m very impressed with it. This means if we all want to be as great as those people, we should all take part in self-development. I’m not only talking about making billions like them but rather making an impact on the world and other people’s lives. Success is not defined by how much money you have, but by the impact you make on the world and other people’s lives.

This is what those billionaires have done. They all made an impact on this world.

Thanks to Bill Gates, we can use Microsoft, thanks to Mark Zuckenberg we can use Facebook, thanks to Jeff Bezos we can use Amazon, and thanks to Larry Page and Sergey Brin we can use Google. That’s the real definition of success: “to make an impact on the world and other people’s lives.” And one thing is certain, self-development will help you achieve success and everything else you want to achieve in life.

Do you want a better life? You need to develop yourself first.

Do you want a happy marriage? You need to develop yourself first.

Do you want to be the best student in your class? You need to develop yourself first.

Go get it!

5 Hard Life Lessons You Must Accept If You Want to Grow Into the Best Version Of Yourself. Tread 1/5.

What got you here, won’t get you there.

The strategies that made you successful in the past will, at some point, reach their limit. Don’t let your previous choices set your future ceiling. The willingness to try new ideas allows you to keep advancing.” — James Clear

Every stage of your life requires a new version of yourself.

The mindset that got you where you are today will not be the mindset that will you get to the next stage of life.

You need to evolve to live a better future or you’ll end up repeating the past.

Your attitude towards life will determine the altitude you reach in your life.

At some point in life, your skillset will stop being as valuable as the attitude you bring towards your work.

Most skills can be learned for free or low cost or automated. You can learn anything you want from the internet.

Knowledge used to be expensive. Knowledge is now cheap.

It is the desire to learn that is now scarce.

In the 21st century, deep technical expertise is a diminishing asset.

How you treat people is more important than how skilled you are. Being kind is no longer an option or nice to have. Your reputation and level of integrity will be the value you bring into the workforce.

From my experience, here are some signs that you have a good attitude:

- You treat people equally regardless of status or rank.

- 99% of people enjoy working with you.

- You get lots of repeat clients in your freelance business.

- People tend to pick up your phone calls and answer your emails.

Neuro Chef.
A skill that everyone needs to the resume, but in fact, few people keep..

It's about resilience.

The ability to manage stress is a real superpower these days. Over the past two months, many have already seen this.

In fact, it became apparent back in 2020. Over the past few years, I have paid attention to statistics among psychologists and psychotherapists.

Pandemic, telecommuting, social isolation, health threats – all this is becoming the strongest stress factors that provoke the growth of mental illness in a large number of people around the world.

Agree: 2022 was also marked by events that few people are guarded indifferent. People faced uncertainty, the inevitability of change, the flow of negative information, the collapse of some goals and instability.

In both of these periods, I watched how some people, when faced with all factors, fell into a state of complete apathy and emotional realization to the limit. Others go into intense and uncontrollable anxiety. Someone can not cope with the usual daily tasks, some even pause for the duration of their activity.

Another part of the people continued to lead the same way of life, work actively, quickly decide on situations and find new opportunities. For such people, any crisis is a time of opportunity and growth, not a reason to give up. This is because they are able to manage stress.

So such a skill as stress resistance largely determines the behavior of people in characters. The ability to manage stress is not just a line in the resume for beauty, but an advantage that allows you to find a way out of any difficult situations.

That is why the goal of my new challenge was the development of stress resistance.

2025/03/27 16:38:08
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