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​​Health n Wealth.

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”
— Jim Rohn

Your day should begin here, but it doesn’t.

Most people are too busy to sleep well, create a healthy diet, or move enough.

The main reason we continue to neglect our health is that we don’t see serious consequences right away, or even in weeks ahead, and this makes it more likely we’ll continue doing it.

To increase the level of your health, and by default the level of productivity, because you will be more energetic and focused, you need to make a deal with yourself.

No matter what happens in your life, HEALTH COMES FIRST— which means that you need to take care of yourself first before you engage in anything else.

There are only three things you need to keep in mind:

- Get enough sleep
- Create a healthy diet for yourself
- Move more

Make small actions every day, and let the compound effect do its thing.

Read more on NeuroChef.
Productivity 🦾 (smth to GIVE UP)

... continuing the topic about Focus & Concentration I’d like to share with you my thoughts about PRODUCTIVITY!

Some sh
t you gotta give up for better... There are so many things that keep disturbing you from being more productive. With cell phones buzzing every minute with notifications or ringing with a large number of versatile options, it can be hard to maintain focus on your work, and be productive. Here is some tips I use myself that helps me get my things together!!

1. Give up the unhealthy lifestyle!
It’s not easy, it requires a lot of effort but remember that if your body runs on little to no sleep or a bad diet such as junk food, then only a handful of energy is left for your brain to use!

2. Give up multitasking
Juggling way too many tasks isn’t healthy nor beneficial for your potential productive day.

3. Give up working on the weekends. Ok, let’s rephrase. You can work any day of the week. Just make sure you have a day off or a time out so that you could move your body, stir up some creativity or be socia

4. Give up working for the sake of work.Solidify the roadmap to your desired goal. Be clear about the kind of outcome you are aiming for.

5. Give up your social media addiction

6. Give up working without a to-do list
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You can text me which topics you’re interested in.
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​​Early Morning Hustle 🦾

“Morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day.”
― Glen Cook, Sweet Silver Blues

Let’s be honest. For most people, it’s not easy to get up first thing in the morning, especially when it’s still dark. But a lot of successful people say, “If you win the morning, you win the day.”

In fact, there are all kinds of clichés about rising early. There’s the one about the early bird getting the worm, to which I always reply that I don’t want the worm.

There are REAL benefits to wake up early, from better performance in school to being able to plan your schedule better.

More Energy. More rest equals more energy, plain and simple . If you get into the routine of rising early and retiring to bed early you are more likely to have a better sleeping pattern which leads to being more energetic throughout the day

Body System Reboot. Regular sleep is important for your general health. Not only does a full night sleep help to drop your blood pressure, helps your muscles to relax and repair

No Morning junk. And I’m not talking about food. When I ask people what’s the first thing they do when they wake up, the majority say “Check my email and social media.” Don’t do this. Email and social media consumption first thing in the morning starts your day off with other people’s lives and priorities. You want to use your mornings to focus on you.

And of course you have more time to HUSTLE!!!
​​Crush Procrastination by Deconstructing Tasks

Just like me, you probably have a problem with procrastination, or to be more specific, getting yourself to take action — not the actual work itself.
So, when you need to do something, and you start feeling that initial resistance, program yourself to break the task at hand into smaller pieces immediately, and just get yourself to do the first one in the sequence.

For example — Going to the gym — becomes:

-Preparing your gym gear
-Putting your clothes on
-Leaving your home
-Getting to the gym
-Putting your gear on
-Warming up
-Doing each exercise set (this can be further broken down)

In most cases, finishing the first task will trigger a momentum, and that will make it easier to complete the remaining mini-tasks, and by default theprimary activity you started with — which in this case is a successful gymsession.
And it all started with placing some gear in the bag.
Now, just take any task you tend to procrastinate on the most and apply this suggestion.
​​Four Types of Distractions.

Everything around you is designed to steal your attention and with it your most valuable resource — time.

That’s why it’s essential to learn how to shield yourself and develop your ability to focus on command.

You will need to fight off four types of distractions, and below are various ways to deal with each one of them.

1. Mental Distractions

Consider mental distractions to be any thought unrelated to the task at hand.

One of the first ways you can regain mental clarity is to simply breathe, as it will help you center your thoughts — no matter how cliche it might sound.

Next to breathing, ask yourself following two questions:

What should my focus be?

Is this worth my time?

Questions are a great way to reach the logical part of our brain and let it find the right answers naturally.

The next thing you can do is meditation, which is a great way to refresh your mental state, and if nothin

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​​Physical/Environmental Distractions

When we are not as invested in the task at hand, we often act as CROWS; we look for anything shiny around us that will distract us from doing work.

That’s why you need to declutter your environment and make sure that you minimize physical distractions.

First, divide your workspace into a primary and a secondary work area.

From the primary, remove everything unessential, all the things you’re not using on a daily basis.

All the things you use on a weekly/monthly basis should go to the secondary work area.
Those can be like books, cables, printer, photos, staplers, and other items you don’t use as often.

The fewer items are in your immediate proximity, the less you will be pulled away from the task at hand.

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​​Digital Distractions

Once again, you can follow the rule of making it difficult to access something.

For your phone, I suggest you delete every app that doesn’t contribute any of your goals, and is just a waste of time.

Then place the applications you use on a daily basis on your first screen, move everything else to the second and third screen — making it more difficult to access.

Whenever you work, place your phone out of the arms reach, and turn off the internet, so you don’t get notifications.

For your computer, you can install software called SelfControl (source) a free Mac application to help you avoid distracting websites, for Windows thealternative is Cold Turkey (source).

Or you can install extensions called StayFocusd (Source) or Gofuckingwork (source) — both are free and work well.

When it comes to emails and social media, I suggest you create rules for yourself to check them only at a specific time of the day.

I try to not to open social media apps at least first hour or two, and check emails twice a day, responding right away.

@NeuroAnswersBot — feedback bot.
​​Social Distractions

Now, this is something you don’t have that much control over, but you can still do a couple of things that might help you reduce them.

First is to communicate your style of working to people, and expectations — this usually does the trick.

Secondly, you can use your headphones — even placing them on your ears will make people assume that you are not to be disturbed.
​​Evaluate Your Day.

“Every evening, just before hitting the bed, I would ask myself: *Have I earned the bread for the day*?”

We are often caught up in the everyday environment and the dynamic nature of our lives, so the time passes by faster than ever.

Because of this, it makes a lot of sense to continuously pull yourself back andevaluate how well you’ve executed your plan in the previous period, so you can improve it based on the insights you’ve gathered.

Try to make it a habit just before you go to bed. Take some time to evaluate your day and see what can you do better in the morning.

Also, every week you should set aside 30 minutes to analyze the previous week and plan out the next one.x

@NeuroAnswersBot - feedback bot.
​​23 Things That Will Help You Create a Powerful Morning Routine.

By doing so, you will start seeing a mighty change; that will influence and drastically improve every area of your life:

-You will reach optimal health

-Your energy will be high and vibrant

-You will unleash your creative life

-You will have a chance to grow and learn more

-Your relationships will become better

-Your emotional life will find its equilibrium

-You will be made more productive than ever

And many more things will happen.

Tap a chocolate bar if you like it 🙂
​​1. Wake Up Earlier

I firmly believe that everyone should develop a habit of getting up earlier.

Even if you don’t think, you are a morning person.

But in the modern world, they have us believe that we are a failure if we don’t wake you at 4:30 AM or 5 AM in the morning.

Which is far from the truth.
I think it would be foolish to assume that everyone should wake up at 5 AM.

I believe that it’s an excellent idea, but whether or not you should get up that early depends on your lifestyle (a student who studies until early morning and a person which has to be at work at 7 AM, cannot form the same habit).

What you need to do is optimize your sleeping/waking up, so you can be fully rested and healthy, and that it supports your goals.

Don’t make drastic changes.

If you want to get up at 6 AM, but you’re at 8 AM.

Start with 7:45 AM. And do that for two days.

Then go down to 7:30. And so on.

This will help you create a slow transition, and once you reach 6 AM, just try to keep up the momentum, until it becomes a habit.
2. Drink 16oz (500ml) water

Your body just went 5–8 hours without hydration. So you need to make up the difference.

Water kickstarts your metabolism, hydrates you, helps your body flush outtoxins, gives your brain fuel, and may even make you eat less.
​​3. Make your bed

Doing this in the morning is going to be the first thing you will accomplish. So it will give you a small sense of pride, and a boost in motivation to focus on other things.

As Tim Ferriss says: “no matter how shty your day is, no matter how catastrophic it might become, you can make your bed.”

Simple, yet powerful.
​​4. Engage In A Physical Activity

Depending on your lifestyle, goals and personal preference, this can be anything:

Gym, Yoga, Zumba, Walking, Running, Jumping on a trampoline. Swimming.

Whatever it is, just get your body moving.

According to research, having a constant physical activity:

-Helps control the weight

-Improves health conditions and battles diseases

-Improves mood

-Boosts energy

-Promotes better sleep

- Improves sex life
​​5. Set and Review Goals

This is important because if you know what you are striving to achieve, you will be able to direct your attention to it.

Goals work like a lens of a camera.
If you set the lens and focus correctly, you will be able to take a clear picture.
If it is out of focus, your picture will be blurry.

Focus on one year ahead, and set from 3–5 primary goals, for the most important areas of your life (work, health, social relationships, personal growth, travel, etc.)

Make your goals specific, and phrase them in a way as if you’ve already achieved them.

And once you have set your goals, come back to them every day and do a review, to see can something be improved or adapted.

3 days remaining for my online Webinar, don’t miss it out.
​​6. Visualize Your Goals

Once you have your goals in place, a direction in life, you need to visualize your path towards accomplishing them.

By adding details, a clear path, and emotion of how would it feel if you already achieved it, you trick your mind into believing that it is already capable of achieving it.


I want to be quite clear; this is not the Law of Attraction type of a thing.

Where you imagine a Ferrari, and tomorrow it magically appears next to your mansion.

It doesn’t work like that.

Visualization is one side of the coin. Hard work and dedication is another side of the coin.

Keep it going!

2 days remaining for my online Webinar on Time-Management.
​​Remind Yourself Of The Bigger Picture.

We often procrastinate because we’re overly focused on the effort it costs us to take action.

By focusing so much on the short-term ‘pain’ of doing something, resistance towards a task only grows stronger and stronger.

Instead, you need to focus more on the long-term ‘gains’ from taking action.

Remind yourself of the bigger picture — the greater vision you’re working towards. Remind yourself of all the goals and dreams you have, and how accomplishing this one task is another step forward in the right direction

The difference between chronic procrastinators and peak performers is that chronic procrastinators get discouraged by the short-term ‘pain’ of action-taking, while peak performers get motivated by the long-term ‘gains’ of action-taking. It’s just a matter of shifting your perspective.

Whenever you feel resistance, shift your focus from the short-term ‘pains’ to the long-term ‘gains.’ Focus on all the ways your life will improve if you achieve your bigger goals — and remind yourself that today’s actions are an essential step in achieving these goals.
​​​​How to set goals in 5 steps

A goal setting process forces you to think about the journey (in other words, how you’re going to complete your tasks) instead of just the end destination. Take a look at the steps below to get started.

1. Think about the results you want to see

Before you set a goal, take a closer look at what you’re trying to achieve and ask yourself the following questions: 

• Is this goal something you truly want? 
• Is it important enough to pour hours of time and effort into it? 

If you’re not willing to put in the time, it may not be worth pursuing.
If you create a long list of goals to pursue all at the same time, you may have a difficult time achieving any of them.

Instead, use the questions above to determine which goals matter the most to you right now, and then focus on those few.
​​Five Minute Miracle.

This is one of the best techniques for people who struggle with procrastination.

The Five Minute Miracle involves asking yourself; “Hmm, what action can I take in less than five minutes TODAY that moves this forward even the tiniest bit?”

Once you’ve identified a small action, set a timer for five minutes and spend five minutes working on the task. Research shows that once you start something, you’re much more likely to finish it.

This is due to a psychological phenomenon called the Zeigarnik effect, which says that unfinished tasks are more likely to get stuck in your memory. (This is also why our mind gets stuck in a loop thinking about all the things we haven’t yet completed.)

Remember: Small action is still action.

Five minutes can make all the difference.
2024/10/01 14:41:05
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