minal aidzin walfaidzin , mohon maaf lahir dan batin semuanya. maaf jika saya ada salah dengan kalian. thr minta sama jamet atau dion
10000 coins successfully transferred to user 5455418064 on 2024/04/10 at 6:12:44
β 10000 coins successfully transferred to user 5001840518 on 2024/04/10 at 6:13:31
β 10000 coins successfully transferred to user 1954667136 on 2024/04/10 at 6:13:56
β 10000 coins successfully transferred to user 6792392830 on 2024/04/10 at 6:14:25
β 10000 coins successfully transferred to user 5001840518 on 2024/04/10 at 6:13:31
β 10000 coins successfully transferred to user 1954667136 on 2024/04/10 at 6:13:56
β 10000 coins successfully transferred to user 6792392830 on 2024/04/10 at 6:14:25
drop idc, pick random. syarat:
1. berakal
2. manusia
3. g jmt
4. g alay
5. pakai jari untuk ngetik
1. berakal
2. manusia
3. g jmt
4. g alay
5. pakai jari untuk ngetik
Sate kambing
drop idc, pick random. syarat: 1. berakal 2. manusia 3. g jmt 4. g alay 5. pakai jari untuk ngetik
rata rata yang di comsect ga memenuhi syarat
10000 coins successfully transferred to user 5059602968 on 2024/04/14 at 17:58:13
10000 coins successfully transferred to user 1653333632 on 2024/04/14 at 17:58:36
10000 coins successfully transferred to user 5001840518 on 2024/04/14 at 17:58:51
10000 coins successfully transferred to user 2114436347 on 2024/04/14 at 17:59:15
10000 coins successfully transferred to user 1439760293 on 2024/04/14 at 18:7:12
Hello, @Durov. I would like to convey that, there is no action that violates the terms and conditions of Telegram here. I hope Telegram has a wise way, in managing problems, before doing strict action, such as banning/blocking a Telegram channel. Thank you.
For @Telegram, please don't ban this channel. This channel is still active and there is no problem, please don't report. Thank you, @Durov.
For @Telegram, please don't ban this channel. This channel is still active and there is no problem, please don't report. Thank you, @Durov.