Forwarded from pagan bad 8
From the beginning of the Third Reich, Odinists (pagans) were banned. In 1933, Rudolf von Sebottendorff was arrested and exiled. [...] In 1936 Friedrich Marby, a runemaster and follower of Wotan worshipper Guido von List, was arrested and sent to a camp at Flossenberg; he was released from Dachau in 1945. He was not alone. But the full power of the state was not focused on religious minorities until the 9th of June 1941 when the head of the security police, [Reinhardt] Heydrich, banned a large number of spiritual practices. Among the victims were followers of Rudolf Steiner, followers of von List, and traditional Odinists. Their organisations were dissolved, their property confiscated, and many of their leaders arrested.
— An article in a 1995 issue of the Australian Odinist magazine: Renewal™
— An article in a 1995 issue of the Australian Odinist magazine: Renewal™
Forwarded from pagan bad 8
Forwarded from pagan bad 8
"For in its [National Socialism's] innermost essence, it is a turning away from the idolatry of previous millennia, the overcoming of a monetary system already attacked by MOSES AND CHRIST..."
– Adolf Hitler, speaking to Otto Wagener on the aim of the National Socialist economy in 1932. [Memoirs of a Confidant, p. 263] ISBN: 978-0300040395
– Adolf Hitler, speaking to Otto Wagener on the aim of the National Socialist economy in 1932. [Memoirs of a Confidant, p. 263] ISBN: 978-0300040395
Forwarded from pagan bad 8
> "we pagans are gonna get to rape and kill all the christians."
> "You might as well post your wife and daughters address."
> "We'll still kill you but if you make it easy your legacy will live on as a slave class."
This is not how a sane white person thinks or behaves. These people fetishize the mass rape, murder and enslavement of their own racial brethren.
> "You might as well post your wife and daughters address."
> "We'll still kill you but if you make it easy your legacy will live on as a slave class."
This is not how a sane white person thinks or behaves. These people fetishize the mass rape, murder and enslavement of their own racial brethren.