jangan pernah mengatakan "mustahil"
nothing is impossible when Allah said
"kun faya kun"
nothing is impossible when Allah said
"kun faya kun"
i know you are hurting. whatever the reason is, your pain are valid and your feelings are genuine. you're not overreact, too sensitive, weird or abnormal. you are not being too much regardless what is the real reason you're hurting.
stop pretending you are okay and fake a smile. avoiding pain wouldn't lend any help to heal and recover. embrace your feelings. be true to your emotion. you can cry if you want, be alone or reach out for help. acknowledge our pain is a sign of inner strength.
you are a strong person.
that's the real you, who you really are ❤️
stop pretending you are okay and fake a smile. avoiding pain wouldn't lend any help to heal and recover. embrace your feelings. be true to your emotion. you can cry if you want, be alone or reach out for help. acknowledge our pain is a sign of inner strength.
you are a strong person.
that's the real you, who you really are ❤️
terasa ingin meminta tolong, mata berkaca mengalirkan air, tapi tidak berdaya untuk bersuara, hanya senyap terperuk memeluk diri.
kesepian itu terjadi bukan waktu kita lagi sendiri, kesepian itu terjadi meskipun kita ditemani banyak orang tapi tidak ada yang bisa mengerti.
hidup kita biar lah seperti jarum biar ia sakit menusuk tetapi tetap menyatukan jangan seperti gunting bejalan tapi memisahkan
jangan pernah mengorbankan segala sesuatu untuk mendapatkan sesuatu, dan yang pada akhirnya akan mengorbankanmu
قبل أن تخوض حرباً من أجل شيء .. تأكد من أنه يستحق ذلك.
" before you fight a war for something. make sure it's worth it "
" before you fight a war for something. make sure it's worth it "
cry only in front of Allah. not in front of anyone, because only Allah can help you.
no one notice our tears, no one notice our sadness, no one notice our pain, but they all notice our mistake.