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❇️ 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻❇️
Thompson and Wright logged several field seasons of archaeological work in the region before a conversation with Ivory helped them make sense of the patterns they observed in their data. The researchers discovered that the regional archaeological record , its ecological changes , and the development of alluvial fans near Lake Malawi _ an accumulation of sediment eroded from the region ' s highland dated to the same period of origin , suggesting that they were connected.
❇️ 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺❇️ #RA , #Read_Aloud
Thousands of people ----1---- the banks of the Qiantang River in China on Monday to watch the world famous ----2---- bore. Locals and tourists gathered along the banks of the river in the cities of Haining and Hangzhou early in the morning to ----3---- the amazing ----4-----, with some staying until late at night. -----5----- with China’s traditional Mid-Autumn Festival, the “one-line tide”, which is a special form of tidal bore that rolls forward at the same speed to ----6---- a straight line, ----7---- the river.

A) Phenomenon B) Aroused C) Tidal D) Coinciding E) Witness F) journeyed up G) Travelled up H) Form I) Lined
#RFIB _ SK.57
1. Lined 2. Tidal 3. Witness 4. Phenomenon 5. Coinciding 6. Form 7. Travelled up
#RFIB _ SK.57
❇️Analysis of the answers:
1. Lined (v.) : based on English word order after a noun, a verb is used and the tense is past so we need a past tense verb and based on meaning “lined” is correct.
2. Tidal (adj.) : the word after the gap is a noun so we must use an adjective in the gap and based on meaning “tidal” is correct.
3. Witness (v.) : after the main verb, a second verb is used in its infinitive form and based on meaning “witness” is correct.
4. Phenomenon (n.) : the word before the gap is an adjective so we must use a noun in the gap and based on meaning “phenomenon” is correct.
5. Coinciding (n.) : here the noun is omitted and the verb took the role of the noun too and a gerund verb can be used as a noun so based on meaning “coinciding” is correct.
6. Form (v.) : after the main verb, a second verb is used in its infinitive form and based on meaning “form” is correct.
7. Travelled up (phrasal verb) : based on meaning “travelled up” is correct.

تحلیل :
1. براساس چینش کلمات در انگلیسی بعد از اسم, فعل استفاده میشود و چون زمان متن گذشته است پس به یک فعل گذشته نیاز داریم و براساس معنا "lined" صحیح است.
2. کلمه ی بعد از جای خالی اسم است پس در جای خالی باید از صفت استفاده کنیم که براساس معنا "tidal" صحیح است.
3. بعد از فعل اصلی, فعل دوم در حالت infinitive می آید که براساس معنا "witness" صحیح است.
4. کلمه ی قبل از جای خالی صفت است پس در جای خالی باید از اسم استفاده کنیم که براساس معنا "phenomenon" صحیح است.
5. در اینجا اسم حذف شده است و فعل نقش اسم را هم ایفا میکند و فعل در حالت gerund میتواند به اسم تبدیل شود و براساس معنا کلمه "coinciding" صحیح است.
6. بعد از فعل اصلی, فعل دوم در حالت infinitive می آید که براساس معنا "witness" صحیح است.
7. براساس معنا کلمه travelled up صحیح است.

1. Lined (v.) : stand or be positioned at intervals along. خط کشیدن
2. Tidal (adj.) : relating to or affected by tides. جزر و مدی
3. Witness (v.) : see (an event, typically a crime or accident) happen. شاهد بودن
4. Phenomenon (n.) : a remarkable person or thing. پدیده
5. Coinciding (n.) : occur at the same time. همزمان شدن
6. Form (v.) : bring together parts or combine to create (something). شکل دادن
7. Travelled up (phrasal verb) : go or be moved from place to place upwards. به سمت بالا رفتن
#RFIB _ SK.57
My sister–in– law, Darlene, 1) were ran for office in our county. She wants a 2) seat in the County Board of Supervisors. There will be two seats open, and I think she has a good chance of 3) doing elected. The board regulates salaries of county employees, makes some zoning decisions, and 4) have cooperated with other local governments. It 5) was considered a part–time job, but the supervisors were always busy. People call them every time there’s a problem. I didn’t really know why 6) did she wanted the job, so I asked her. “Darlene,” I said, “Why do you want this job? It’s a lot of work!”
“I want 7) making a positive 8) contribution our county,” she replied.

A. is running
B. was running
C. am running
D. are running
E. Correct as is

A. seat at the County
B. seat the County
C. seat upon the County
D. seat on the County
E. Correct as is

A. is elected
B. was elected
C. being elected
D. elected
E. Correct as is

A. cooperated
B. cooperates
C. had cooperated
D. cooperate
E. Correct as is

A. is considered
B. have been considered
C. were considered
D. considered
E. Correct as is

A. does she want the job
B. have she wanted the job
C. she wanted the job
D. has she wanted the job
E. Correct as is

A. made
B. to make
C. has made
D. makes
E. Correct as is

A. contribute in our
B. contribute to our
C. contributing on our
D. contribution in our
E. Both A and C are correct
1. A (is running)
2. D (seat on the County)
3. C (being elected)
4. B (cooperates)
5. A (is considered)
6. C (she wanted the job)
7. B (to make)
8. D (contribution in our)
Forwarded from Samar Fayazi
❇️ Exercise 21 : 🔻🔻🔻

It is considered impolite in some cultures to be eaten / to eat with your left hand.

Forwarded from Samar Fayazi

to eat

❇️ Analysis of the answer : 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻

It + verb in passive form + infinitive / perfect infinitive

There + verb in passive form + infinitive / perfect infinitive

#Exercise. 21.SK.21
Pope Francis says that world governments need to make sure that they make health care ---1--- to everyone in their countries. This request came during his ---2--- World Day of the Sick speech on Friday. The Pope ---3--- the lack of medical care available to people in poverty, and he ---4--- world leaders not to ---5--- the problem.

A) Criticized, B) Contemporary, C) Annual, D) Attainable, E) Accessible, F) Neglect, G) Urged.

#RFIB _ SK.33
1. Accessible, 2. Annual, 3. Criticized, 4. Urged, 5. Neglect.
#RFIB _ SK.33
❇️Analysis of the answers:
1. Accessible (adj.) : the structure of the sentence is to make sth accessible to sb.
2. Annual (adj.) : after the gap a noun is used and before the gap a possessive pronoun and based on this we must use an adjective in the gap and based on meaning “annual” is correct.
3. Criticized (v.) : based on the English word order after the noun we must use a verb and based on meaning “criticized” is correct.
4. Urged (v.) : based on the English word order after the noun we must use a verb and based on meaning “urged” is correct.
5. Neglect (v.) : after the preposition “to” we must use a verb in its infinitive form and based on meaning “neglect” is correct.

تحلیل :
1. ساختار جمله در اینجا to make sth accessible to sb است.
2. قبل از جای خالی ضمیر مالکیت آمده است و بعد از جای خالی هم اسم که بر این اساس در جای خالی باید صفت استفاده کنیم و براساس معنا کلمه Annual صحیح است.
3. براساس چینش کلمات در انگلیسی بعد از اسم فعل استفاده میشود و براساس معنا criticized صحیح است.
4. براساس چینش کلمات در انگلیسی بعد از اسم فعل استفاده میشود و براساس معنا urged صحیح است.
5. بعد از حرف اضافه to فعل به صورت مصدر می آید و براساس معنا کلمه neglect صحیح است.

1. Accessible (adj.) : able to be reached or entered. در دسترس
2. Annual (adj.) : occurring once every year. سالانه
3. Criticized (v.) : indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way. انتقاد کرد
4. Urged (v.) : try earnestly or persistently to persuade (someone) to do something. اصرار کردن
5. Neglect (v.) : fail to care for properly. بی توجهی کردن
#RFIB _ SK.33
1️⃣ Wooden dollhouse, third-grade, well-behaved, brown
2️⃣ Chocolate cake, fifth-largest, delicious, dark
3️⃣ Silk dress, first-born, intelligent, red
4️⃣ American pie, the first, old, round
5️⃣ French loaf, the second, young, square
6️⃣ Italian pizza, the third, ancient, triangular
7️⃣ Japanese lantern, the fourth, new, hexagonal
8️⃣ Plastic ball, a tiny, round
9️⃣ Wooden table, a large, square
🔟 Metal sign, a small, triangular

Third-grade, well-behaved, brown , wooden dollhouse
Fifth-largest, delicious, dark, chocolate cake
First-born, intelligent, red, silk dress
The first, old, round American pie
The second young square French loaf
The third ancient triangular Italian pizza
The fourth new hexagonal Japanese lantern
A tiny, round plastic ball
A large square wooden table
A small triangular metal sign
🎙 توضیحات : تمرین شمارهٔ ۱
📌 تمرین شماره ۲:

Climate change is (1) a pressing global issue with severe consequences for coastal communities around the world. (2) Rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and erosion pose significant threats to these vulnerable regions. The impacts of climate change on coastal communities are far-reaching, affecting everything from livelihoods and infrastructure to public health and safety.
One of the most immediate and devastating effects of climate change on coastal communities is rising sea levels. As the planet warms, (3) glaciers and ice sheets melt, contributing to rising sea levels. This can lead to increased flooding, saltwater intrusion into freshwater supplies, and erosion of coastlines. (4) Coastal populations are particularly vulnerable to these impacts, as their homes, businesses, and infrastructure are often located near the shoreline. (5) Rising sea levels can force people to relocate, disrupt livelihoods, and damage valuable property.
In addition to rising sea levels, (6) coastal communities are also increasingly exposed to extreme weather events such as hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones. (7) These storms can cause widespread destruction, including damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure. The frequency and (8) intensity of these storms are expected to increase as a result of climate change, putting coastal communities at even greater risk. Economic disruption, loss of life, and displacement of populations are just some of the potential consequences of these extreme weather events.
Climate change poses a significant threat to coastal communities, and urgent action is needed to mitigate its effects. Governments, businesses, and individuals must work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect coastlines, and prepare for the impacts of climate change. (9) By taking proactive steps to address this pressing issue, we can help ensure the safety and well-being of coastal communities around the world.

Severe consequences of a pressing global issue
Significant threats posed by rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and erosion
The contribution of melting glaciers and ice sheets
The vulnerability of coastal populations to these impacts
People forced relocation due rising sea level
The increasing exposure of coastal community to extreme weather events
Wide-spread destruction caused by these storms
The expected increase in the intensity of these storms
Ensuring safety by taking proactive steps to address this pressing issue
🎙 توضیحات : تمرین شمارهٔ ۲
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امتحان ماك PTE در سنتر حرفه اي و تخصصي


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براي روزهاي شنبه تا چهارشنبه و همچنين تخفيف ماك پيرسون براي دوستاني كه در سنتر آزمون مي دهند🙌>>>


🛑تجربه مشترك همگي
آزمون دهندگان موفق آزمون PTE🛑

جهت ثبت نام به آيدي
در تلگرام پيام دهيد.🙏

💎ظرفيت موجود
تاريخ ٣١ شهريور تا ١٠ مهر:

🗓 شنبه ٣١ شهريور
صبح ظرفيت در حال تكميل 🟡، عصر ظرفيت در حال تكميل🟡
🗓 يكشنبه ١ مهر
صبح ظرفيت ٤، عصر ظرفيت ٤
🗓 دوشنبه ٢ مهر
صبح ظرفيت در حال تكميل🟡، عصر ظرفيت ٥
🗓 سه شنبه ٣ مهر
صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت ٥
🗓 چهارشنبه ٤ مهر
صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت در حال تكميل🟡
🗓 پنج شنبه ٥ مهر
صبح ظرفيت در حال تكميل 🟡، عصر ظرفيت در حال تكميل🟡
🗓 جمعه ٦ مهر
صبح ظرفيت تكميل 🛑، عصر ظرفيت در حال تكميل🟡
🗓 شنبه ٧ مهر
صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت ٥
🗓 يك شنبه ٨ مهر
صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت در حال تكميل🟡
🗓 دوشنبه ٩ مهر
صبح ظرفيت٥، عصر ظرفيت ٥
🗓 سه شنبه ١٠ مهر
صبح ظرفيت ٦، عصر ظرفيت ٥

ثبت نام براي تاريخ هاي ديرتر هم امكان پذير است.
📋برنامه های تمرین هفته آینده به شرح زیر می باشد👇

⚠️لطفا در طول هفته اين برنامه را از كانال تمرين @PTEEXERCISE چند بار چك كنيد تا در جريان تغييرات احتمالي قرار بگيريد.(البته تمام تلاش ما اين است که برنامه ثابت بماند)

شنبه ۳۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۳          (21/SEP)
پنجشنبه ۵ مهر ۱۴۰۳        (26/SEP)


اشکان سرپوشان ساعت ۲۲تمرین Di(پرسش و پاسخ بعد از تمرین)


هخامنش ورنوس ۱۲:۱۵  تمرین SST(پرسش پاسخ بعد از تمرین)

اشکان سرپوشان ساعت ۲۲تمرین RO(پرسش و پاسخ بعد از تمرین)


فرشاد بابااحمدی،شادی صحتی ساعت ۱۰صبح RWFIB RFIB(پرسش و پاسخ بعد از تمرین)

هخامنش ورنوس ساعت ۱۳ WE(پرسش و پاسخ بعد از تمرین)

سه شنبه🔻

آرمین صداقت نیا ساعت ۱۰ تمرین SWT(پرسش و پاسخ بعد از تمرین)

علی پیردهقان ساعت ۱۴:۳۰ تمرینRA(پرسش و پاسخ بعد از تمرین)

ثمر فیاضی ساعت ۲۱:۳۰ تمرین روانخوانی و پرونانسیشن(پرسش و پاسخ بعد از تمرین)


ثمر فیاض ساعت ۱۲:۴۵ تمرینRFIB(پرسش و پاسخ بعد از تمرین)

فرشاد بابااحمدی،شادی صحتی،پروا قناعتگر ساعت ۲۳تمرین روانخوانی و پرونانسیشن(پرسش و پاسخ بعد از تمرین)

پنج شنبه🔻

آرمین صداقت نیا ساعت ۱۲ تمرین RA (پرسش و پاسخ بعد از تمرین)

علی پیردهقان ۱۵:۱۵ NPH(پرسش پاسخ بعد از تمرین)
2024/09/20 20:32:41
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