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صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت ٥
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صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت ٥
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صبح ظرفيت ٣، عصر ظرفيت ٥
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صبح ظرفيت ٢، عصر ظرفيت ١
🗓شنبه ١٦ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت ٥
🗓يكشنبه ١٧ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٦، عصر ظرفيت ٥
🗓دوشنبه ١٨ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٦، عصر ظرفيت ٦
🗓سه شنبه ١٩ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت ٦
🗓چهارشنبه ٢٠ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٦، عصر ظرفيت ٦

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Forwarded from Armin Sedaghatnia
It might seem a little eccentric, but reviewing your work by reading it aloud can help to identify the woolliest areas. This works best if you perform your reading in a theatrical way, pausing at the commas and ends of sentences. If you run out of breath during a sentence, it is probably too long. You ought to be able to convert your writing into a speech in this way if it sounds too stilted and convoluted, perhaps you could rework these parts until they sound fluid. It is unlikely that your reader will be fooled by the idea that long words make you sound clever. Cluttering a sentence with too many complicated words can prevent its meaning from being understood at all. A short word is always preferable to a long one. Why should anyone choose the word erroneous over the word wrong in an essay? Usually, writers who employ more obscure words are trying to sound impressive but can appear pretentious. Direct words enable you to control what you are saying, and are not necessarily babyish, but the most appropriate ones for the job. When you read your writing aloud, you will notice that the key stress comes at the end of your sentence. It is, therefore, most effective to end with a short and emphatic word to secure your point. Try to resist the impulse to waffle at the end of your sentence by trailing off into qualifying clauses. It might be worth relocating the clause to the beginning of the sentence or losing it altogether if you feel that it adds little to its meaning.

Your sentences might be the most grammatically perfect in the world, but still, cause your writing to sound wrong if you have misjudged its tone. A colloquial style, which uses slang and exclamations, is an inappropriately chatty tone for an essay. However, style can be equally jarring if your vocabulary is too formal or ambitious for its context. It is much more impressive to make complicated points using simple language and grammar

#SWT #Summarize_Written_Text
#SWT تحلیل

Key Points:

💠Reviewing the work by reading it aloud

💠Identifying the woolliest areas

💠Performing reading in a theatrical way

💠Converting writing into a speech

💠Cluttering a sentence with complicated words

💠A preferable short word (preferring short words)

💠Controlling saying by direct words

💠Grammatically perfect sentences

💠Appearing pretentious

💠The key stress/ the end of the sentence

💠Too formal or ambitious vocabularies

💠Using simple language and grammar

#SWT #Summarize_Written_Text
Forwarded from Armin Sedaghatnia

woolliest: not clearly expressed

stilted: too formal

convoluted: complicated

Clutter: cover or fill with an untidy collection of things

erroneous: incorrect

waffle (v): to talk or write using a lot of words but without saying anything interesting or important

colloquial: used in conversation but not in formal speech or writing

jarring: to have an unpleasant or annoying effect

#SWT #Summarize_Written_Text
Pope Francis says that world governments need to make sure that they make health care ---1--- to everyone in their countries. This request came during his ---2--- World Day of the Sick speech on Friday. The Pope ---3--- the lack of medical care available to people in poverty, and he ---4--- world leaders not to ---5--- the problem.

A) Criticized, B) Contemporary, C) Annual, D) Attainable, E) Accessible, F) Neglect, G) Urged.

#RFIB _ S.33
1. Accessible, 2. Annual, 3. Criticized, 4. Urged, 5. Neglect.
#RFIB _ S .33
❇️Analysis of the answers:
1.  Accessible (adj.) : the structure of the sentence is to make sth accessible to sb.
2. Annual (adj.) : after the gap a noun is used and before the gap a possessive pronoun and based on this we must use an adjective in the gap and based on meaning “annual” is correct.
3. Criticized (v.) : based on the English word order after the noun we must use a verb and based on meaning “criticized” is correct.
4. Urged (v.) : based on the English word order after the noun we must use a verb and based on meaning “urged” is correct.
5. Neglect (v.) : after the preposition “to” we must use a verb in its infinitive form and based on meaning “neglect” is correct.

تحلیل :
1. ساختار جمله در اینجا to make sth accessible to sb است.
2. قبل از جای خالی ضمیر مالکیت آمده است و بعد از جای خالی هم اسم که بر این اساس در جای خالی باید صفت استفاده کنیم و براساس معنا کلمه Annual صحیح است.
3. براساس چینش کلمات در انگلیسی بعد از اسم فعل استفاده میشود و براساس معنا criticized صحیح است.
4. براساس چینش کلمات در انگلیسی بعد از اسم فعل استفاده میشود و براساس معنا urged صحیح است.
5. بعد از حرف اضافه to فعل به صورت مصدر می آید و براساس معنا کلمه neglect صحیح است.

1.  Accessible (adj.) : able to be reached or entered. در دسترس
2. Annual (adj.) : occurring once every year. سالانه
3. Criticized (v.) : indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way. انتقاد کرد
4. Urged (v.) : try earnestly or persistently to persuade (someone) to do something. اصرار کردن
5. Neglect (v.) : fail to care for properly. بی توجهی کردن
#RFIB _ S.33
1. A: Tom looks a bit like Brad Pitt, doesn't he?
   B: Yes,he does. He ----------------------------- him.

2. A: And he's very good at making you feel more confident, isn't he?
   B: Yes, he's great at -------------------------------.

3. A: Though of course he does say what he thinks directly to you.
   B: Yes, he sometimes has a rather ------------------------------------- but I like that.

4. A: Me too. In fact, I think that it might be one of huis best characteristics.
   B: Yes, you could say it is one of his -------------------------------------------- , I suppose.

5. A: Well, he has a lot of good points.
   B: Yes, I'd certainly agree that he --------------------------------------.

6. A: He's very energetic, for example.
   B: Yes, I love the way he's always -----------------------------------------. it's very attractive

Strong points      Forthtight manner        Burst with energy      Boost your confidence      Has a lot of admirable qualities     Bear a striking resemblance

1. bears a striking resemblance to
2. Boosting your confidence
3. Forthright manner
4. Strong points
5. Has a lot of admirable qualities
6. Bursting with energy

در سوال اول فاعل he فعل باید s میگرفت .
در سوال دوم باید ing میگرفت چون بعد از حرف اضافه فعل ing میگیره.در سوال ۶
To be + always +verb(ing)👉👉👉annoying habits
Well, Kaz was not an easy person to work with. He had a very ----1---- dislike
of the music industry and the people in it. Politeness wasn't his strong point!
He had a real ----2---- that made him unpopular with managers and agents.
But, you know, behind that ----3---- he had a ----4----. Now some would say
----5----. Would that be too harsh? He always seemed full of ----6----
towards the world in general.

A) Gruff exterior    B) Donwright rude    C) Thinly disguised    D) Bubbly personality     E) Open hostility    F) Stubborn streak   G) Pent-up anger   H) Sharp witt

1) Thinly disguised    2) Stubborn streak    3) Gruff exterior    4) Sharp witt    5) Donwright rude    6) Pent-up anger
The 16 year-old stowaway lost ----1----, as the flight from California to Hawaii reached 38,000 feet, and freezing temperatures ----2---- to minus 80 degrees. About an hour after he landed in Hawaii, he ----3---- consciousness and was spotted by airline crew -----4----- around the airport grounds. An authority said “First and ----5----, you know, our concern is with him and with his family. At this point, we continue to review video -----6-----.”

A) Wandering B) Surveillance C) Sank D) Restitution
E) Consciousness F) Foremost G) Meander H) Regained

#RFIB _ S.100
1. Consciousness 2. Sank 3. Regained 4. Wandering 5. Foremost 6. Surveillance

#RFIB _ S.100
❇️Analysis of the answers:

1. Consciousness (n.): based on English word order after a verb, a noun can be used and based on meaning “consciousness” is correct.
2. Sank (v.): based on English word order after the subject, a verb is be used and based on meaning “sank” is correct.
3. Regained (v.): based on English word order after the subject, a verb is be used and based on meaning “regained” is correct.
4. Wandering (v.): after the main verb in a sentence, the second verb is used in either gerund or to + infinitive and based on meaning “wandering” is correct.
5. Foremost (adj.): “and” has a parallel role so the words before and after it must have the same grammatical role and based on meaning “foremost” is correct.
6. Surveillance (n.): here we have a compound noun and based on meaning “surveillance” is correct.

تحلیل :
1. براساس چینش کلمات در انگلیسی بعد از فعل, اسم نیز میتواند استفاده شود و با توجه به معنا کلمه consciousness صحیح است.
2. براساس چینش کلمات در انگلیسی بعد از اسم, فعل استفاده میشود و با توجه به معنا کلمه sank صحیح است.
3. براساس چینش کلمات در انگلیسی بعد از اسم, فعل استفاده میشود و با توجه به معنا کلمه regained صحیح است.
4. بعد از فعل اصلی متن, فعل دیگری باید در حالت gerund یا to + infinitive استفاده شود و با توجه به معنا کلمه wandering صحیح است.
5. کلمه and نقش موازی دارد پس کلمات قبل و بعد از آن باید نقش دستوری یکسانی داشته باشند و براساس معنا کلمه foremost صحیح است.
6. در این قسمت یک ترکیب اسمی داریم و براساس معنا کلمه surveillance صحیح است.

1. Consciousness (n.): the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings. هوشیاری
2. Sank (v.): gradually decrease or decline in value, amount, quality, or intensity. کاهش پیدا کردن
3. Regained (v.): obtain possession or use of (something, typically a quality or ability) again after losing it. دوباره به دست آوردن
4. Wandering (v.): walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way. سرگردان
5. Foremost (adj.): most prominent in rank, importance, or position. در درجه نخست
6. Surveillance (n.): close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal. نظارت
#RFIB _ S.100
2024/06/27 02:05:22
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