F-16 официально используются в боевых действиях на Украине. Перелома в ситуации не будет, но свою задачу они будут выполнять, что добавит проблем российской армии. F-16 официально используются в боевых действиях на Украине. Перелома в ситуации не будет, но свою задачу они будут выполнять, что добавит проблем российской армии.
SUCK Channel Telegram Among the requests, the Brazilian electoral Court wanted to know if they could obtain data on the origins of malicious content posted on the platform. According to the TSE, this would enable the authorities to track false content and identify the user responsible for publishing it in the first place. In the “Bear Market Screaming Therapy Group” on Telegram, members are only allowed to post voice notes of themselves screaming. Anything else will result in an instant ban from the group, which currently has about 75 members. Commenting about the court's concerns about the spread of false information related to the elections, Minister Fachin noted Brazil is "facing circumstances that could put Brazil's democracy at risk." During the meeting, the information technology secretary at the TSE, Julio Valente, put forward a list of requests the court believes will disinformation. Members can post their voice notes of themselves screaming. Interestingly, the group doesn’t allow to post anything else which might lead to an instant ban. As of now, there are more than 330 members in the group.
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